Research Abstracts from the
DOE Genome Contractor-Grantee Workshop IX

January 27-31, 2002 Oakland, CA


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Functional Analysis and Resources Abstract Index

47. Comparative and Functional Genomics Technologies

Robi Mitra, Vasudeo Badarinarayana, John Aach, Wayne P. Rindone, and George C. Church

48. On Telomeres, Linkage Disequilibrium, and Human Personality

R. K. Moyzis, D. L. Grady, Y.-C. Ding, E. Wang, S. Schuck, P. Flodman, M. A. Spence, and J. M. Swanson

49. Strategies for Construction of Subtracted Libraries Enriched for Full-Length cDNAs and for Preferential Cloning of Rare mRNAs

Brian Berger, Sergey Malchenko, Irina Koroleva, Einat Snir, Tammy Kucaba, Maria de Fatima Bonaldo, and Marcelo Bento Soares

50. The IMAGE Consortium: Moving Toward a Complete Set of Full-Length Mammalian Genes

P. Folta, N. Ghaus, N. Groves, T. Harsch, A. Johnston, P. Kale, C. Sanders, K. Schreiber, and C. Prange

51. Functional Genomics Research in AIST-JBIRC

Naoki Goshima, Tohru Natsume, Kousaku Okubo, and Nobuo Nomura

52. The Drosophila Gene Collection

Mark Stapleton, Peter Brokstein, Guochun Liao, Ling Hong, Mark Champe, Brent Kronmiller, Joanne Pacleb, Ken Wan, Charles Yu, Joe Carlson, Reed George, Susan Celniker, and Gerald M. Rubin

53. Identification of the Complete Regulon of a Master Transcriptional Regulator

Michael Laub, Swaine Chen, Lucy Shapiro, and Harley McAdams

54. Deciphering the Gene Regulatory Network of a Simple Chordate

Byung-in Lee, David Keys, Andrae R. Arellano, Chris J. Detter, Paul Richardson, Michael Levine Mei Wang, Orsalem J. Kahsai, David K. Engle, Irma Rapier, Sylvia Ahn and Trevor Hawkins

55. Functional Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks Underlying Skin Biology and Environmental Susceptibility

Brynn H. Jones, Jay R. Snoddy, Cymbeline T. Culiat, Mitchel J. Doktycz, Peter R. Hoyt, Denise D. Schmoyer, Erich J. Baker, Douglas P. Hyatt, Line C. Pouchard, Michael R. Leuze, Eugene M. Rinchik, and Edward J. Michaud

56. Genomic Identification and Analysis of Shared cis-Regulatory Elements in a Developmentally Critical Homeobox Cluster

Tsutomu Miyake, Mark Dickson, Jane Grimwood, Steve Irvine, Andrew Brady Stuart, Jeremy Schmutz, Kenta Sumiyama, Richard M. Myers, Frank H. Ruddle, and Chris T. Amemiya

57. A Sequence-Ready Comparative Map of Chicken Genomic Segments Syntenically Homologous to Human Chromosome 19

Laurie Gordon, Joomyeong Kim, Hummy Badri, Mari Christensen, Matthew Groza, Mary Tran, and Lisa Stubbs

58. Characterization of a New Imprinted Domain Located in Human Chromosome 19q13.4/ Proximal Mouse Chromosome 7

Joomyeong Kim, Anne Bergmann, Edward Wehri, Xiaochen Lu, and Lisa Stubbs

59. A New Apolipoprotein Influencing Plasma Triglyceride Levels in Humans and Mice   Revealed by Comparative Sequence Analysis

Len A. Pennacchio, Michael Olivier, Jaroslav A. Hubacek, Jonathan C. Cohen, Ronald M. Krauss, and Edward M. Rubin

60. Nell1: A Candidate Gene for ENU-Induced Recessive Lethal Mutations at the l7R6 Locus and Potential Mouse Models for Human Neonatal Unilateral Coronal Synostosis (UCS)

