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In press

Fullerton, A. H., A. Steel, Y. Caras, M. B. Sheer, P. Olson, J. Kaje. In press. Incorporating Future Land Use Trends into Comparisons of Alternative Restoration Strategies: an Application of a Spatially-Explicit Decision-Support Tool. Ecological Applications.Go to metadata icon

Herman, D. P., C. O. Matkin, G. M. Ylitalo, J. W. Durban, M. B. Hanson, M. E. Dahlheim, J. M. Straley, P. R. Wade, K. L. Tilbury, R. H. Boyer, R. W. Pearce, M. M. Krahn. In press. Assessing the age-distributions of killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations from the composition of endogenous fatty acids in their outer-blubber layers. Marine Ecology Progress Series.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., M. H. Ruckelshaus, W. S. Grant, F. W. Waknitz, A. M. Garrett, G. J. Bryant, K. Neely, J. J. Hard. In press. Coastwide Status Review of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) by the National Marine Fisheries Service for listing under the Endangered Species Act. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.Go to metadata icon

LaHood, E., J. Miller, C. Apland, M. J. Ford. In press. An EtOH Free Fish Tissue Collection Method. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.Go to metadata icon

Lawson, P. W. In press. What are we missing? Butterflies, flowers, and salmon models..Go to metadata icon

Naish, K. A., J. J. Hard. In press. Bridging the gap between the genotype and the phenotype: linking genetic variation, selection and adaptation in fishes. Fish and Fisheries.Go to metadata icon

Pess, G. R., M. L. McHenry, T. J. Beechie, and J. Davies. 2008. Biological impacts of the Elwha River dams and potential salmonid responses to dam removal. Northwest Science 82 (Special Issue):72-90. Go to metadata icon

Swanson, P., B. Campbell, K. D. Shearer, J. Dickey, B. R. Beckman, D. A. Larsen, L. K. Park, B. Berijikian. In press. Application of Reproductive Technologies to Captive Breeding Programs for Converservation of Imperiled Stocks of Pacific Salmon. Cybium.Go to metadata icon

Thrower, F. P., J. J. Hard. In press. Effects of a single event of close inbreeding on growth and survival in steelhead. Conservation Genetics.Go to metadata icon

Tyson, R., C. E. Jordan, J. Hebert. In press. Modelling anguilliform swimming at intermediate Reynolds number: A review and new approach using the immersed boundary method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., S. J. Parker, S. R. Millard, E. A. Berntson, P. Moran. In press. Multiple paternity is prevalent in Pacific ocean perch (sebastes alutus) off the Oregon coast, and is associated with female age. Environmental Biology of Fishes.Go to metadata icon

Williamson, K. S., B. May. In press. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype diversity in apparent XY-female Fall- and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon in California's Central Valley. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., P. B. Aebersold, S. A. Lowe. In press. Genetic variability of sablefish Anaplopoma fimbria from California to the Bering Sea..Go to metadata icon

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Anderson, E. C., R. S. Waples, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2008. An improved method for predicting the accuracy of genetic stock identification. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:14751486.Go to metadata icon

Angilletta Jr., M. J., E. A. Steel, K. K. Bartz, J. G. Kingsolver, M. D. Scheuerell, B. R. Beckman, L. G. Crozier. 2008. Big dams and salmon evolution: changes in thermal regimes and their potential evolutionary consequences. Evolutionary Applications, 1(2):286299.Go to metadata icon

Araki, H., B. A. Berejikian, M. J. Ford, M. Blouin. 2008. Fitness of hatchery-reared salmonids in the wild. Evolutionary Applications, 1:342-355.Go to metadata icon

Crozier, L. G., A. P. Hendry, P. W. Lawson, T. P. Quinn, N. Mantua, J. Battin, R. G. Shaw, R. B. Huey. 2008. Evolutionary responses to climate change for organisms with complex life histories: evolution and plasticity in Pacific salmon. Evolutionary Applications, 1(1):252-270.Go to metadata icon

Ford MJ, Hard JJ, Boelts B, LaHood E, Miller J. 2008. Estimates of natural selection in a salmon population in captive and natural environments. Conservation Biology 22:783-794Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P., J. R. Davies, B. J. Burke, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2008. Incorporating catastrophic risk assessments into setting conservation goals for Pacific salmon. Ecological Applications 18(1): 246-257.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., M. R. Gross, M. Heino, R. Hilborn, R. G. Kope, R. Law, and J. D. Reynolds. 2008. Evolutionary consequences of fishing and their implications for salmon. Evolutionary Applications 1(2):388-408.Go to metadata icon

Jacobson, K.C., D. Teel, D.M. VanDoornik and E. Casillas. 2008. Parasite associated mortality of juvenile Pacific salmon caused by the trematode Nanophyetus salmincola during early marine residence. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:235-244.Go to metadata icon

McClure, M. M., F. Utter, C. Baldwin, R. W. Carmichael, P. Hassemer, P. Howell, P. Spruell, T. Cooney, H. Schaller, C. Petrosky. 2008. Evolutionary Effects of Alternative Artificial Propagation Programs: Implications for the Viability of Endgered Anadromous Salmonids. Evolutionary Applications.Go to metadata icon

McClure, M. M., S. M. Carlson, T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, J. C. Jorgensen, S. M. Sogard, S. E. Sultan, D. M. Holzer, J. Travis, B. L. Sanderson, M. E. Power, R. W. Carmichael. 2008. Evolutionary consequences of habitat loss for Pacific anadromous salmonids. Evolutionary Applications.Go to metadata icon

Neely, K. G., J. M. Myers, J. J. Hard, and K. D. Shearer. 2008. Comparison of growth, feed intake, and nutrient efficiency in a selected strain of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and its source stock. Aquaculture 283 (2008):134-140.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., T. Klinger, N. Knowlton, D. Demaster, E. Sala. 2008. Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice: Scientific and Governance Challenges. Bioscience, 58:53-63.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., and C. Do. 2008. LDNE: A program for estimating effective population size from data on linkage disequilibrium. Mol. Ecol. Resources 8:753-756.Go to metadata icon

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Andrews, K. S., P. S. Levin, S. L. Katz, D. Farrer, V. Gallucci, G. Bargmann. 2007. Acoustic monitoring of sixgill shark movements in Puget Sound: evidence for localized movement. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 85(11):1136-1143.Go to metadata icon

Battin, J., M. W. Wiley, M. H. Ruckelshaus, R. N. Palmer, E. Korb, K. K. Bartz, H. Imaki. 2007. Projected impacts of future climate change on salmon habitat restoration actions in a Puget Sound river. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104:6720-6725.Go to metadata icon

Brodeur, R. D., E. A. Daly, M. V. Sturdevant, T. W. Miller, J. H. Moss, M. Thiess, M. Trudel, L. A. Weitkamp, J. L. Armstrong, E. C. Norton. 2007. Regional comparisons of juvenile salmon feeding in coastal marine waters off the West Coast of North America. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 57:183-203.Go to metadata icon

Davies, Jeremy R., Kerry M. Lagueux, Beth Sanderson, and Timothy J. Beechie, 2007. Modeling Stream Channel Characteristics From Drainage-Enforced DEMs in Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 43(2):414-426.Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P., M. M. McClure, B. P. Sandford, K. Barnas, D. M. Marsh, B. Ryan, E. Casillas. 2007. Quantifying the effect of Caspian tern predation on endangered and threatened Pacific salmonids in the Columbia River. Endangered Species Research, 3:11-21.Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P., T. J. Beechie, P. McElhany, M. M. McClure, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2007. Recovery planning for Endangered Species Act-listed Pacific salmon: Using science to inform goals and strategies. Fisheries, 32:426-440.Go to metadata icon

Gustafson, R. G., R. S. Waples, J. M. Myers, L. A. Weitkamp, G. J. Bryant, O. W. Johnson, J. J. Hard. 2007. Pacific salmon extinctions: quantifying lost and remaining diversity. Conservation Biology, 21(4):1009-1020. (Appendix S1 | Appendix S2 | Appendix S3)Go to metadata icon

Hall, J.E., D.M. Holzer, and T.J. Beechie. 2007. Predicting river floodplain and lateral channel migration for salmon habitat conservation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43(3):786-797.Go to metadata icon

Hauser, D. D., M. G. Logsdon, E. E. Holmes, G. R. VanBlaricom, R. W. Osborne. 2007. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Summer distribution patterns of Southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca): core areas and spatial segregation of social groups. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351:301-310.Go to metadata icon

Herman, D. P., G. M. Ylitalo, C. O. Matkin, J. W. Durban, M. B. Hanson, M. E. Dahlheim, J. M. Straley, K. L. Tilbury, M. M. Krahn. 2007. Assessing the age-distributions of killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations from the composition of endogenous fatty acids in their outer-blubber layers. Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission.Go to metadata icon

Hoekstra, J. M., K. K. Bartz, M. H. Ruckelshaus, J. M. Moslemi, T. K. Harms. 2007. Quantitative threat analysis for management of an imperiled species-Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Ecological Applications, 17:2061-2073.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E., J. L. Sabo, S. V. Viscido, W. Fagan. 2007. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site A Statistical Approach to quasi-extinction forecasting. Ecology Letters, 10:1182--1198.Go to metadata icon

Katz, S.L., Barnas, K., Hicks,. R., Cowen, J. & Jenkinson, R., 2007. Freshwater habitat restoration actions in the Pacific Northwest: A 10 year census. Restoration Ecology 15:506-515.Go to metadata icon

Krahn, M. M., M. B. Hanson, R. W. Baird, R. H. Boyer, D. G. Burrows, C. K. Emmons, J. K. Ford, L. L. Jones, D. P. Noren, P. S. Ross, G. S. Schorr, T. K. Collier. 2007. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Persistent organic pollutants and stable isotope ratios in biopsy samples (2004-2006) from Southern Resident killer whales. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(12):1903-1911.Go to metadata icon

Lefebvre, K. A., D. P. Noren, I. R. Schultz, S. M. Bogard, B. L. Eberhart. 2007. Uptake, tissue distribution and excretion of domoic acid after oral exposure in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquatic Toxicology, 81:266-274.Go to metadata icon

McClure, M. M., M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2007. Collaborative science: moving ecosystem-based management forward in Puget Sound. Fisheries.Go to metadata icon

McMillan, J. R., S. L. Katz, G. R. Pess. 2007. Observational Evidence of Spatial and Temporal Structure in a Sympatric Anadromous (Winter Steelhead) and Resident Rainbow Trout Mating System on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 136(3):736-748.Go to metadata icon

Plummer, M. 2007. Welcome to the Data-Poor Real World: Incorporating Benefit-Cost Principles into Environmental Policymaking. Research in Law and Economics, 23:103-130.Go to metadata icon

Sepez, J. A., K. C. Norman, R. Felthoven. 2007. A Quantitative Model for Ranking and Selecting Communities Most Involved in Commercial Fisheries. National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Bulletin, (28)43-57.Go to metadata icon

Tabor, R. A., B. A. Footen, K. L. Fresh, M. T. Celedonia, F. Mejial, D. L. Lowe, L. K. Park. 2007. Predation of juvenile Chinook salmon and other salmonids by smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in the Lake Washington Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 27(4):1174-1188.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., D. J. Teel, D. R. Kuligowski, C. A. Morgan, and E. Casillas. 2007. Genetic analyses provide insight into the early ocean stock distribution and survival of juvenile coho salmon off the coasts of Washington and Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:220-237.Go to metadata icon

