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DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop IV

Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 13-17, 1994

Introduction to the Workshop
URLs Provided by Attendees

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues

The electronic form of this document may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop IV, 1994.

Abstracts scanned from text submitted for November 1994 DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop. Inaccuracies have not been corrected.

Development of a World Wide Web (WWW) HyperText Markup Language (html+)Interface to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Human Genome Center

Annette Swartz (, Linda Ashworth, and Tom Slezak
Human Genome Center, L-452, Biology and Biotechnology Research Program, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Livermore, California 94550.

The World Wide Web (WWW), a network of files connected by hypertext hotlinks, is rapidly becoming the preferred method of navigating the Internet and accessing information stored on remote computers. WWW traffic increased 2500% from June of 1993 to June of 1994. Thus, access to LLNL Human Genome Center data and research via the WWW would facilitate a more rapid dissemination of chromosome 19 mapping information and resources into the scientific community and also to the general public.

The LLNL Human Genome Center is connected to the WWW through a NCSA httpd1.3 server running on a UNIX machine. The Center's web pages provide both an overview of the research activity being done at the LLNL Human Genome Center and a detail view of specific genomics projects. The current version of the metric physical map of chromosome 19 is available through html+ form-based queries and cgi server scripts. This map consists of a set of ordered clones, many of which have FISH distance estimates between them, to which over 300 attributes have been assigned via hybridization, STS mapping and PCR screening. Also online is an ideogram image depicting the band localizations of all chromosome 19 genes in the LLNL database. Genes present on the ideogram are hypertext hotlinked to their Genome Data Base (GDB) entry. GDB gene entries with GenBank and/or MIM numbers are hypertext hotlinked to their corresponding GenBank and/or OMIM entries. Thus the LLNL html+ interface is a useful complement to GDB since using a WWW client (e.g. Mosaic, MacWeb, WinWeb, Lynx), it is possible to rapidly access LLNL Genome Center data and retrieve GDB, GenBank and OMIM entries. In addition, html+ image maps (ISMAP) and cgi server scripts provide textual descriptions of objects and activities depicted in composite inline graphic images. Direct WWW correspondence with Human Genome Center scientists is supported by an html+ email form and cgi server script.

Future versions of the LLNL Human Genome Center html+ WWW interface will be based on a redesign of the current chromosome 19 database schema able to store data from multiple genomes. The html+ interface will support form-based queries of the redesigned database. For example, given an attribute of interest (e.g. gene, D-segment number, clone id), contig and/or restriction map information related to the attribute will be returned. A prototype of the LLNL Human Genome Center html+interface will be available for demonstration purposes at the DOE Human Genome Project Contractor and Grantee Workshop.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract no. W-7405-ENG48.

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