Instrumentation Abstract Index

DOE Human Genome Program
Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII
February 27-March 2, 2000  Santa Fe, NM

Author Index
Table of Contents
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Function and cDNA Resources
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Microbial Genome Program
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Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
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Ordering Information

Abstracts from
Past Meetings

20. New Technologies for Genome Sequencing and Expression Analysis

Wayne P. Rindone, John Aach, Martha Bulyk, George M. Church, Jason Hughes, Abby Mcguire, Pam Ralston, Martin Steffen, and Saeed Tavazoie

21. High-Performance DNA Sequencing and Analysis

Richard A. Mathies

22. Radial Capillary Array Electrophoresis Microplate and Scanner for High-Performance DNA Sequencing and Analysis

Yining Shi, Brian M. Paegel, James R. Scherer, Peter C. Simpson, David Wexler, Christine Skibola, Martyn T. Smith, and Richard A. Mathies

23. Turn Geometries for Minimizing Band Broadening in Microfabricated Capillary Electrophoresis Channels

Brian M. Paegel, Lester D. Hutt, Peter C. Simpson, and Richard A. Mathies

24. Integrated Microfluidic DNA Amplification and Analysis Systems

Eric T. Lagally, Daojing Wang, Charles Emrich, and Richard A. Mathies

25. High-Speed High-Throughput Mutation Detection

Qiufeng Gao, Ho-Ming Pang, and Edward S. Yeung

26. Micro-Fabricated Devices for Concentrating DNA by Induced-Dipole Trapping

Charles Asbury and Ger Van Den Engh

27. Fully Automated Multiplexed Capillary Systems for DNA Sample Analysis

Qingbo Li, Thomas E. Kane, Changsheng Liu, Harry Zhao, Gary W. Loge, John Kernan, Songsan Zhou, Kevin Levan, Heidi Monroe, and David Fisk

28. Development and Evaluation of a PCR-Based Sequencing Routine for Use on the ABI 3700 Capillary Machine

Lynne Goodwin, Owatha Tatum, Olga Chertkov, Judith Cohn, and P. Scott White

29. Rapid and Accurate Detection of Human Functional SNPs Using a Base Stacking Microelectronic DNA Chip

Glen Evans, David Canter, Purita Ramos, Ray Radtkey, Ron Sosnowski, Gene Tu, James O'Connell, and Michael Nerenberg

30. DNA Sequencing by Single Molecule Detection

Peter M. Goodwin, Hong Cai, James H. Werner, James H. Jett, and Richard A. Keller

31. New Optical Methods for Sequencing Individual Molecules of DNA

Jonas Korlach, Michael Levene, Stephen W. Turner, Mathieu Foquet, Harold G. Craighead, and Watt W. Webb

32. High Throughput Multiplexed mtDNA SNP Scoring Using Microsphere-Based Flow Cytometry

P. Scott White, Alina Deshpande, Lance Green, Yolanda Valdez, David C. Torney, and John P. Nolan

33. Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Genetic Variations

Lloyd M. Smith

34. Affinity Capture and Mass Spectrometry of Targeted Proteins in Mice

Stephen J. Kennel, Gregory B. Hurst, Linda J. Foote, and Michelle V. Buchanan

35. Rapid Quantitative Measurements of Proteomes

Richard D. Smith, Ljiljana Pasa Tolic, Mary S. Lipton, Pamela K. Jensen, Gordon A. Anderson, and Timothy D. Veenstra

36. DNA Characterization by Electrospray Ionization-FTICR Mass Spectrometry

David S. Wunschel, Bingbing Feng, Ljiljana Pasa Tolic, Mary S. Lipton, and Richard D. Smith

37. DNA Sequencing via Electrospray and Ion/Ion Chemistry in an Electrodynamic Ion Trap

Scott A. McLuckey, James L. Stephenson, Jr., and Gregory B. Hurst

38. DNA and Protein Analyses on Microfabricated Devices

R. S. Foote, Y. Khandurina, I. M. Lazar, Y. Liu, T. McKnight, L. C. Waters, S. C. Jacobson, R. S. Ramsey, and J. M. Ramsey

39. Stable Isotope Assisted Mass Spectrometry Allows Accurate Determination of Nucleotide Compositions of PCR Products

Xian Chen, Zhengdong Fei, Lloyd M. Smith, E. Morton Bradbury, and Vahid Majidi

40. Hybridization Detection

Tom J. Whitaker and Kenneth F. Willey

41. Automation Using Packard Multiprobe Robots for Finishing

Christine Munk, Judy Buckingham, Marie Krawczyk, Elizabeth Saunders, David Bruce, and Mark Mundt

42. Automated, Low Cost Isolation of Blood or Bacterial Genomic DNA

Brian Bauman, Tuyen Nguyen, Zuxu Yao, Tony Zucca, Dan Langhoff, and William MacConnell

43. The Use of Electrode Arrays for the Synthesis of Biomolecular Affinity Probes

Francis Rossi, Christopher Ashfield, Karl Maurer, and Donald Montgomery

44. Development of a High Throughput Peptide Nucleic Acid Synthesizer

J. Shawn Roach, Simon Rayner, Lynn Mayfield, David R. Corey, and Harold "Skip" Garner

45. MicroArray of Gel Immobilized Compounds on Chip

V. Vasiliskov, A. Stomakhin, B. Strizhkov, S. Tillib, V. Mikhailovich, A. Sobolev, A. Kuhktin, and A. Mirzabekov

147. Molecular Gates for Improved DNA Cleanup and Handling in Microfabricated Devices

Paul W. Bohn, T.C. Kuo, Wenju Feng, Lisa Sloan, and Jonathan V. Sweedler

150. A modular integrated system for high throughput DNA sequencing

Voula Kodoyianni, Ying Ge, Geoffrey K. Krummel, Jessica M. Severin, Michael S. Westphall, Michael T. Borchardt, Laura Grable, Anne S. Olsen2 and Lloyd M. Smith

153. Implementation and Evaluation of Large Scale, Low Cost Sequencing Technologies at Stanford

Michael J. Proctor

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.