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Bartz, K. K., K. M. Lagueux, M. D. Scheuerell, T. J. Beechie, A. D. Haas, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2006. Translating restoration scenarios into habitat conditions: an initial step in evaluating recovery strategies for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63:1578-1595.Go to metadata icon

Beechie, T. J., M. Liermann, M. M. Pollock, S. Baker, J. R. Davies. 2006. Channel pattern and river-floodplain dynamics in forested mountain river systems. Geomorphology, 78(1-2):124-141.Go to metadata icon

Beechie, T.J., M. Ruckelshaus, E. Buhle, A. Fullerton, L. Holsinger. 2006. Hydrologic regime and the conservation of salmon life history diversity. Biological Conservation 130(4):560-572.Go to metadata icon

Ellis, J., T. P. Good. 2006. Nest attributes, aggression, and breeding success of gulls in single and mixed species subcolonies. Condor, (108)211-219.Go to metadata icon

Fagan, W., E. E. Holmes. 2006. Quantifying the extinction vortex. Ecology Letters, 9:51-60.Go to metadata icon

Ford MJ, Fuss H, Boelts B, LaHood, E, Hard J, Miller J. 2006. Changes in run timing and natural smolt production in a naturally spawning coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) stream after 60 years of intensive hatchery supplementation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:2343-2355. Go to metadata icon

Fullerton, A.H., T.J. Beechie, S.E. Baker, J.E. Hall, and K.A. Barnas. 2006.0Regional Patterns of Riparian Characteristics in the Interior Columbia River Basin, Northwestern USA: Applications for Restoration Planning. Landscape Ecology 21:1347-1360.Go to metadata icon

Gustafson, R. G., E. Iwamoto. 2006. A DNA-based identification key to Pacific Northwest freshwater mussel glochidia: importance to salmonid and mussel conservation. Northwest Science, 79(4):233-245.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., D. G. Elliott, R. J. Pascho, D. M. Chase, L. K. Park, J. R. Winton, D. E. Campton. 2006. Genetic effects of ELISA-based segregation for control of bacterial kidney disease in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63:2793-2808.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., L. S. Mills, J. M. Peek. 2006. Genetic implications of reduced survival of male red deer (Cervus elaphus) under harvest. Wildlife Biology, 12(4):427-441.Go to metadata icon

Jenkinson, R., K. Barnas, J. Braatne, E. S. Bernhardt, M. A. Palmer, J. D. AllanNRRSS. 2006. Stream restoration databases and case studies: A guide to information resources and their utility in advancing the science and practice of restoration. Restoration Ecology, 14:177-186.Go to metadata icon

Kiffney, P. M., C. M. Greene, J. R. Davies, J. E. Hall. 2006. Tributary streams create spatial discontinuities in habitat, biological productivity, and diversity in mainstem rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. 2006. Cumulative effects of multiple sources of bias in estimating spawner-recruit parameters with application to harvested stocks of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Fisheries Research. 82: 101-110.Go to metadata icon

P. Moran, D. J. Teel, E. S. LaHood, J. Drake, S. Kalinowski. 2006. Standardising multi-laboratory microsatellite data in Pacific salmon: an historical view of the future. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15(4):597605Go to metadata icon

Scheuerell, M. D., R. Hilborn, M. H. Ruckelshaus, K. K. Bartz, K. M. Lagueux, A. D. Haas, K. Rawson. 2006. The Shiraz model: a tool for incorporating fish-habitat relationships in conservation planning. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63:1596-1607.Go to metadata icon

Schwenke, P. L., J. G. Rhydderch, M. J. Ford, A. R. Marshall, L. K. Park. 2006. Forensic identification of endangered Chinook Salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha ) using a multilocus SNP assay. Conservation Genetics, 7(6):983-989.Go to metadata icon

Sepez, J. A., K. C. Norman, B. D. Tilt, A. Poole. 2006. Fish scales: scale and method in social science research for North Pacific and west coast fishing communities. Human Organization, 65(3).Go to metadata icon

Sheer, M.B. and E.A. Steel. 2006. Lost watersheds: barriers, aquatic habitat connectivity and salmon persistence in the Willamette and Lower Columbia basins. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(6):1654-1669.Go to metadata icon

Smith, C. T., L. K. Park, D. M. Van Doornik, L. W. Seeb, J. E. Seeb. 2006. Characterization of 19 single nucleotide polymorphism markers for coho salmon. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6:715-720.Go to metadata icon

Wilson, A. B. 2006. Genetic signature of recent glaciation on populations of nearshore marine fishes (Syngnathidae: Syngnathyus). Molecular Ecology, 15:1857-1871.Go to metadata icon

Zagzebski, K. A., F. M. D. Gulland, M. Haulena, M.E. Lander, D. J. Greig, L. J. Gage, M. B. Hanson, P. K. Yochem, and B. S. Stewart. 2006. Twenty-Five Years of Rehabilitation of Odontocetes Stranded in Central and Northern California, 1977 to 2002. Aquatic Mammals, 32(3):334-344.Go to metadata icon

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Baird, R. W., M. B. Hanson, L. M. Dill. 2005. Factors influencing the diving behaviour of fish-eating killer whales: sex differences and diel and interannual variation in diving rates. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83:257-267.Go to metadata icon

Berejikian, B. A., D. M. Van Doornik, A. LaRae, E. P. Tezak, J. Lee. 2005. The effects of exercise on behavior and reproductive success of captively reared steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 134:1236-1252.Go to metadata icon

Bernhardt, E. S., M. A. Palmer, J. D. Allan, G. Alexander, K. Barnas, S. Brooks, J. Carr, S. Clayton, C. Dahm, J. Follstad-Shah, D. Galat, S. Gloss, P. Goodwin, D. Hart, B. Hassett, R. Jenkinson, S. L. Katz, G. M. Kondolf, P. S. Lake, R. Lave, J. L. Meyer, T. K. O'Donnell, L. Pagano, B. Powell, E. Sudduth. 2005. Synthesizing U.S. river restoration efforts. Science, 308(5722):636-637.Go to metadata icon

Bilby, R. E., W. Ehinger, T. P. Quinn, G. Volkhardt, K. Krueger, D. E. Seiler, G. R. Pess, C. E. Jordan, D. Poon. 2005. Study evaluates fish response to management actions. Western Forester, 50(2):14-15.Go to metadata icon

Devlin, R. H., L. K. Park, D. M. Sakhrani, J. Baker, A. R. Marshall, E. LaHood, S. E. Kolesar, M. R. Mayo, C. Biagi, M. Uh. 2005. Variation of Y-chromosome DNA markers in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62:1386-1399.Go to metadata icon

Keister, J. E., J. B. Johnson, C. A. Morgan, W. T. Peterson. 2005. Biological indicators of the timing and direction of warm-water advection during the 1997/1998 El Niqo off the central Oregon coast, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 295:43-48.Go to metadata icon

Kuligowski, D. R., M. J. Ford, B. A. Berejikian. 2005. Breeding structure of steelhead inferred from patterns of genetic relatedness among nests. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 134:1202-1212.Go to metadata icon

McClelland, E. K., J. M. Myers, J. J. Hard, L. K. Park, K. A. Naish. 2005. Two generations of outbreeding in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): effects on size and growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62:2538-2547.Go to metadata icon

Oosterhout, G. R., C. W. Huntington, T. E. Nickelson, P. W. Lawson. 2005. Potential benefits of a conservation hatchery program for supplementing Oregon coast coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations: a stochastic model investigation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62:1920-1935.Go to metadata icon

Phillips, R. B., M. R. Morasch, L. K. Park, K. A. Naish, R. H. Devlin. 2005. Identification of the sex chromosome pair in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): lack of conservation of the sex linkage group with chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Cytogenetic and genome research, 111:166-170.Go to metadata icon

Tear, T. H., P. Kareiva, P. L. Angermeier, P. Comer, B. Czech, R. Kautz, L. Landon, D. Mehlman, K. Murphy, M. H. Ruckelshaus, J. M. Scott, G. Wilhere. 2005. How much is enough? The recurrent problem of setting measurable objectives in conservation. Bioscience, 55:835-849.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 2005. Quillfish Ptilichthys goodei, filiform prey for small coho and chinook salmon. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin, 11:61-65.Go to metadata icon

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Brodeur, R. D., J. P. Fisher, D. J. Teel, R. L. Emmett, E. Casillas, T. W. Miller. 2004. Juvenile salmonid distribution, growth, condition, origin, environmental and species associations in the Northern California Current. Fishery Bulletin, 102:25-46.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J., D. J. Teel, D. M. Van Doornik, D. R. Kuligowski, P. W. Lawson. 2004. Genetic population structure of central Oregon Coast coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Conservation Genetics, 5:797-812.Go to metadata icon

Gharrett, A. J., R. G. Gustafson, P. Johnson, J. L. Nielsen, J. E. Seeb, L. W. Seeb, W. W. Smoker, R. L. Wilmot, S. Keller, G. H. Thorgaard. 2004. Introduction to genetics of subpolar fish and invertebrates. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 69(1-4):1-5.Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P. 2004. Distribution and abundance patterns in Caribbean rocky intertidal zones. Bulletin of Marine Science, 74:459-468.Go to metadata icon

Granath, K. L., W. W. Smoker, A. J. Gharrett, J. J. Hard. 2004. Effects on embryo development time and survival of intercrossing three geographically separate populations of Southeast Alaska coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 69:299-306.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E. 2004. Beyond theory to application and evaluation: diffusion approximations for population viability analysis. Ecological Applications, 14:1272-1293. (Pre-Press Word | PDF | The next link will exit from NWFSC web site)Go to metadata icon

Iwamoto, E., M. J. Ford, R. G. Gustafson. 2004. Genetic population structure of Pacific Hake (Merluccius productus) in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 69:187-199.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, J. B., K. S. Omland. 2004. Model selection in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19:101-108.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., K. Neely, R. S. Waples. 2004. Lopsided fish in the Snake River Basin - fluctuating asymmetry as a way of assessing impact of hatchery supplementation in chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 69:379-393.Go to metadata icon

Keith, C., M. A. McCarthy, H. Regan, T. Regan, C. Bowles, C. Drill, C. Craig, B. Pellow, M. Burgman, L. Master, M. H. Ruckelshaus, B. Mackenzie, S. Andelman, P. R. Wade. 2004. Protocols for listing threatened species can forecast extinction. Ecology Letters, 7:1101-1108.Go to metadata icon

Lawson, P. W., E. A. Logerwell, N. Mantua, R. C. Francis, V. N. Agostini. 2004. Environmental factors influencing freshwater survival and smolt production in Pacific Northwest coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 61:360-373.Go to metadata icon

Maniscalco, J. M., K. Wynne, K. W. Pitcher, M. B. Hanson, S. R. Melin, S. Atkinson. 2004. Occurrence of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) in Alaska. Aquatic Mammals, 30:427-433.Go to metadata icon

McCarthy, M. A., C. Keith, J. Tietjen, M. Burgman, M. Maunder, L. Master, B. W. Brook, G. Mace, H. P. Possingham, R. Medellin, S. Andelman, H. Regan, T. Regan, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2004. Comparing predictions of extinction risk using models and subjective judgement. Acta Oecologica, 26:67-74.Go to metadata icon

Noren, D. P., M. Mangel. 2004. Energy reserve allocation in fasting Northern Elephant Seal pups: iner-relationships between body condition and fasting duration. Functional Ecology, 18:223-242.Go to metadata icon

