Federal Library & Information Center Committee (FLICC)


History and Organization

The Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) was created in 1965 as the Federal Library Committee by joint action of the Library of Congress and the Bureau of the Budget (currently the Office of Management and Budget). FLICC is composed of the directors of the four national libraries - the Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, National Library of Education, and National Agriculture Library - and representatives of cabinet-level executive departments, legislative, judicial and independent federal agencies with major library programs, and is chaired by the Librarian of Congress. The Committee's home is the Library of Congress where the operations of the Committee are conducted through the offices of the Executive Director. (Click here for the organizational chart of FLICC operations [large file 180k].)

The mission of the Federal Library and Information Center (FLICC) is to to foster excellence in federal library and information services through interagency cooperation and to provide guidance and direction for the Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK).

Working Groups

Volunteers from federal libraries and information centers lend their expertise to the entire federal information community by serving on FLICC Working Groups, which actively support a wide range of FLICC programs. Each group focuses on an area of importance to federal librarians and information specialists, including information policy issues, information technology, education, preservation and binding, personnel, and cooperative endeavors. Standing working groups meet regularly, and ad hoc working groups can also be formed to discuss special issues of interest.

Current FLICC Working Groups

For further information about our services, contact:

Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4935
202-707-4800 (voice)
202-707-4818 (fax)

Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk

Updated April 2008