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University Of Guam - Excelsior

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University of Guam

Learn about UOG and its mission and find out what our President has to say. Includes links to Academic and College Information, Learning and Information Resources, Foundation and Alumni Affairs, Research Topics, News, Events, Activities, Student Life and Services, Headlines, and Admissions and Registration Information.

National Disability Organizations


Information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment, database of products used to assist in activities of daily living, links and resources for one-stop shopping for assistive technology needs.


Comprehensive database of assistive technology products, electronic links to a wide variety of private and public disability services and resources, usable search functions that do not require extensive search or product knowledge, online vendor interface that enables vendors to maintain current product information

Association of University Centers for Excellence on Disabilities

A network of interdisciplinary Centers advancing policy and practice for and with individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities.  Includes a directory of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education Research and Service, information on legal affairs, projects and other resources.

Boys Town National Research Hospital

This site deals with parents' questions about…
  • Infant hearing screening and follow up testing
  • Steps to take after diagnosis of hearing loss
  • Hearing loss & hearing aids, language & speech
  • Parenting issues

The Center for an Accessible Society

Immediate posting of significant disability newsworthy items, arranged by topic area, written in journalistic style, links to in-depth background material, links to original source material when accessible format is available, links to experts by topic areas, weekly e-letter available.

Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange (CIRRIE)

CIRRIE Database-locate international research in all areas of rehabilitation; CIRRIE Monograph Series-gain cultural perspectives through "The Rehabilitation Providers Guide to Cultures of the Foreign-Born"; Rehabilitation Conferences Directory-identify upcoming international conferences on disability/rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Centers-locate organizations outside the US that conduct research in rehabilitation; RehabTalk-select from a comprehensive collection of electronic discussion lists to converse with colleagues, Information about CIRRIE Travel Grants.

Developmental Disabilities Leadership Forum

Offers courses, discussion groups, articles and conferences/events to anyone interested in developmental disability.

Job Accommodations Network

A free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities. Includes resources for private employers, federal entities, individuals with disabilities, educational settings, small businesses and self employment service, employment links, and answers frequently asked questions.

National Association of the Deaf

NAD is a dynamic federation of 51 state association affiliates including the District of Columbia, organizational affiliates, and direct members. Their  extensive website includes an open house to find people and activities that make up NAD, and an information center on deaf people, sign language, legal rights, etc.

The National Center on Accessible Information Technology in Education

Information about AccessIT; Knowledge base, promising practices, and resources; Contact Information.

National Center of Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM)

The goal of the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM - pronounced "en-cham") at Utah State University is to ensure that all infants and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational, and medical intervention.

The National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)

Highlights of the research and research outcomes of the 350 plus grantees funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR); NCDDR Registry of Online Resources; NCDDR Registro de Recursos en Espanol; NCDDR Publications List; Share Your Opinion through the online NCDDR Focus Group; NCDDR hosts a free-of-charge e-mail Alert System.

National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

Supports the implementation of the early childhood provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  Find out more about NECTAC's mission, projects, publications, and upcoming events.

National Child Care and Information Center

The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information.

The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

NICHCY is the national information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals.  NICHCY provides information and makes referrals in areas related to: specific disabilities; early intervention; special education and related services; individualized education programs; family issues; disability organizations; professional associations; education rights; transition to adult life; and more. NICHCY's services include: personal responses to specific questions; publications; referrals to other organizations and sources of help; and information searches of databases and library.

National Institute on Child Health & Human Development

Part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the federal governments major medical research agency.  NICHD supports and conducts research on topics related to the health of children, adults, families, and populations.  Includes links to Health and Media Information, Intramural Research, Epidemiology, Statistics and Prevention, Employment and Fellowships and Research Resources.

National Rehabilitation Information Center

Information about all projects funded by NIDRR over the past 10 years in an accessible format; Listing of products by NIDRR projects, sorted by specific priority or project type; 24-hour access to more than 60,000 database records available in 47 topic areas.

National Resource Center for Parents with Disabilities

Nationally recognized center that has pioneered research, training, and services for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue.  Includes information on parent-to-parent networking, children with disabilities, publications, and bulletin boards.

National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center

A comprehensive collection of hundreds of resources and links to information in spinal cord injury is available through the companion rehabilitation research and training center at http://www.spinalcord.uab.edu; Provides online access (test or PDF formats) to all newsletters, information sheets, and projects of Model SCI Centers; Includes information on medical and psychosocial information about spinal cord injury; Provides latest statistics from Model SCI Centers; Links to education and training resources on spinal cord injury.

Model Spinal Cord Injury Systems Dissemination Center

Educational materials and products available from the Model Spinal Cord Injury System Centers; Publications of the Model Spinal Cord Injury System Centers; Presentation made by faculty and staff of the Model Spinal Cord Injury System Centers.

Research Information for Independent Living

Includes information on Independent Living research, hot new products, links to other key Independent Living sites, news and discussion groups and a glossary of common Independent Living terms.

University of Wisconsin - Madison Waisman Center

The Waisman Center is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about human development and developmental disabilities throughout the lifespan. The center is one of 9 national centers that encompasses a Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Center and a Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.  Links include Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research, Early Childhood Programs, Community Inclusion Programs, Clinical Services and Waisman Projects.

Western Regional Resource Center

Serves the Special Education Agencies and Part C Lead Agencies in region 6: Alaska, American Samoa, California, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, and Washington. This region has the most geographic, linguistic, cultural and population diversity of any of the 6 regions included in the system.  Website includes information modules and publication as well as contact information.

Federal Programs & Agencies

Administration on Children & Families

a federal agency funding state, local, and tribal organizations to provide family assistance (welfare), child support, child care, Head Start, child welfare, and other programs relating to children and families.  Includes information about ACF's mission, performance planning, financial statements, programs, contacts, grants and contracts, research and publications, budget and policy, conferences, meetings and events, and job opportunities.

Centers for Disease Control, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

Provides national leadership for preventing birth defects and developmental disabilities and improving the health and wellness of people with disabilities. Includes links to information on hot topics such as Anthrax, tips for a healthy pregnancy, specific birth defects, living with a disability, as well as information for health professionals.

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

A bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. Learn more about MCHB's vision, mission, and organization including funding opportunities, resources and publications.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

An Agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Get help for mental health and substance abuse problems, learn about SAMHSA's campaigns and programs, and access links to information on addiction treatment, prevention, statistics and data, workplace resources and lots more.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights

The mission of the Office of Civil Rights is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights.  A primary responsibility is resolving complaints of discrimination.  Agency-initiated cases typically called compliance reviews, permit OCR to target resources on compliance problems that appear particularly acute.  OCR also provides technical assistance to help institutions achieve voluntary compliance with the civil rights laws that OCR enforces.  OCR provides support to other Department of Education programs.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is a component of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), which is one of the principal components of the U.S. Department of Education.  In addition to OSEP, OSERS includes the Rehabilitative Services Administration (RSA) and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDDR).  OSEP mission and organization focus on the free appropriate public education of children and youth with disabilities from birth through age 21.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD)

The major goal of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities programs is a partnership with state governments, local communities, and the private sector to assist people with developmental disabilities to achieve maximum potential through increased independence, productivity, and community integration.  They address all elements of the life cycle:  prevention; diagnosis; early intervention; therapy; education; training; employment; and community living and leisure opportunities.  The Developmental Disabilities programs comprise three State-based programs that collaborate from different mandated activity areas (Developmental Disabilities Grant Programs including State Developmental Disabilities Councils, Protection and Advocacy Programs, and University Affiliated Programs). A fourth program addresses issues that are of concern to residents across the nation (Projects of National

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