Purcell, M., G. Mackey, E. LaHood, H. Huber, L. K. Park. 2004. Molecular methods for the genetic identification of salmonid prey from Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) scat. Fishery Bulletin, 102:213-220.Go to metadata icon

Sabo, J. L., E. E. Holmes, P. Kareiva. 2004. The efficacy of simple viability models in ecological risk assessment: Does density dependence matter? Ecology, 85:328-341.Go to metadata icon

Smoker, W. W., I. A. Wang, A. J. Gharrett, J. J. Hard. 2004. Embryo survival and smolt to adult survival in second-generation outbred coho salmon. Journal of Fish Biology, 65(Supplement A):254-262.Go to metadata icon

Steel, E. A., B. E. Feist, D. Jenson, G. R. Pess, M. B. Sheer, J. Brauner, R. E. Bilby. 2004. Landscape models to understand steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) distribution and help prioritize barrier removals in the Willamette Basin, OR, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 61:999-1011.Go to metadata icon

Thrower, F. P., J. J. Hard, J. E. Joyce. 2004. Genetic architecture of growth and early life history transitions in anadromous and derived freshwater populations of steelhead. Journal of Fish Biology, 65(Supplement A):286-307.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., D. J. Teel, J. M. Myers, A. R. Marshall. 2004. Life-history divergence in Chinook salmon: historic contingency and parallel evolution. Evolution, 58(2):386-403. (txt | Excel)Go to metadata icon

Willis, P. W., B. J. Crespi, L. M. Dill, R. W. Baird, M. B. Hanson. 2004. Natural hybridization between Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82:828-834.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., M. M. Paquin, D. M. Van Doornik, B. M. Baker, P. J. Thornton, D. Rawding, A. R. Marshall, P. Moran, S. T. Kalinowski. 2004. Genetic stock identification of steelhead in the Columbia River basin: an evaluation of different molecular markers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 24:672-685.Go to metadata icon

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Baker, J., P. Moran, R. Ladley. 2003. Nuclear DNA identification of migrating bull trout captured at the Puget Sound energy diversion dam on the White River, Washington State. Molecular Ecology, 12:557-561.Go to metadata icon

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Holmes, E. E., A. E. York. 2003. Using age structure to detect impacts on threatened populations: A case study with steller sea lions Using age structure to detect impacts on threatened populations: A case study with steller sea lions. Conservation Biology, 17:1794-1806.Go to metadata icon

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McClure, M. M., E. E. Holmes, B. L. Sanderson, C. E. Jordan. 2003. A large-scale, multispecies status assessment: anadromous salmonids in the Columbia River Basin. Ecological Applications, 13:964-989. (Pre-Press Word | PDF)Go to metadata icon

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Roberts, C. M., G. Branch, R. H. Bustamante, J. C. Castilla, J. Dugan, B. S. Halpern, K. D. Lafferty, H. Leslie, J. Lubchenco, D. McArdle, M. H. Ruckelshaus, R. R. Warner. 2003. Application of ecological criteria in selecting marine reserves and developing reserve networks. Ecological Applications, 13:S215-228.Go to metadata icon

Roberts, C. M., S. Andelman, G. Branch, R. H. Bustamante, J. C. Castilla, J. Dugan, B. S. Halpern, K. D. Lafferty, H. Leslie, J. Lubchenco, D. McArdle, H. P. Possingham, M. H. Ruckelshaus, R. R. Warner. 2003. Ecological criteria for evaluating candidate sites for marine reserves. Ecological Applications (Suppl.), 13(1 ):S199-S214.Go to metadata icon

Spidle, A. P., S. T. Kalinowski, B. A. Lubinski, D. L. Perkins, K. F. Beland, J. F. Kocik, T. L. King. 2003. Population structure of Atlantic salmon in Maine with reference to populations from Atlantic Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 132(2):196-209.Go to metadata icon

Steel, E. A., L. Johnston, B. E. Feist, G. R. Pess, R. E. Bilby, D. Jensen, T. J. Beechie, J. M. Myers. 2003. Pacific salmon recovery planning and the Salmonid Watershed Analysis Model (SWAM): a broad-scale tool for assisting in the development of habitat recovery plans. Endangered Species Update, 20(1):3-15.Go to metadata icon

Teel, D. J., D. M. Van Doornik, D. R. Kuligowski, W. S. Grant. 2003. Genetic analysis of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) off Oregon and Washington reveals few Columbia River wild fish. Fishery Bulletin, 101:640-652. (Allele Frequencies | Electroporetic Conditions)Go to metadata icon

Waknitz, F. W., R. N. Iwamoto, M. S. Strom. 2003. Interactions of Atlantic salmon in the Pacific Northwest: IV. Impacts on the local ecosystems. Fisheries Research, 62:307-328.Go to metadata icon

Waknitz, F. W. 2003. U.S. salmon-farming sanctions could also hurt commercial fishing. Global Aquaculture Advocate, April 2003:19-20.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., S. Pollard, D. R. Kuligowski. 2003. Two reproductive life history types of Kokanee, Onchorynchus nerka, exhibit multivariate morphometric and protein genetic differentiation. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 77:87-100.Go to metadata icon

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Baker, J., P. Bentzen, P. Moran. 2002. Molecular markers distinguish coastal cutthroat trout from coastal rainbow trout/steelhead and their hybrids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 131:404-417.Go to metadata icon

Clarke, J. A., J. M. Hoekstra, P. D. Boersma, P. Kareiva. 2002. Improving U.S. Endangered Species Act recovery plans: Key findings and recommendations of the SCB recovery plan project. Conservation Biology, 16:1510-1519.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J. 2002. Applications of selective neutrality tests to molecular ecology. Molecular Ecology, 11:1245-1262.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J. 2002. Selection in captivity during supportive breeding may reduce fitness in the wild. Conservation Biology, 16:815-825.Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P. 2002. Breeding success in the Western Gull x Glaucous-winged Gull complex: The influence of habitat and nest site characteristics. Condor, 104:353-365.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E. 2002. Compute and Conserve, Book review of Quantitative methods for Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology, 16(1):275-276.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E., W. Fagan. 2002. Validating population viability analysis for corrupted data sets. Ecology, 83:2379-2386. (PDF | Pre-Press Word)Go to metadata icon

Johnson, J. B. 2002. Divergent Life Histories Among Populations of the Fish Brachyrhaphis Rhabdophora: Detecting Putative Agents of Selection by Candidate Model Analysis. Oikos, 96:82-91.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, J. B. 2002. Evolution after the flood: Phylogeography of the desert fish Utah chub. Evolution, 56:948-960.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick. 2002. Estimation of linkage disequilibrium for loci with multiple alleles: basic approach and an application using data from bighorn sheep. Heredity, 87:698-708.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T. 2002. Evolutionary and statistical properties of three genetic distances. Molecular Ecology, 11:1263-1273.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T. 2002. How many alleles per locus should be used to estimate genetic distances? Heredity, 88:62-65.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick. 2002. Inbreeding depression in captive bighorn sheep. Animal Conservation, 4:319-324.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., R. S. Waples. 2002. Relationship of effective to census size in fluctuating populations. Conservation Biology, 16:129-136.Go to metadata icon

Katz, S. L. 2002. Design of heterothermic muscle in fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 205:2251-2266.Go to metadata icon

Kuligowski, D. R., G. A. Winans. 2002. Inorganic pyrophosphatase: A new polymorphic allozyme locus in Pacific salmon. Biochemical Genetics, 40:379-385.Go to metadata icon

LaHood, E., P. Moran, J. Olsen, W. S. Grant, L. K. Park. 2002. Microsatellite allele ladders in two species of Pacific salmon: preparation and field-test results. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2:187-190.Go to metadata icon

Levin, P. S., J. A. Coyer, R. Petrik, T. P. Good. 2002. Community-wide effects of non-indigenous species on temperate reefs. Ecology, 83:3182-3193.Go to metadata icon

Mathisen, O. A., N. J. Sands, N. Haubenstock. 2002. Trophic ranking of the biota in Iliamna Lake, Alaska. Verh Internat Verein Limnol, 28:1060-1065.Go to metadata icon

Moore, S. E., W. A. Watkins, M. A. Daher, J. R. Davies, M. E. Dahlheim. 2002. Blue Whale Habitat Associations in the Northwest Pacific: analysis of remotely-sensed data using a Geographic Information System. Oceanography, 15(3):20-25.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P. 2002. Current conservation genetics: building an ecological approach to the synthesis of molecular and quantitative genetic methods. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 11:30-55.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., J. Baker. 2002. Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibition in Historical Fish Scale Mounting Cards. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 131:109-119.Go to metadata icon

Naish, K. A., L. K. Park. 2002. Linkage relationships for 35 new microsatellite loci in chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Animal Genetics, 33:316-318.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., P. S. Levin, J. B. Johnson, P. Kareiva. 2002. The Pacific salmon wars: what science brings to the challenge of recovering species. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 33:665-706.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., M. J. Ford, D. J. Teel. 2002. Patterns of temporal genetic variation in coho salmon: Estimates of the effective proportion of 2-year-olds in natural and hatchery populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 131:1007-1019.Go to metadata icon

Waknitz, F. W. 2002. Farms first, hatcheries next? Alaska Fisherman's Journal, Sept 2002:4.Go to metadata icon

Wang, S. Z., J. J. Hard, F. Utter. 2002. Genetic variation and fitness in salmonids. Conservation Genetics, 3:321-333.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A., K. Neely. 2002. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) ocean migration patterns: insight from marine coded-wire tag recoveries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59:1100-1115.Go to metadata icon

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Berejikian, B. A., E. P. Tezak, L. K. Park, E. LaHood, S. L. Schroder, E. Beall. 2001. Male competition and breeding success in captively reared and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58:804-810.Go to metadata icon

Berejikian, B. A., E. P. Tezak, L. K. Park, S. L. Schroder, E. Beall, E. LaHood. 2001. Male dominance and spawning behavior of captively reared and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58:804-810.Go to metadata icon

Boersma, P. D., P. Kareiva, W. Fagan, J. Clark, J. M. Hoekstra. 2001. How Good Are Endangered Species Recovery Plans? Bioscience, 51:643-649.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J. 2001. Molecular Evolution of Transferrin: Evidence for Positive Selection in Salmonids. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 18:639-647.Go to metadata icon

Gustafson, R. G., R. S. Waples, S. T. Kalinowski, G. A. Winans. 2001. Evolution of sockeye salmon ecotypes. Science, 291:251-252.Go to metadata icon

Gutierrez-Espeleta, G. A., P. W. Hedrick, S. T. Kalinowski, W. M. Boyce. 2001. Is the decline of desert bighorn sheep from infectious disease the result of low MHC variation? Heredity, 86:439-450.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E. 2001. Estimating risks in declining populations with poor data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 98:5072-5077.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, J. B. 2001. Adaptive Life-History Evolution in the Livebearing Fish Brachyrhaphis Rhabdophora: Genetic Basis for Parallel Divergence in Age and Size at Maturity and a Test of Predator- Induced Plasticity. Evolution, 55:1486-1491.Go to metadata icon

Johnson, J. B. 2001. Hierarchical Organization of Genetic Variation in the Costa Rican Livebearing Fish Brachyrhaphis Rhabdophora (Poeciliidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 72:519-527.Go to metadata icon

King, T. L., S. T. Kalinowski, W. B. Schill, A. P. Spidle, B. A. Lubinski. 2001. Population structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): a rangewide perspective from microsatellite DNA variation. Molecular Ecology, 10:807-821.Go to metadata icon