Cymbeline T. Culiat, Jennifer Millsaps, Jaya Desai, Beverly Stanford, Lori Hughes, Marilyn Kerley, Don Carpenter, and Eugene M. Rinchik

61. Functional Annotation of Human Genes with Phenotype-Driven and Gene-Driven Mutagenesis Strategies in Mice

Edward J. Michaud, Carmen M. Foster, Rosalynn J. Miltenberger, Miriam L. Land, Dabney K. Johnson, and Eugene M. Rinchik

62. Resource Archiving and Distribution via the Mutant Mouse Database and the Cryopreservation Program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

D. K. Johnson, E. M. Rinchik, P. R. Hunsicker, S. G. Shinpock, K. J. Houser, D. J. Carpenter, G. D. Shaw, W. Pachan, E. J. Michaud, B. L. Alspaugh, and L. B. Russell

63. Mutation Scanning and Candidate-Gene Verification in the ORNL Regional ENU-Mutagenesis Program

Cymbeline Culiat, Qingbo Li, Mitchell Klebig, Dabney Johnson, Zhaowei Liu,  Heidi  Monroe, Beverly Stanford, Tse-Yuan Lu, Lori Hughes, Marilyn Kerley, Don  Carpenter, Lisa Webb, and Eugene M. Rinchik

64. Genome-Wide, Gene-Driven Chemical Mutagenesis for Functional Genomics: The ORNL Cryopreserved Mutant Mouse Bank

E. J. Michaud, J. R. Snoddy, E. J. Baker, Y. Aydin-Son, D. J. Carpenter, L. L. Easter, C. M. Foster, A. W. Gardner, K. S. Hamby, K. J. Houser, K. T. Kain, T.-Y. S. Lu, R. E. Olszewski, I. Pinn, G. D. Shaw, S. G. Shinpock, A. M. Wymore, D. K. Johnson, C. T. Culiat, E. M. Rinchik

65. Filtering Out Functional Open Reading Frame Fragments from DNA

P. Zacchi, D. Sblattero, R. Marzari, and A. Bradbury

66. Towards High Throughput Antibody Selection

Jianlong Lou, Roberto Marzari, Peter Pavlik, Milan Ovecka, Nileena Velappan, Leslie Chasteen, Vittorio Verzillo, Federica Ferrero, Daniel Pak, Morgan Sheng, Chonglin Yang, Daniele Sblattero, and Andrew Bradbury

67. A Pilot Project for Identifying and Characterizing Protein Complexes

Edward C. Uberbacher, Frank Larimer, Bob Hettich, Greg Hurst, Michelle Buchanan, Dong Xu, and Ying Xu

68. High-Throughput Protein Expression and Purification for Proteomics Research

Sharon Doyle, Jennifer Primus, Michael Murphy, Paul Richardson, and Trevor Hawkins

69. Visualization and Analysis of Protein DNA Complexes

William McLaughlin, Xiang-jun Lu, Susan Jones, Janet Thornton, and Helen M. Berman

70. Structure/Function Analysis of Protein/Protein Interactions and Role of Dynamic Motions in Mercuric Ion Reductase

Susan M. Miller, Aiping Dong, Emil Pai, Matthew J. Falkowski, Richard Ledwidge, Anne O. Summers, and Jane Zelikova

71. Investigating Protein Complexes by Crosslinking and Mass Spectrometry

Gregory B. Hurst, Robert L. Hettich, James L. Stephenson, Phillip F. Britt, Matthew Sega, Jana Lewis, Patricia K. Lankford, Michelle V. Buchanan, Edward C. Uberbacher, Ying Xu, Dong Xu, Jane Razumovskaya, and Victor N. Olman

72. High-Density Protein Microarrays

Judith Maples, Joseph Spangler, Yanhong Wang, and Rajan Kumar

73. Advantages of Multi Photon Detectors in Protein Quantitation

A.K. Drukier

205. Developing Genome Scale Models of Metabolism

Christophe Schilling, Bernhard Palsson

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.