Notification form letter to be used - Retention of Records

Dear :

Mr./Ms.__________________has filed an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint, on the bases of ____________ against the _______________. The issues/allegations in the complaint are_______________. Due to the specificity of the issues, the following records/documents should be retained: ________________.

Federal regulations require a Federal Agency to maintain all records relevant to an EEO complaint until after final resolution of that complaint. See GSA Federal Property Management Regulations, 101.11.4, General Records Schedule I, Item 26. The EEOC's regulations at 29 C.F.R. 1602.14(a) also make clear that the Agency must maintain all pertinent information relevant to an EEO complaint.

By copy of this letter, we are notifying you that you must retain all records pertinent to this EEO complaint indefinitely. Do not destroy any records unless otherwise directed by the Office for Equal Opportunity and/or the Office of the Solicitor. You will be notified when there is no longer a need to retain these records.