McClure, M. M., T. Cooney, M. Marvier. 2001. Assessing the role of dams in salmon recovery. Hydro-Review, 20:36?45.Go to metadata icon

Myers, J. M., W. K. Hershberger, A. M. Saxton, R. N. Iwamoto. 2001. Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for length and weight of marine net-pen reared coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch Walbaum). Aquaculture Research, 32:277-285.Go to metadata icon

Myers, J. M., P. O. Heggelund, G. Hudson, R. N. Iwamoto. 2001. Genetics and broodstock management of coho salmon. Aquaculture, 197:43-62.Go to metadata icon

Wang, S. Z., J. J. Hard, F. Utter. 2001. Salmonid inbreeding: a review. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 11:301-319.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., R. G. Gustafson, L. A. Weitkamp, J. M. Myers, O. W. Johnson, P. J. Busby, J. J. Hard, G. J. Bryant, F. W. Waknitz, K. Neely, D. J. Teel, W. S. Grant, G. A. Winans, S. Phelps, A. R. Marshall, B. M. Baker. 2001. Characterizing Diversity in Salmon From the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Fish Biology, 59(Suppl. A):1-41.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., D. Viele, A. Grover, M. Palmer-Zwahlen, D. J. Teel, D. M. Van Doornik. 2001. An Update of Genetic Stock Identification of Chinook Salmon in the Pacific Northwest: Test Fisheries in California. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 9(4):213-237.Go to metadata icon

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Ford, M. J. 2000. Effects of natural selection on patterns of DNA sequence variation at the transferrin, somatolactin, and p53 genes within and among chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations. Molecular Ecology, 9:843-855.Go to metadata icon

Gutierrez-Espeleta, G. A., S. T. Kalinowski, W. M. Boyce, P. W. Hedrick. 2000. Genetic variation and population structure in desert bighorn sheep: implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics, 1:3-15.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., B. A. Berejikian, E. P. Tezak, S. L. Schroder, C. M. Knudsen, L. T. Parker. 2000. Evidence for morphometric differentiation of wild and captively reared adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch Walbaum): a geometric analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 58:61-73.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., L. Connell, W. K. Hershberger, L. W. Harrell. 2000. Genetic variation in mortality of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) during a bloom of the marine alga Heterosigma akashiwo. Journal of Fish Biology, 56:1387-1397.Go to metadata icon

Hedrick, P. W., S. T. Kalinowski. 2000. Inbreeding depression in conservation biology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 31:139-162.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick, P. S. Miller. 2000. A careful look at inbreeding depression in the Speke's gazelle captive breeding program. Conservation Biology, 14:1375-1384.Go to metadata icon

Myers, J. M., R. N. Iwamoto, D. J. Teel, D. M. Van Doornik, W. K. Hershberger. 2000. Coho salmon broodstock development---1977 to 1998. Ten generations of systematic selective breeding. Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Supplement, 1:63-70.Go to metadata icon

Teel, D. J., G. B. Milner, G. A. Winans, W. S. Grant. 2000. Genetic population structure and origin of life-history types in chinook salmon in British Columbia, Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 129:194-209.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., S. Urawa. 2000. Allozyme variability of Oncorhynchus nerka in Japan. Ichthyological Research, 47(4):343-352.Go to metadata icon

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Bergstrom, C. T., P. McElhany, L. Real. 1999. Transmission bottlenecks as determinants of virulence in rapidly evolving pathogens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96:5095-5100.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J., P. J. Thornton, L. K. Park. 1999. Natural selection promotes divergence of transferrin among salmonid species. Molecular Ecology, 8:1055-1061.Go to metadata icon

Gustafson, R. G., G. A. Winans. 1999. Distribution and population genetic structure of river-/sea-type sockeye salmon in western North America. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 8:181-193.Go to metadata icon

Gutierrez-Espeleta, G. A., S. T. Kalinowski, W. M. Boyce, P. W. Hedrick. 1999. Genetic variation in desert bighorn sheep. Desert Bighorn Council Transactions, 42:1-10.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., W. R. Heard. 1999. Analysis of straying variation in Atlantic hatchery chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) following transplantation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56:578-589.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., G. A. Winans, J. C. Richardson. 1999. Phenotypic and genetic architecture of juvenile morphometry in chinook salmon. Journal of Heredity, 90(6):597-606.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick. 1999. An improved method for estimating inbreeding depression in pedigrees. Zoo Biology, 17:481-497.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick. 1999. Detecting inbreeding depression is difficult in captive endangered species. Animal Conservation, 2:131-136.Go to metadata icon

Kalinowski, S. T., P. W. Hedrick, P. S. Miller. 1999. No inbreeding depression observed in Mexican and red wolf captive breeding programs. Conservation Biology, 13:1371-1377.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., C. Hartway, P. Kareiva. 1999. Dispersal and landscape errors in spatially explicit population models: a reply. Conservation Biology, 13:1223-1224.Go to metadata icon

Sarder, M. R., D. J. Penman, J. M. Myers, B. J. McAndrew. 1999. Production and propagation of fully inbred clonal lines in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 284:675-685.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., G. A. Winans, D. J. Teel. 1999. Allozyme studies of Pacific salmonids with nonlethal sampling of fin tissue. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 19:678-686.Go to metadata icon

Wainwright, T. C., R. G. Kope. 1999. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Methods of extinction risk assessment developed for U.S. West Coast salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56:444-448.Go to metadata icon

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Ford, M. J. 1998. Testing models of migration and isolation among populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). Evolution, 52:539?57.Go to metadata icon

Gustafson, R. G., R. D. Turner, R. A. Lutz, R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1998. A new genus and five new species of mussels (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from deep-sea sulfide/hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. Malacologia, 40(1-2):63-112.Go to metadata icon

Hoeh, W. R., M. B. Black, R. G. Gustafson, A. E. Bogan, R. A. Lutz, R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1998. Testing alternative hypotheses of Neotrigonia (Bivalvia : Trigonioida) phylogenetic relationships using cytochrome C oxidase subunit I DNA sequences. Malacologia, 40:267-278.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. G., T. C. Wainwright. 1998. Trends in the status of Pacific salmon populations in Washington Oregon, California, and Idaho. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin, 1:1-12.Go to metadata icon

Lowe, S. A., D. M. Van Doornik, G. A. Winans. 1998. Geographic variation in genetic and growth patterns of the Atka mackerel in the Aleutian Archipelago. Fishery Bulletin, 96:502-515.Go to metadata icon

Mahnken, C. V., G. Ruggerone, F. W. Waknitz, T. A. Flagg. 1998. A historical perspective on salmonid production from Pacific Rim hatcheries. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin, 1:38?53.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., D. A. Dightman, L. K. Park. 1998. Nonelectrophoretic genotyping using allele-specific PCR and a dsDNA-specific dye. Biotechniques, 24:206-208, 210, 212.Go to metadata icon

Nickelson, T. E., P. W. Lawson. 1998. Population viability of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in Oregon coastal basins: application of a habitat-based life cycle model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 55(11):2383-2392.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H. 1998. Spatial scale of genetic structure and an indirect estimate of gene flow in eelgrass, Zostera marina. Evolution, 52:330-343.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., G. A. Winans. 1998. Inheritance of allozymes in coho salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 127:833-837.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., P. B. Aebersold, Y. Ishida, S. Urawa. 1998. Genetic stock identification of chum salmon in highseas test fisheries in the western North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Bulletin - North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, 1:220-237.Go to metadata icon

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Berejikian, B. A., E. P. Tezak, S. L. Schroder, C. M. Knudsen, J. J. Hard. 1997. Reproductive behavioral interactions between wild and captively reared coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54:1040-1050.Go to metadata icon

Bradshaw, W. E., C. M. Holzapfel, C. A. Kleckner, J. J. Hard. 1997. Heritability of development time and protandry in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii. Ecology, 78:969-976.Go to metadata icon

Bushek, D., S. K. Allen, K. A. Alcox, R. G. Gustafson, S. E. Ford. 1997. Response of Crassostrea virginica to in vitro cultured Perkinsus marinus: Preliminary comparisons of three inoculation methods. Journal of Shellfish Research, 16:479-485.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., D. A. Dightman, R. S. Waples, L. K. Park. 1997. PCR-RFLP analysis reveals substantial population-level variation in the introns of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 6:315-327.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., C. Hartway, P. Kareiva. 1997. Assessing the data requirements of spatially explicit dispersal models. Conservation Biology, 11:1298-1306.Go to metadata icon

Takasaki, N., T. Yamaki, M. Hamada, L. K. Park, N. Okada. 1997. The salmon SmaI family of short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs): interspecific and intraspecific variation of the insertion of SINEs in the genomes of chum and pink salmon. Genetics, 146:369-380.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 1997. Artificial propagation and coho salmon along the Oregon coast. Restoration (Oregon Sea Grant), Summer 1997:1-6.Go to metadata icon

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Achord, S., G. M. Matthews, O. W. Johnson, D. M. Marsh. 1996. Use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags to monitor migration timing of Snake River chinook salmon smolts. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 16:302-313.Go to metadata icon

Maynard, D. J., D. A. Frost, F. W. Waknitz, E. F. Prentice. 1996. Vulnerability of marked age-0 steelhead to a visual predator. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 125:330-333.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K., P. Moran, D. A. Dightman. 1996. A chinook salmon PCR-RFLP marker in the p53 locus. Animal Genetics, 27:127-128.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H. 1996. Estimates of genetic neighborhood parameters from pollen and seed dispersal distributions in a marine angiosperm (Zostera marina L. ). Evolution, 50:856-864.Go to metadata icon

Takasaki, N., L. K. Park, M. Kaeriyama, A. J. Gharrett, N. Okada. 1996. Characterization of species-specifically amplified SINEs in three salmonid species - Chum salmon, pink salmon, and kokanee: The local environment of the genome may be important for the generation of a dominant source gene at a newly retroposed locus. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 42:103-116.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., G. B. Milner, G. A. Winans. 1996. Transferrin polymorphism in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, and its application to genetic stock identification. Fishery Bulletin, 94:566-575.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., P. B. Aebersold, R. S. Waples. 1996. Allozyme variability in Oncorhynchus nerka in the Pacific Northwest with special consideration to populations of Redfish Lake, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 125:645-663.Go to metadata icon

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Flagg, T. A., F. W. Waknitz, D. J. Maynard, G. B. Milner, C. V. Mahnken. 1995. Impact of hatcheries on native coho salmon populations in the lower Columbia River. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 15:366-375.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 1995. A quantitative genetic perspective on the conservation of intraspecific diversity. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 17:304-326.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 1995. Genetic monitoring of life-history characters in salmon supplementation: problems and opportunities. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 15:212-225.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 1995. Science, education, and the fisheries scientist. Fisheries, 20(3):10-16.Go to metadata icon

Hauser, D., M. Bibert, J. C. Marvaud, M. W. Eklund, M. R. Popoff. 1995. Botulinal neurotoxin C1 complex genes, clostridial neurotoxin homology and genetic transfer in Clostridium botulinum. Toxicon, 33(4):515-526.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., I. Kornfield. 1995. Were population bottlenecks associated with the radiation of the Mbuna species flock (Teleostei: Cichlidae) of Lake Malawi? Molecular Biology and Evolution, 12(6):1085-1093.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K., P. Moran, D. A. Dightman. 1995. A polymorphism in intron D of the chinook salmon growth hormone 2 gene. Animal Genetics, 26:277-285.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H. 1995. Estimates of the mating system and of inbreeding depression in a population of the marine angiosperm Zostera marina L. Marine Biology, 123:583-593.Go to metadata icon

