Brown Statement on Ohio Unemployment Figures

Ohio Joblessness Rate of 7.4 Percent is State's Highest in Sixteen Years

September 19, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown issued the following statement on Ohio unemployment figures for August 2008. Ohio’s joblessness rate of 7.4 percent is the highest it has been since 1992.

We need to put Ohio middle class families ahead of special interests. Under President Bush’s economic leadership, Ohio middle class families have faced lay-offs, skyrocketing gas and food prices, and record home foreclosure rates. Our state now has the highest joblessness rate in sixteen years. By October, more than 24,000 Ohioans will exhaust their unemployment insurance. We need to extend unemployment insurance next week and throw a lifeline to the thousands of families who need it.



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