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IHS Division of Oral Health
Public Health Dentistry — Career News & Information, IHS Impressions, IHS Division of Oral Health, Opportunity Adventure Purpose
Quarterly Newsletter Vol. 4, Issue 4
Dental Tool
IHS Dental Job Fair Goes On-line Dental Tool

Dental Careers with Opportunity, Adventure and Purpose is the topic of the next Indian Health Service (IHS) Dental WebForum, the second in a series of presentations using the latest in Web conferencing technology to spread the word about the opportunities and adventure of an IHS dental career. The IHS Dental WebForum will provide an overview of IHS career paths for dentists and dental hygienists, including requirements, benefits and how to prepare a job application.

Tim Lozon, DDS, Director of the IHS Division of Oral Health (DOH), makes frequent trips to campuses around the nation to talk with dental students about IHS careers and how they can contribute to public health dentistry. But for those who miss the opportunity to meet with Dr. Lozon in person at a Lunch & Learn or Dental Career Fair, the WebForum provides another means of obtaining the information they seek.

“I can make the same presentation in the WebForum that I do in person, and participants can ask questions and receive answers in real time,” says Dr. Lozon. “It’s convenient, interactive, uses technology everyone’s familiar with, and the presentations are highly planned and produced.”

The first IHS Dental WebForum, held on November 28th, covered dental externships with IHS. Participants learned about opportunities available at IHS and Tribal externship sites. Future topics are scheduled for January and others are in the planning stage, but students can be assured that the WebForums will always be rich with content.

“It’s the place to be involved,” Dr. Lozon says. “For anything new going on at IHS DOH, this is the avenue through which we’ll convey it to people. Whether it’s changes in the salaries or new information on the Loan Repayment Program, the WebForum is a convenient way to get the information to students all over the country.”

It’s easy to participate in a IHS Dental WebForum – all you need is a computer, a phone (speaker phone and a projector if you're having a group over for popcorn!) and a high speed connection to the Internet.

To register for the next IHSDental WebForum, to be held on January 30th at 5:00 PM (ET) and February 1, 2007 at 12:30 PM (PT) send an email with your name, school class year, and the date and time of the WebForum you’re interested in to:

You’ll receive a return email with a link and instructions on how to participate. On the day of the Forum, simply click on the link to the site you received via e-mail, call the phone number, and you’re in with visuals and voice. Read the full article »


IHS Snap Facts

487 IHS Dentists

150 IHS Registered Hygienists

230 IHS Dental clinics

114 Job Openings for dentists

10 Job Openings for registered hygienists

144 Dentists and hygienists receiving Loan Repayment in 2006

January, 2007 Loan Repayment Award cycle begins

Loan Repayment Information at

Screenshot of Dental Webforum   

IHS Connects with You

IHS Dental WebForum
Dental Careers with Opportunity, Adventure
and Purpose

Are you a dentist or hygienist that wants a career with Opportunity, Adventure and Purpose? Get more information and ask questions during this live, 60 minute webcast discussion.

January 30, 2007 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Eastern)
February 1, 20067 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (Pacific)

Seats are limited – To register, email your name, school, year (D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, RDH or Dentist) and WebForum Tues or Thurs to:

Instant News

Dental Recruitment List Serv

Keep in touch with IHS dental happenings on the New Dental Recruitment List Serv. To join the Dental Recruitment List Serv, go to and follow the instructions on the website.

Recruiting Corner — At Your Place

1/12/07 University of Illinois-Chicago – Lunch & Learn
1/17/07 Case Western Reserve University – Lunch & Learn
2/8/07 University of Louisville – ASDA Exhibitor's Fair
2/21/07 Indiana University – Lunch & Learn
3/6/07 Arizona School of Dentistry – ASDA Vendor Fair
4/10/07 University of Iowa – Lunch & Learn

More information at:

Interested in a Lunch & Learn at your school? Contact Timothy Lozon, DDS

IHS Division of Oral Health On-line

Timothy L. Lozon, DDS
Toll Free : 800-IHS-DENT (447-3368)
Direct: 301-443-0029
IHS Division of Oral Health PHS - Indian Health Services - 1955 Department of Health & Human Services

This file last modified: Tuesday May 13, 2008  11:11 AM