Van Doornik, D. M., G. B. Milner, G. A. Winans. 1995. An improved method of data collection for transferrin polymorphism in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Biochemical Genetics, 33(7/9):257-260.Go to metadata icon

Wennergren, U., M. H. Ruckelshaus, P. Kareiva. 1995. The promise and limitations of spatial models in conservation biology. Oikos, 74:349-356.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., P. B. Aebersold, S. A. Lowe. 1995. Allozyme variation in Atka mackeral, Pleurogrammus monopterygius. Isozyme Bulletin, 28:52.Go to metadata icon

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Hauser, D., M. Bibert, M. W. Eklund, P. Boquet, M. R. Popoff. 1994. Localization of C3 Gener in a transporon-like element in Clostridium botulinum strains C-468, C-stockholm, and D-1873, and characterization of botulinal neurotoxin C1 gene in the mutant CN phage. Journal of Bacteriology, 175:7260-7268.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K., P. Moran. 1994. Developments in molecular techniques in fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 4:300-325.Go to metadata icon

Schemske, D. W., B. C. Husband, M. H. Ruckelshaus, C. Goodwillie, I. M. Parker, J. G. Bishop. 1994. Establishing priorities in plant conservation. Ecology, 75:584-606.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., C. Do. 1994. Genetic risk associated with supplementation of Pacific salmonids: Captive broodstock programs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 51(Suppl. 1):310-329.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A., P. B. Aebersold, S. Urawa, N. V. Varnavskaya. 1994. Determining continent of origin of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) using genetic stock identification techniques: status of allozyme baseline in Asia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 51(Suppl. 1):95-113.Go to metadata icon

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Park, L. K., M. A. Brainard, D. A. Dightman, G. A. Winans. 1993. Low levels of intraspecific variation in the mitochondrial DNA of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 2:362-370.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., R. C. Wissmar, C. A. Simenstad. 1993. The importance of autotroph distribution to mussel growth in a well-mixed, temperate estuary. Estuaries, 16:898-912.Go to metadata icon

Williams, S. L., M. H. Ruckelshaus. 1993. Effects of nitrogen availability and herbivory on the interaction between eelgrass (Zostera marina L. ) and epiphytes. Ecology, 74:904-918.Go to metadata icon

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Cox, P. A., R. H. Laushman, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 1992. Surface and submarine pollination in the seagrass Zostera marina L. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 109:281-291.Go to metadata icon

Duguay, S. J., L. K. Park, M. Samadpour, W. W. Dickhoff. 1992. Nucleotide sequence and tissue distribution of three insulin-like growth factor I prohormones in salmon. Molec. Endocrinol, 6:1202-1210.Go to metadata icon

Utter, F., R. S. Waples, D. J. Teel. 1992. Genetic isolation of previously indistinguishable chinook salmon populations of the Snake and Klamath Rivers: Limitations of negative data. Fishery Bulletin, 90:770-777.Go to metadata icon

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Waples, R. S., D. J. Teel. 1990. Conservation genetics of Pacific Salmon I. Temporal changes in allele frequency. Conservation Biology, 4:144-156.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., G. A. Winans, F. Utter, C. V. Mahnken. 1990. Genetic approaches to the management of Pacific salmon. Fisheries, (15)19-25.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., P. B. Aebersold. 1990. Treatment of data for duplicated gene loci in mixed-stock fishery analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 47:2092-2098.Go to metadata icon

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Dickhoff, W. W., C. V. Mahnken, F. W. Waknitz, W. S. Zaugg, M. G. Bernard, C. V. Sullivan. 1989. Effect of temperature and feeding on smolting and seawater survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 82:93-102.Go to metadata icon

Humphreys, R. L., G. A. Winans, D. T. Tagami. 1989. Synonymy and life history of the North Pacific Pelagic Armorhead,. Copeia, 1989:142-153.Go to metadata icon

Utter, F., G. B. Milner, G. Stahl, D. J. Teel. 1989. Genetic population structure of chinook salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Fishery Bulletin, 87:239-264.Go to metadata icon

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Winans, G. A., R. S. Nishioka. 1987. A multivariate description of change in body shape of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch ) during smoltification. Aquaculture, 66:235-245.Go to metadata icon

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Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, F. Utter, G. A. Winans. 1985. A genetic method of stock identification in mixed populations of Pacific salmon. Marine Fisheries Review, 47(1):1-8.Go to metadata icon

Winans, G. A. 1985. Geographic variation in the Milkfish Chanos chanos II. Multivariate morphological evidence. Copeia, 1985:890-898.Go to metadata icon

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Folmar, L. C., W. W. Dickhoff, C. V. Mahnken, F. W. Waknitz. 1982. Stunting and parr-reversion during smoltification of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture, 28:91-104.Go to metadata icon

Giorgi, A. E., G. B. Milner, D. J. Teel. 1982. Polymorphic isozymes in lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. Isozyme Bulletin, 15:120-121.Go to metadata icon

Gorbman, A., W. W. Dickhoff, J. L. Mighell, E. F. Prentice, F. W. Waknitz. 1982. Morphological indices of developmental progress in the parr-smolt coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Aquaculture, 28:1-20.Go to metadata icon

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2002 | 1999 | 1990

Neely, K., O. W. Johnson, K. W. Myers, J. J. Hard. (rapporteurs) 2002. Proceedings of the 20th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Workshop, Seattle, Washington. 167 p.Go to metadata icon

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Kareiva, P., S. Andelman, D. Doak, B. Elderd, M. Groom, J. M. Hoekstra, L. Hood, F. James, J. Lamoreux, G. LeBuhn, C. McCulloch, J. Regetz, L. Savage, M. H. Ruckelshaus, D. Skelly, H. Wilbur, K. Zamudio, E. Aas. 1999. The next link will exit from NWFSC web site Using science in habitat conservation plans. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C., vi, 97 p.Go to metadata icon

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Parker, N. C., A. E. Giorgi, R. C. Heidinger, D. B. Jester, E. D. Prince, G. A. Winans. (Eds.) 1990. Fish-marking Techniques. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, xiv, 879 p.Go to metadata icon

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In press | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1990 | 1988 | 1987 | 1985
In press

Beechie, T. J., G. R. Pess, M. M. Pollock, M. H. Ruckelshaus, P. Roni. In press. Restoring rivers in the 21st century: science challenges in a management context. In Fish and Fisheries Series. Springer.Go to metadata icon

Burnett, K. M., J. L. Ebersole, R. E. Gresswell, D. P. Larsen, P. W. Lawson, D. J. Miller, J. D. Rodgers, E. A. Steel, D. L. Stevens, C. E. Torgersen. In press. Data and Modeling Tools for Assessing Landscape-Level Influences on Salmonid Population: Examples from Western Oregon. In Sustainability of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Salmon Fisheries. AFS.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. In press. Case study of Pacific salmon. In Dieckmann, U., O. R. Godoe, M. Heino, J. Mork. (Eds.) Fisheries-Induced Adaptive Change. Cambridge University Press., Cambridge, U.K..Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., W. H. Eldridge, K. A. Naish, C. Krueger. In press. Genetic consequences of size-selective fishing: implications for viability of Yukon River Chinook salmon. In Krueger, C., C. E. Zimmerman. (Eds.) Sustainability of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Salmon Fisheries: What Do We Know About Salmon Ecology, Management, and Fisheries?. American Fisheries Society, Anchorage.Go to metadata icon

Naiman, R. J., J. M. Helfield, K. K. Bartz, D. C. Drake, J. M. Honea. In press. Pacific Salmon, Marine-Derived Nutrients and the Characteristics of Aquatic and Riparian Ecosystems. In Cunjak, R. A. American Fisheries Society.Go to metadata icon

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A. R. Kapuscinski, J. J. Hard, R. Neira, K. M. Paulson, A. Ponniah, W. Kamonrat, W. Mwanja, I. A. Fleming, J. Gallardo, R. H. Devlin, and J. Trisak. 2007. Approaches to assessing gene flow. Pp. 112-150 in Kapuscinski, A. R., S. Li, K. R. Hayes, and G. Dana (editors), Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 3: Methodologies for Transgenic Fish. CABI International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.Go to metadata icon

Senanan, W., J. J. Hard, A. Alcivar-Warren, J. Trisak, M. Zakaraia-Ismail, and M. L. Hernandez. 2007. Risk management: Post-approval monitoring and remediation. Pp. 272-290 in Kapuscinski, A. R., S. Li, K. R. Hayes, and G. Dana (editors), Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 3: Methodologies for Transgenic Fish. CABI International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., M. J. Ford, and D. Schmitt. 2007. Empirical results of salmon supplementation in the Northeast Pacific: A preliminary assessment. pp. 383-403 in T. M. Bert, ed. Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities. Kluwer Academic Publishers.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Good, T. P., D. Harstad, C. Hall, C. Maranto, M. Harper, B. Ryan. 2006. Predation on juvenile salmonids by Caspian Terns nesting in Potholes Reservoir. In Appendix in Piscivorous Waterbird Research on the Columbia River: draft 2005 season summary.Go to metadata icon

Plummer, M. 2006. The Grand Unified Theory of Natural Resource Economics: A Special Case. Page 18 in Layton, D. F., R. Halvorsen. (Eds.) Explorations in Environmental & Natural Resource Economics: Essays in Honor of Gardner M. Brown. Edward Elgar.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., D. Darm. 2006. Science and Implementation. Pages 104-126 in Scott, J. M., D. D. Goble, F. W. Davis. (Eds.) The Endangered Species Act at 30: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes. Island Press, Washington, D.C.Go to metadata icon

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Good, T. P., K. Barnas, D. M. Marsh, M. M. McClure, B. Ryan, B. P. Sandford, E. Casillas. 2005. Caspian Tern Predation on Juvenile Salmonid Outmigrants in the Columbia River Estuary. In Caspian Tern Management to Reduce Predation of Juvenile Salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs, Portland, OR..Go to metadata icon

Plummer, M. 2005. The Economic Evaluation of Stream and Watershed Restoration Projects. Pages 313-330 in Roni, P. (Ed.) Methods for monitoring stream and watershed restoration. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.Go to metadata icon

Roni, P., M. Liermann, C. E. Jordan, E. A. Steel. 2005. Steps for Designing a Monitoring and Evaluation Program for Aquatic Restoration. Pages 13-34 in Roni, P. (Ed.) Methods for monitoring stream and watershed restoration. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.Go to metadata icon

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Ford, M. J. 2004. Conservation units and preserving diversity. Pages 338-357 in Hendry, A. P., S. C. Stearns. (Eds.) Evolution Illuminated. Salmon and their relatives. Oxford University Press.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2004. Evolution of chinook salmon life history under size-selective harvest. Pages 315-337 in Hendry, A. P., S. C. Stearns. (Eds.) Evolution Illuminated. Salmon and their relatives. Oxford University Press.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E., B. Semmens. 2004. Population viability analysis for metapopulations: a diffusion approximation approach. Pages 565-598 in Hanski, I., O. E. Gaggiotti. (Eds.) Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulations. Elsevier Press.Go to metadata icon

Jacobson, K. C., R. E. Baldwin, D. J. Teel. 2004. Parasite community composition: Insights on the ecology and migration of juvenile salmon. Pages 49-51 in Workshop on Application of Stock Identification in defining Marine Distribution and Migration of Salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, Vancouver, BC.Go to metadata icon

