Immigration Policy and Procedural Memoranda

This page provides access to various policy and procedural memoranda which gives guidance to USCIS adjudicators in their work of processing applications and petitions for immigration benefits while still protecting national security.

You can also find a listing of memoranda by subject in the "Related Links" section of this page.


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June, 2003

Procedures for Implementing the Waiving of the Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance for the Naturalization of Aliens Having Certain Disabilities (147KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQOPS Docket # USCIS-2008-0058

Introducing Revised Form N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship, and New Form N-600K, Application for Citizenship and Issuance of Certificate under Section 322 (109KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQOPS

Amendments Affecting Adjudication of Petitions for Alien Entrepreneur (108KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQOPS

The "Adjudicate Orphan Status First" Pilot Program (239KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQOPS

May, 2003

Additional Guidance: Processing Fingerprint Checks Prior to the Filing of Form I-600 Abroad (80KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQOPS

April, 2003

Effect of Grandparent's Death on Naturalization under INA Section 322 (87KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD Docket # USCIS-2008-0054

Filing a Waiver of the Joint Filing Requirement Prior to Final Termination of the Marriage (105KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD Docket # USCIS-2008-0053

Processing Fingerprint Checks Prior to the Filing of Form I-600 Abroad (100KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD

Guidance on "Period of Stay Authorized by the Attorney General" in Determining "Unlawful Presence" under section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (278KB PDF)
Thomas E. Cook HQUSCIS

March, 2003

The Meaning of 8 CFR 274a.12(a) as it Relates to Refugee and Asylee Authorization for Employment (289KB PDF)
William Yates HQISD

February, 2003

The Child Status Protection Act - Memorandum 2 (67KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

Waiver of Photograph for I-90, Applicants Seeking a Replacement or Renewal Form I-551 (98KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

January, 2003

Addition of Citizen Grandparents and Citizen Legal Guardians as Eligible Applicants Pursuant to INA 322 (113KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD Docket # USCIS-2008-0052

Guidance on Making the Naturalization Process Accessible to Applicants with Disabilities (250KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQOPS (Naturalization) Docket # USCIS-2008-0051

November, 2002

Guidance on Adjudication of H-1B Petitions Filed on Behalf of Nurses (142KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS (Services/H-1) Docket # USCIS-2008-0050

Immediate Issuance of Forms I-688Bs to New Refugees and Asylees (115KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

October, 2002

Instructions Regarding the Expanded Meaning of Section 319(a) (87KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQISD Docket # USCIS-2008-0001

September, 2002

Child Status Protection Act (98KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

August, 2002

Eligibility to Self-Petition as an Intended Spouse of an Abusive U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident (87KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

H.R. 1209 - Child Status Protection Act (41KB PDF)
Joseph E. Langlois HQASM Docket # USCIS-2008-0048

Revocation of VAWA-Based Self-Petitions (I-360s) (87KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams /s/ Thomas Schiltgen HQOPS

July, 2002

Implementation of Executive Order 13269 (54KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Sposato HQISD

June, 2002

Policy Change - Public Law 107-150, The Family Sponsor Immigration Act of 2002: Use of Substitute Sponsor if Visa Petitioner Has Died (109KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS Docket # USCIS-2008-0047

May, 2002

Notice to Designated School Officials (102KB PDF)
Johnny N. Williams HQOPS

April, 2002

Implementation Instructions for Section 114 of Public Law 107-77, "Department of Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002," 115 Stat. 748 (199KB PDF)
William R. Yages HQISD