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IHS Division of Oral Health
IHS Division of Oral Health Newletter Volume 2 Issue 1

IHS Dental - Coming Your Way

Tribal Hire or Federal Employment? Commissioned Corps or Civil Service? Externship or JRCOSTEP? Loan Repayment Eligibility? Supplemental Loan Repayment Opportunities?

A career with IHS - Division of Oral Health offers multiple choices and opportunities. While you can find a great deal of valuable information at the IHS Dental website, a face-to-face discussion offers the chance to ask questions and learn first-hand from an IHS recruiter. Take advantage of the great opportunities available for you coming up this year.

IHS at ASDA - September 2, 2004

Dr. Tim Lozon, Deputy Director of Human Resources for the IHS - Division of Oral Health, will be at this year's ASDA conference in New Orleans on Thursday, September 2 from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

This is your chance to spend some time with Dr. Lozon and become more familiar with the career opportunities and benefits available at IHS. These include the national Student Loan Repayment Program (LRP) that can repay all or a portion of your student loans, as well as the Supplemental Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) that guarantees two years of loan repayment. Stop by the USPHS exhibit - booth #5 and if you mention receiving this IHS Newsletter, you'll receive a special gift.

Mark Your Calendar!

IHS - Division of Oral Health will be at ADA04 in Orlando from October 1-3, 2004. Be sure to make booth #2193 one of your stops at the Orange County Convention Center.

2005 Externships

The Summer Externship program with IHS - Division of Oral Health is another great way to explore potential career choices and to gain real-world, clinical experience. If an externship is a consideration for you next year, be sure to start the process soon - over 120 dental students applied for the 80 placements available in 2004!

If you are in your third year of study, you'll want to apply this fall to participate in the 2005 externships offered during the summer between your 3rd and 4th year of study. IHS also has funds available to assist with travel costs for externships. For more information about the program and how to apply, visit:

Lunch & Learn

During the 2003 - 2004 school year, IHS Division of Oral Health visited 48 dental schools throughout the U.S., providing over 2,500 students with the opportunity to get more in-depth information about a career with IHS. Don't miss the chance to ask questions on a range of IHS topics including externship deadlines, IHS job application, and the Loan Repayment Program.

To book a visit, or to find out when a recruiter from IHS will be visiting your school or will be in your area of the country, visit the Recruiting Events page. The list is updated frequently, so be sure to check it often.

It's not too late to schedule a Lunch & Learn or to have an IHS recruiter speak at an event at your school. Contact Timothy L. Lozon, DDS by email or call 1-800-447-3368.

Ideal Career - Adventure Included!

Explore and learn about the Opportunity Adventure & Purpose you'll find at IHS!

Point of Contact: Timothy L. Lozon, DDS
1-800-IHS-DENT (447-3368) or 301-443-0029 (direct)
IHS Dental Vacancies

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This file last modified: Tuesday November 23, 2004  3:25 PM