Lundrigan, T. A., P. Moran, D. J. Teel, A. R. Marshall, S. F. Young, D. L. Bottom. 2004. Conservation and genetic stock identification: A study investigating the stock-specific distribution and performance of juvenile chinook salmon in the Columbia River estuary. Pages 70-71 in Workshop on Application of Stock Identification in defining Marine Distribution and Migration of Salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, Vancouver, BC.Go to metadata icon

Mahnken, C. V., W. T. Fairgrieve, F. W. Waknitz, D. J. Maynard, H. L. Blankenship. 2004. Lessons for marine fish enhancement: experiences with Pacific salmon. Pages 91-105 in Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities. Blackwell, Oxford.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., P. McElhany, M. M. McClure, S. Heppell. 2004. Chinook salmon in Puget Sound: Effects of spatially correlated catastrophes on persistence. Pages 208-218 in Ackakaya, R., M. Burgman, O. Kindvall, C. C. Wood, P. Sjogren-Gulve, J. S. Hatfield, M. A. McCarthy. (Eds.) Species Conservation and Management: Case Studies. Oxford Univ. Press.Go to metadata icon

Teel, D. J. 2004. Genetic mixed stock analysis of juvenile chinook salmon in coastal areas of western North America. Pages 47-48 in Workshop on Application of Stock Identification in defining Marine Distribution and Migration of Salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, Vancouver, BC.Go to metadata icon

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Payne, J. F., A. Mathieu, T. K. Collier. 2003. Ecotoxicological studies focusing on marine and freshwater fish. Pages 191-224 in Douben, P. E. (Ed.) PAHs: An Ecotoxicological Perspective. John Wiley.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., P. McElhany, M. J. Ford. 2003. Recovering species of conservation concern: Are populations expendable? Pages 305-329 in Kareiva, P., S. A. Levin. (Eds.) The importance of species : perspectives on expendability and triage. Princeton University Press.Go to metadata icon

Sanderson, B. L., E. A. Steel, T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, M. B. Sheer, C. A. Campbell. 2003. Analyses for Phase I recovery planning: setting recovery goals. Pages 18-39 in Beechie, T. J., E. A. Steel, P. Roni, E. Quimby. (Eds.) Ecosystem recovery planning for listed salmon: an integrated assessment approach for salmon habitat. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS-NWFSC-58, 183 p.Go to metadata icon

Steel, E. A., M. Liermann, P. McElhany, N. L. Scholz, A. Cullen. 2003. Managing uncertainty in habitat recovery planning. In Beechie, T. J., P. Roni, E. A. Steel, E. Quimby. (Eds.) Ecosystem recovery planning for listed salmon: An integrated assessment approach for salmon habitat. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-58, 183 p.Go to metadata icon

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Good, T. P., J. Fabbri. 2002. Catastrophic risk assessment of Lower Columbia and Willamette River ESUs of threatened Pacific salmon. In Appendix L in Willamette/Lower Columbia Pacific salmonid viability criteria. Willamette/Lower Columbia Technical Recovery Team Report (P. McElhany et al.), December 2, 2002.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2002. Genetic risks of hatchery salmon production to wild salmon. Pages 72-85 in Orr, C., R. Routledge, P. Gallaugher. (Eds.) Hatcheries and the protection of wild salmon. Speaking for the Salmon workshop proceedings. Centre for Coastal Studies and Continuing Studies in Science at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2002. Inbreeding. Pages 96-110 in Berejikian, B. A. (Ed.) Research on captive broodstock technology for Pacific salmon. Annual Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Project No. 93-56 (Contract No. 00005227).Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2002. Update on the status of pink salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Pages 47-51 in Neely, K., O. W. Johnson, K. W. Myers, J. J. Hard. (rapporteurs) Proceedings of the 20th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Workshop, Seattle, Washington.Go to metadata icon

Swanson, P., B. Campbell, B. R. Beckman, D. A. Larsen, J. T. Dickey, K. A. Cooper, N. Hodges, P. Kline, K. D. Shearer, D. Venditti, G. A. Winans, G. Young. 2002. Monitoring reproductive development in captive broodstock and anadromous hatchery stocks of Snake River spring chinook salmon during the freshwater phase of adult migration: Progress Report. In Berejikian, B. A. (Ed.) Research on Captive Broodstock Programs for pacific Salmon. Report to Bonneville Power Administration for FY 01. Contract No. 199305600.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J. 2001. Inbreeding. Pages 86-94 in Berejikian, B. A., C. E. Nash. (Eds.) Research on captive broodstock technology for Pacific salmon. Annual Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Project No. 93-56 (Contract No. 00005227).Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., A. M. Garrett, W. S. Grant, K. Neely, M. H. Ruckelshaus, F. W. Waknitz, J. J. Hard. 2001. Summary of status review of coastal cutthroat trout from the Pacific northwest. Pages 255-257 in Brewin, M. K., A. J. Paul, M. Monita. (Eds.) Bull trout II conference proceedings. Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, Alberta.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. G. 2001. Pacific Salmon Fisheries. In Steele, J. H., K. K. Turekian, S. A. Thorpe. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press, London.Go to metadata icon

Mathisen, O. A., N. J. Sands. 2001. Density-dependent ocean growth of some Bristol Bay sockeye salmon stocks. Pages 349-362 in Spatial processes and management of fish populations: Proceedings of the 17th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, October 27-30, 1999. University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 01-02, Anchorage, Alaska.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J., R. G. Kope, W. S. Grant. 2000. Endangered Species Act review of the status of pink salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California. Pages 103-110 in Knudsen, E. E., C. R. Steward, D. D. MacDonald, J. E. Williams, D. W. Reiser. (Eds.) Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2000. Genetic interactions between wild and cultured salmon. Pages 8-18 in Gallaugher, P., C. Orr. (Eds.) Aquaculture and the protection of wild salmon. Speaking for the Salmon workshop proceedings. Continuing Studies in Science at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J. 2000. Inbreeding. Page 124 electronic pages in Berejikian, B. A. (Ed.) Research on captive broodstock programs for Pacific salmon. Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Contract No. 1999A117859, Proj. No. 199305600 (BPA Report DOE/BP-17859-1), June 2000.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., W. K. Hershberger. 2000. Research on quantitative genetic consequences of captive broodstock programs for Pacific salmon populations. In Research on captive broodstock technology for Pacific salmon. Annual Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Project No. 93-56 (Contract No. DE-AI79-93BP55064).Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E., P. Kareiva. 2000. Using single species measurements to anticipate community consequences of environmental contaminants. Page 344 in Albers, P., G. Heinz, H. Ohlendorf. (Eds.) Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems. Special Publication of SETAC Press.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., D. A. Dightman, L. K. Park. 2000. Nonelectrophoretic genotyping using allele-specific PCR and a dsDNA-specific dye. In Burczak, J. D., E. R. Mardis. (Eds.) Polymorphism Detection and Analysis, BioTechniques Update Series. Eaton Publishing, Nantucket, Massachussets.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A., T. C. Wainwright, G. J. Bryant, D. J. Teel, R. G. Kope. 2000. Review of the status of coho salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California. Pages 111-118 in Knudsen, E. E., C. R. Steward, D. D. MacDonald, J. E. Williams, D. W. Reiser. (Eds.) Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J. 1999. Status review of pink salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Pages 166-173 in Hawkins, S. (rapporteur) Proceedings of the 19th Northeast Pacific pink and chum salmon workshop.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. G. 1999. Pacific Coast Salmon. Pages 149-155 in Our Living Oceans: Report on the status of U. S. living marine resources. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, 301 p.Go to metadata icon

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Roni, P., L. A. Weitkamp, J. Scordino. 1998. Identification of essential fish habitat for salmon in the Pacific northwest: Initial efforts, information needs, and future direction. Pages 93-107 in Fish habitat: essential fish habitat and rehabilitation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 22.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., C. Hays, P. Fiedler, P. Kareiva. 1998. Conservation of species in the sea. Pages 112-156 in Conservation Biology for the Coming Decade. Chapman and Hall, New York.Go to metadata icon

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Carlton, J. C., M. H. Ruckelshaus. 1997. Non-indigenous marine and estuarine invertebrates and plants of Florida. Pages 187-204 in Simberloff, D., T. Brown, D. Schmitz. (Eds.) Non-Indigenous Species in Florida: Patterns, Effects and Management. Island Press, Washington, D. C..Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., R. S. Waples, T. C. Wainwright, K. Neely, F. W. Waknitz, L. T. Parker. 1997. Summary of the biological status review of Umpqua River sea-run cutthroat trout. Pages 87-102 in Hall, J. R. (Ed.) Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout: Biology, Management, and Future Conservation, proceedings of a symposium. Reedsport, OR, Oct. 12-14, 1995. Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Corvallis, Oregon.Go to metadata icon

Kareiva, P., D. Skelly, M. H. Ruckelshaus. 1997. Re-evaluating the use of models to predict the consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation. Pages 156-166 in Pickett, S. T., R. Ostfeld, M. Shachak, G. Likens. (Eds.) The Ecological Basis of Conservation: Heterogeneity, Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Chapman and Hall, NY.Go to metadata icon

Lawson, P. W. 1997. Interannual variability in growth and survival of chinook and coho salmon. In Emmett, R. L., M. H. Schiewe. (Eds.) Estuarine and ocean survival of Northeastern Pacific salmon: Proceedings of the workshop. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-219.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J., W. K. Hershberger. et al 1996. Research on quantitative genetic consequences of captive broodstock programs for Pacific salmon populations. Pages 8-1 to 8-28 in Swanson, P. (Ed.) Research on Captive Broodstock Technology for Pacific Salmon. Annual Report 1995. BPA Report DOE/BP-55064. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon.Go to metadata icon

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Berejikian, B. A., E. P. Tezak, L. K. Park, S. L. Schroder, C. M. Knudsen, J. J. Hard. 1995. Reproductive success of captively reared and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). In Swanson, P. (Ed.) Captive broodstock evaluation. Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79-93BP55064.Go to metadata icon

Flagg, T. A., F. W. Waknitz, D. J. Maynard, G. B. Milner, C. V. Mahnken. 1995. The effect of hatcheries on native coho salmon populations in the lower Columbia River. Pages 366-375 in Schramm, H. L. Jr., R. G. Piper. (Eds.) Uses and effects of cultured fishes in aquatic ecosystems. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., W. K. Hershberger. 1995. Quantitative genetic consequences of captive broodstock programs for anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Pages 2-1 to 2-75 in An assessment of the status of captive broodstock technology for Pacific salmon. Final Report to Bonneville Power Admin., Proj. No. 93-56, Contract No. DE-AI79-93BP55064, June 1995.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J. 1994. Genetics and salmon management: Expanded summary of a panel discussion. Pages 151-163 in Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P. 1994. Overview of commonly used DNA techniques. Pages 15-26 in Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

Moran, P., E. Bermingham. 1994. Phylogeographic structure of coho salmon populations assessed by mitochondrial DNA. Pages 57-62 in Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K., P. Moran, D. A. Nickerson. 1994. Application of the oligonucleotide ligation assay to the study of chinook salmon populations in the Snake River. Pages 91-97 in Park, L. K., P. Moran, R. S. Waples. (Eds.) Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon: Proceedings of the workshop. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K. 1994. Introduction to DNA basics. Pages 3-13 in Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H. 1994. The importance of ecological and genetic attributes of marine plant populations to restoration of nearshore habitats. In Wyllie-Echeverria, T., A. M. Olson, M. J. Hershman. (Eds.) Seagrass Science and Policy in the Pacific Northwest. EPA 910/R-94-004.Go to metadata icon

