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The Family Support Act was signed into law March 29, 1993. It made the Division of Developmental Disabilities responsible for creating a system of family support that is flexible, strengthens and supports families at home, and empowers families to meet their loved one's needs.

The Family Support Act supports the underlying premise that families are the best judges of what they need. Family Support* means serving the person with a disability AND the entire family. It means     not leaving anyone out of the picture.

The Family Support Program includes:

  • cash subsidies
  • communication and interpreter services
  • counseling and crisis intervention
  • day care
  • equipment and supplies
  • home and vehicle modifications
  • homemaker assistance
  • medical and dental care
  • personal assistance services
  • respite care
  • self-advocacy training
  • therapeutic or nursing services
  • vouchers for services

Family Support allows the families to:

  • choose, control and monitor their own services
  • exchange vouchers for services they choose
  • receive cash subsidies to purchase services
  • decide what services they need.

The Family Support law also created Regional Family Support Planning Councils. The Councils make recommendations to a Family Support Coordinator, under the direction of the New Jersey Developmental Disabilities Council.

* assistance is provided as resources permit.

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