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Related Web Sites

  • Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
    Contains information on currently available BAC and PAC genomic DNA libraries; high density colony hybridization filters, BAC/PAC cloning vectors, laboratory staff, and pertinent recent publications

  • University of Washington, Department of Genome Science
    This site contains software and/or documentation for RepeatMasker, phrap, phred, and other programs.

  • Utah Center for Human Genome Research
    Projects at the center encompass large-scale sequencing, capillary, genotyping, and ELSI.

  • The Institute for Genomic Research
    The Institute of Genomic Research is a not-for-profit research institute with interests in structural, functional, and comparative analysis of genomes and gene products.

  • Caltech Genome Research Laboratory
    Dedicated to the construction of human and mouse BAC library resources, physical mapping of human chromosome 22, building framework BAC-EST map over the entire human genome, sequencing of human chromosome 16p arm, and sequencing the 1.8 megabase genome of the archaeum Pyrobaculum aerophilum.

  • Chromosome 5 Physical Mapping
    Contains the report presented at the BAC workshop (December 1995) by Jan-Fang Cheng, Ph.D

  • Genome Database 6.3 Web Server
    (GDB) stores and curates genomic mapping data submitted by researchers worldwide and provides this information electronically to the scientific community.

  • Trans-NIH BAC Sequencing Program
    Program to sequence DNA of high biomedical importance from the genomes of model organisms
  • Human Artificial Episomal Chromosome (HAECS) Outlines the strategies to bridge contig gaps occurring at human genomic regions which cannot be cloned and/or maintained faithfully in bacteria using the large cloning systems.
  • Molecular Genetics Labs
    This site located at Cedars-Sinai Research Institute contains their integrated YAC/BAC/PAC resource for the human genome, chromosome 21 phenotypic mapping project, and gene mapping efforts.

Other Web Sites of Interest:

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