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Johnson, O. W., D. J. Maynard, G. B. Milner, F. W. Waknitz. 1993. Genetic considerations in the status review of lower Columbia River coho salmon. Pages 161-181 in Coho Salmon Workshop. Coast Bastion Inn, Nanamio, British Columbia.Go to metadata icon

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Ruckelshaus, M. H., R. C. Wissmar, C. A. Simenstad. 1990. Sources and Fates of organic matter: utilization of eelgrass carbon by estuarine bivalves. Pages 13-20 in Merkel, K. W., R. S. Hoffman. (Eds.) Proc. Calif. Eelgrass Symp. Sweetwater River Press, CA.Go to metadata icon

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Ruckelshaus, M. H., R. C. Wissmar, C. A. Simenstad. 1988. Mussel growth and estuarine habitat quality. Pages 463-472 in Proc. First Annual Meeting Puget Sound Research. Vol. I. Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, WA.Go to metadata icon

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Utter, F., P. B. Aebersold, G. A. Winans. 1987. Interpreting genetic variation detected by electrophoresis. Pages 21-45 in Ryman, N., F. Utter. (Eds.) Population Genetics and Fishery Management. Univ. Wash. Press, Seattle, WA.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Malins, D. C., B. B. McCain, M. M. Krahn, M. S. Myers, J. E. Stein, W. T. Roubal, D. W. Brown, U. Varanasi, H. O. Hodgins, S. Chan. 1985. Occurrence of hepatic neoplasms and other lesions in bottom-dwelling fish and relationships to pollution in Puget Sound, Washington. Pages 399-414 in Jolly, R. L., R. J. Bull, W. P. Davis, S. L. Katz, M. H. Roberts Jr., V. A. Jacobs. (Eds.) Effects, Vol. 5. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Utter, F., P. B. Aebersold, J. H. Helle, G. A. Winans. 1984. Genetic characteristics of populations on the southeastern range of sockeye salmon. Pages 17-32 in Walton, J. M., D. B. Houston. (Eds.) Proc. Oympic Wild Fish Conf. Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA.Go to metadata icon

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Contract Report

2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
1994 | 1993 | 1991 | 1986 | 1983 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979

Beamer, E. M., C. A. Rice, R. Henderson, K. L. Fresh, M. Rowse. 2007. Taxonomic Composition of Fish assemblages, and Density and Size of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Greater Skagit River Estuary: Field Sampling and Data Summary Report. Report to the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.Go to metadata icon

Murdoch, A., Pearsons, T., Maitland, T., Ford, M., and Williamson, K. 2007. Monitoring the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery and natural spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River. BPA Project No. 2003-039-00. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon., Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration. Available: Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Hard, J.J., and K.A. Naish. 2005. Evaluate effects of inbreeding and inbreeding depression. In B.A. Berejikian (editor), Research on captive broodstock programs for Pacific salmon, 2004-2005 Annual report, Project No. 199305600, p. 138-160. Available Bonneville Power Administration (BPA Report DOE/BP-00017690-1, 162 electronic pages), Environment Fish and Wildlife, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, OR 97208.Go to metadata icon

Murdoch, A. R., T. N. Pearsons, T. W. Maitland, M. J. Ford, K. Williamson. 2005. Monitoring the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery and natural spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River. Report to the Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berejikian, B. A., J. A. Scheurer, J. Lee, D. M. Van Doornik, E. Volk, T. Johnson. 2004. Evaluation of conservation hatchery rearing and release strategies for steelhead recovery in the Hamma Hamma River. Annual Report to the Hatchery Scientific Review Group, IAC Grant #01-042, 33 p.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J.J., and K.A. Naish. 2004. Evaluate effects of inbreeding and inbreeding depression. In B.A. Berejikian (editor), Research on captive broodstock programs for Pacific salmon, 2003-2004 Annual report, Project No. 199305600, p.164-189. Available Bonneville Power Administration (BPA Report DOE/BP-00005227-4, 190 electronic pages), Environment Fish and Wildlife, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, OR 97208.Go to metadata icon

Roegner, G. C., D. L. Bottom, A. M. Baptista, J. Burke, S. A. Hinton, D. A. Jay, C. A. Simenstad, E. Casillas, K. K. Jones. 2004. Estuarine habitat and juvenile salmon: current and historical linkages in the lower Columbia River and estuary, 2002. Report of Research by Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Contract W66QKZ20374382, vi, 62 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berejikian, B. A., J. A. Scheurer, J. Lee, D. M. Van Doornik, E. Volk, T. Johnson, R. Endicott. 2003. Evaluation of conservation hatchery rearing and release strategies for steelhead recovery in the Hamma Hamma River. Annual Report to the Hatchery Scientific Review Group, IAC Grant #01-042, 25 p.Go to metadata icon

McComas, R. L., B. P. Sandford, C. D. Magie, J. W. Ferguson, D. M. Katz, M. Plummer. 2003. Evaluation of a prototype high-velocity flume separator at Ice Harbor Dam, 1999. Report of Research by Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, vi, 76 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berejikian, B. A., D. M. Van Doornik, E. Volk, T. Johnson, J. Lee, J. Atkins, R. Endicott. 2002. Evaluation of conservation hatchery rearing and release strategies for steelhead recovery in the Hamma Hamma River. Annual report to the Hatchery Scientific Review Group, IAC Grant #01-042, 25 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berejikian, B. A., D. M. Van Doornik, E. Volk, T. Johnson, B. Smith, R. Endicott. 2001. Evaluation of conservation hatchery rearing and release strategies for steelhead recovery in the Hamma Hamma River. Annual report to the Hatchery Scientific Review Group, IAC Grant #01-042, 21 p.Go to metadata icon

Bottom, D. L., C. A. Simenstad, A. M. Baptista, D. A. Jay, J. Burke, K. K. Jones, E. Casillas, M. H. Schiewe. 2001. Salmon at river's end: the role of the estuary in the decline and recovery of Columbia River salmon. Report to the U.S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Contract 98-AI06603, 255 p. plus appendix.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Waples, R. S., P. Moran. 1999. Genetic monitoring and evaluation program for supplemented populations of salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin. Report to the Technical Progress Report submitted to Bonneville Power Administration (Oct 1999).Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Waples, R. S., P. B. Aebersold, G. A. Winans. 1997. Population genetic structure and life history variability in Oncorhynchus nerka from the Snake River Basin. Final report of research to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79-93BP05326, 104 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Roni, P., L. A. Weitkamp. 1996. Environmental monitoring of the Manchester Naval Fuel Pier replacement, Puget Sound, Washington, 1991-1994. Report to the U.S. Department of Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division, Contract N62474-91-MP-00758, 40 p. plus appendices.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Stuehrenberg, L. C., D. Smith, O. W. Johnson. 1995. Evaluation of factors affecting collection efficiency estimates of chinook salmon and steelhead smolts at McNary Dam, 1989. Final Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79- 88BP1024, 25 p.Go to metadata icon

Swanson, P., T. A. Flagg, J. J. Hard, L. W. Harrell, K. D. Shearer, R. J. Pascho, W. K. Hershberger, K. C. Massee, R. W. Hardy. 1995. Research on Captive Broodstock Technology for Pacific Salmon, Annual Report 1995. Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract 1993BP55064, Project No. 199305600, 220 p. (BPA Report DOE/BP-55064-2)Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Prentice, E. F., D. J. Maynard, S. L. Downing, D. A. Frost, M. S. Kellett, D. A. Bruland, P. Sparks-Mcconkey, F. W. Waknitz, R. N. Iwamoto, K. W. McIntyre, N. N. Paasch. 1994. A study to determine the biological feasibility of a new fish tagging system (1990-93). Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79-84BP11982, 250 p.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 1994. Environmental monitoring of the Manchester Naval fuel pier replacement, Puget Sound, Washington. Report to the , Contract Contract N62474-91-MP-00758, 92 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Prentice, E. F., D. J. Maynard, P. Sparks-Mcconkey, C. S. McCutcheon, D. Neff, W. Steffens, F. W. Waknitz, A. L. Jensen, L. C. Stuehrenberg, S. L. Downing, B. P. Sandford, T. W. Newcomb. 1993. A study to determine the biological feasibility of a new fish tagging system. Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-AI79-84BP11982, 182 p.Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., O. W. Johnson, P. B. Aebersold, C. K. Shiflett, D. M. Van Doornik, D. J. Teel, A. E. Cook. 1993. A genetic monitoring and evaluation program for supplemented populations of salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin. Annual Report of Research to the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon, Contract DE-A179-89BP00911, Project No. 89-096.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A., D. B. Dey. 1993. Environmental monitoring of the Manchester Naval Fuel Pier replacement, Puget Sound, Washington, 1992. Report to the Department of Navy, Contract N62474-91-MP-00758, 62 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Waples, R. S., D. J. Teel, P. B. Aebersold. 1991. A genetic monitoring and evaluation program for supplemented populations of salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin. Annual report of research to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-A179-89BP00911, Project No. 89-096.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, P. B. Aebersold, F. Utter. 1986. Genetic stock identification. Annual report of research to the Bonneville Power Administration, Contract DE-A179-85BP23520, Project No. 85-84.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, F. Utter. 1983. Genetic stock identification study. Final Report of Research by NOAA, NWAFC to the Bonneville Power Administration, Seattle, WA, Contract DE-A179-82BP28044M001.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, F. Utter, C. L. Burley. 1981. Columbia River stock identification study: Validation of genetic method. Final Report of Research by NOAA, NWAFC to the Bonneville Power Administration, Seattle, WA, Contract DE-A179-80BP18488.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, F. Utter. 1980. Columbia River stock identification study. Final Report of Research by NOAA, NWAFC to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seattle, WA, Contract 14-16-0001-6438.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel. 1979. Columbia River stock identification study. Annual report of research by NOAA, NWAFC to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seattle, WA, Contract 14-16-0001-6438.Go to metadata icon

Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel, F. Utter. 1979. Electrophoretic survey of protein genetic variation in eight strains of rainbow trout (Salmon gairdneri) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Genetic Laboratory. Final Report of Research by NOAA, NWAFC to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seattle, WA, Contract Contract No. 14-16-0009-79-911.Go to metadata icon

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Technical Memorandum

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990

Holt, M. M. 2008. Sound exposure and Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca): A review of current knowledge and data gaps. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-89, 59 p.Go to metadata icon

Wainwright, T. C., M. W. Chilcote, P. W. Lawson, T. E. Nickelson, C. W. Huntington, J. S. Mills, K. M. Moores, G. H. Reeves, H. A. Stout, L. A. Weitkamp. 2008. Biological recovery criteria for the Oregon Coast coho salmon evolutionarily significant unit. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-91, 199 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berntson, E. A., P. S. Levin, P. Moran. 2007. Conservation of North Pacific rockfishes: Ecological genetics and stock structure. Proceedings of the workshop March 2-3, 2004, Seattle, Washington. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-80, 80 p.Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., J. M. Myers, M. J. Ford, R. G. Kope, G. R. Pess, R. S. Waples, G. A. Winans, B. A. Berejikian, F. W. Waknitz, P. B. Adams, P. A. Bisson, D. E. Campton, R. Reisenbichler. 2007. Status review of Puget Sound steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-81, 117 p.Go to metadata icon

Lawson, P. W., E. P. Bjorkstedt, M. W. Chilcote, C. W. Huntington, J. S. Mills, K. M. Moores, T. E. Nickelson, G. H. Reeves, H. A. Stout, T. C. Wainwright, L. A. Weitkamp. 2007. Identification of historical populations of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Oregon coast evolutionarily significant unit. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-79, 129 p.Go to metadata icon

Norman, K. C., J. A. Sepez, H. Lazrus, N. Milne, C. Package, S. Russell, K. Grant, R. Petersen Lewis, J. Primo, E. Springer, M. Styles, B. D. Tilt, I. Vaccaro. 2007. Community profiles for West Coast and North Pacific fisheries - Washington, Oregon, California, and other U.S. states. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-85, 602 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Gustafson, R. G., J. Drake, M. J. Ford, J. M. Myers, E. E. Holmes, R. S. Waples. 2006. Status review of Cherry Point Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and updated status review of the Georgia Basin Pacific herring distinct population segment under the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-76, 182 p.Go to metadata icon

Myers, J. M., C. Busack, D. Rawding, A. R. Marshall, D. J. Teel, D. M. Van Doornik, M. T. Maher. 2006. Historical population structure of Pacific salmonids in the Willamette River and lower Columbia River basins. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-73, 311 p.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., K. P. Currens, W. H. Graeber, R. R. Fuerstenberg, K. Rawson, N. J. Sands, J. B. Scott. 2006. Independent populations of Chinook salmon in Puget Sound. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-78, 125 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Bottom, D. L., C. A. Simenstad, J. Burke, A. M. Baptista, D. A. Jay, K. K. Jones, E. Casillas, M. H. Schiewe. 2005. Salmon at river's end: The role of the estuary in the decline and recovery of Columbia River salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-68, 246 p.Go to metadata icon

Good, T. P., R. S. Waples, P. Adams. (eds.) 2005. Updated status of Federally listed ESUs of West Coast salmon and steelhead. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-66, 598 p.Go to metadata icon

Holmes, E. E., W. Fagan, J. J. Rango, A. Folarin, J. A. Sorensen, J. E. Lippe, N. E. McIntyre. 2005. Cross validation of quasi-extinction risks from real time series: An examination of diffusion approximation methods. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-67, 37 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Berejikian, B.A., and M.J. Ford. 2004. Review of relative fitness of hatchery and natural salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-61, 28 p.Go to metadata icon

Ford, M. J., T. A. Lundrigan, P. Moran. 2004. Population genetics of Entiat River spring Chinook salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-60, 45 p. (PDF | Excel Data file)Go to metadata icon

Krahn, M. M., M. J. Ford, W. F. Perrin, P. R. Wade, R. P. Angliss, M. B. Hanson, B. L. Taylor, G. M. Ylitalo, M. E. Dahlheim, J. E. Stein, R. S. Waples. 2004. 2004 Status Review of Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) under the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-62, 73 p.Go to metadata icon

Norman, S. A., S. Raverty, B. McLellan, A. Pabst, D. Ketten, M. Fleetwood, J. K. Gaydos, B. Norberg, L. Barre, T. Cox, M. B. Hanson, S. Jeffries. 2004. Multidisciplinary investigation of stranded harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Washington State with an assessment of acoustic trauma as a contributory factor (2 May-2 June 2003). U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS F/NWR 7, 118 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Krahn, M. M., P. R. Wade, S. T. Kalinowski, M. E. Dahlheim, B. L. Taylor, M. B. Hanson, G. M. Ylitalo, R. P. Angliss, J. E. Stein, R. S. Waples. 2002. Status Review of Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) under the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-54, 133 p.Go to metadata icon

Mace, P. M., A. W. Bruckner, N. K. Daves, J. D. Field, J. R. Hunter, N. E. Kohler, R. G. Kope, S. S. Lieberman, M. Miller, J. W. Orr, R. S. Otto, T. Smith, N. B. Thompson, J. Lyke, A. G. Blundell. 2002. NMFS / Interagency Working Group Evaluation of CITES Criteria and Guidelines. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/SPO-58, 70 p.Go to metadata icon

Waknitz, F. W., T. J. Tynan, C. E. Nash, R. N. Iwamoto, L. G. Rutter. 2002. Review of Potential Impacts of Atlantic Salmon Culture on Puget Sound Chinook Salmon and Hood Canal Summer-Run Chum Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-53, 83 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Nash, C. E., K. M. Brooks, W. T. Fairgrieve, R. N. Iwamoto, C. V. Mahnken, M. B. Rust, M. S. Strom, F. W. Waknitz. 2001. The net-pen salmon farming industry in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-49, 125 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Stout, H. A., B. B. McCain, R. D. Vetter, T. L. Builder, W. H. Lenarz, L. L. Johnson, R. D. Methot. 2001. Status Review of Copper Rockfish (Sebastes caurinus), Quillback Rockfish (S. maliger), and Brown Rockfish (S. auriculatus) in Puget Sound, Washington. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-46, xxiv, 158 p.Go to metadata icon

Stout, H. A., R. G. Gustafson, W. H. Lenarz, B. B. McCain, D. M. Van Doornik, T. L. Builder, R. D. Methot. 2001. Status review of Pacific herring in Puget Sound, Washington. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-45, 175 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Gustafson, R. G., W. H. Lenarz, B. B. McCain, C. C. Schmitt, W. S. Grant, T. L. Builder, R. D. Methot. 2000. Status review of Pacific hake, Pacific cod, and walleye pollock from Puget Sound, Washington. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-44, 275 p.Go to metadata icon

McElhany, P., M. H. Ruckelshaus, M. J. Ford, T. C. Wainwright, E. P. Bjorkstedt. 2000. Viable salmon populations and the recovery of evolutionarily significant units. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-42, 156 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Johnson, O. W., M. H. Ruckelshaus, W. S. Grant, F. W. Waknitz, A. M. Garrett, G. J. Bryant, K. Neely, J. J. Hard. 1999. Status review of coastal cutthroat trout from Washington, Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-37, 292 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Myers, J. M., R. G. Kope, G. J. Bryant, D. J. Teel, L. J. Lierheimer, T. C. Wainwright, W. S. Grant, F. W. Waknitz, K. Neely, S. Lindley, R. S. Waples. 1998. Status review of Chinook salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-35, 443 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Gustafson, R. G., T. C. Wainwright, G. A. Winans, F. W. Waknitz, L. T. Parker, R. S. Waples. 1997. Status review of sockeye salmon from Washington and Oregon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-33, 282 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Johnson, O. W., W. S. Grant, R. G. Kope, K. Neely, F. W. Waknitz, R. S. Waples. 1997. Status review of chum salmon from Washington, Idaho. Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-32, 280 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Busby, P. J., T. C. Wainwright, G. J. Bryant, L. J. Lierheimer, R. S. Waples, F. W. Waknitz, I. V. Lagomarsino. 1996. Status Review of West Coast Steelhead from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-27, 261 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

Hard, J. J., R. G. Kope, W. S. Grant, F. W. Waknitz, L. T. Parker, R. S. Waples. 1996. Status review of pink salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-25, 131 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

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Waknitz, F. W., G. M. Matthews, T. C. Wainwright, G. A. Winans. 1995. Status review for mid- Columbia River summer chinook salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-22, 80 p.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A., T. C. Wainwright, G. J. Bryant, G. B. Milner, D. J. Teel, R. G. Kope, R. S. Waples. 1995. Status review of coho salmon from Washington, Oregon, and California. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-24, 258 p. (PDF | HTML)Go to metadata icon

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Johnson, O. W., R. S. Waples, T. C. Wainwright, K. Neely, F. W. Waknitz, L. T. Parker. 1994. Status review for Oregon's Umpqua River sea-run cutthroat trout. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-15, 122 p.Go to metadata icon

Park, L. K., P. Moran, R. S. Waples. (Eds.) 1994. Application of DNA technology to the management of Pacific salmon: Proceedings of the workshop. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-17.Go to metadata icon

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Busby, P. J., O. W. Johnson, T. C. Wainwright, F. W. Waknitz, R. S. Waples. 1993. Status review for Oregon's Illinois River winter steelhead. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-10, 85 p.Go to metadata icon

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Hard, J. J., R. P. Jones Jr., R. S. Waples. 1992. Pacific Salmon and Artificial Propagation Under the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-2.Go to metadata icon

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Johnson, O. W., T. A. Flagg, D. J. Maynard, G. B. Milner, F. W. Waknitz. 1991. Status review for lower Columbia River coho salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-202, 94 p. (Complete Article (PDF) | Summary (HTML))Go to metadata icon

Waples, R. S., O. W. Johnson. 1991. Status Review for Snake River Sockeye Salmon. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-F/NWC-195.Go to metadata icon

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Waples, R. S., G. A. Winans, F. Utter, C. V. Mahnken. 1990. Genetic monitoring of Pacific salmon hatcheries. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., Rept NMFS 92.Go to metadata icon

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2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1994 | 1985

Hard, J. J., J. M. Myers, M. J. Ford, R. G. Kope, G. R. Pess, R. S. Waples, G. A. Winans, B. A. Berejikian, F. W. Waknitz, P. B. Adams, P. A. Bisson, D. E. Campton, R. Reisenbichler. 2005. Status review update for Puget Sound steelhead. Report submitted to NOAA/NMFS Northwest Regional Office, Seattle, Washington, 26 July 2005, 70 p. + 4 appendices.Go to metadata icon

Kope, R. G. 2005. Performance of ocean salmon fisheries management relative to National Marine Fisheries Service Endangered Species Act consultation standards. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 28 p.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Myers, J. M., C. Busack, D. Rawding, A. R. Marshall. 2003. Historical population structure of Willamette and Lower Columbia River Basin Pacific salmonids. WLC-TRT Report, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle. WA.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Baker, J., P. Moran. 2002. Nuclear DNA identification of migrating bull trout captured at the Puget Sound Energy diversion dam on the White River, Washington State. Report to Puyallup Tribal FisheriesGo to metadata icon

Fuss, H., M. J. Ford. 2002. Differences in natural production between hatchery and wild coho salmon. Annual report to the Hatchery Scientific Work Group, June 2002.Go to metadata icon

Peek, J. M., M. S. Boyce, E. O. Garton, J. J. Hard, L. S. Mills. 2002. Risks involved in current management of elk in Washington. Final report to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Wildlife Commission, Olympia, Washington, 99 p.Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., K. Currens, R. Fuerstenberg, W. Graeber, K. Rawson, N. J. Sands, K. J. Scott. 2002. Planning ranges and preliminary guidelines for the delisting and recovery of the Puget Sound Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit. Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team.Go to metadata icon

Top of Page

Ford, M. J., P. Budy, C. Busack, e. al. 2001. Upper Columbia River Steelhead and Spring Chinook Salmon: Population Structure and Biological Requirements. Final Report, March 2001.Go to metadata icon

Fuss, H., C. Sharpe, P. Hulett, M. J. Ford, J. J. Hard, E. LaHood. 2001. Differences in natural production between hatchery and wild coho salmon in Minter Creek, Washington. Annual report to the Hatchery Science Review Group, June, 2001..Go to metadata icon

Ruckelshaus, M. H., e. al. 2001. Independent populations of chinook salmon in Puget Sound. Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team Report, 92 p.Go to metadata icon

Weitkamp, L. A. 2001. Status review update for lower Columbia River coho. West Coast coho salmon Biological Review Team, 15 Mar. 2001. 52 p.Go to metadata icon

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Teel, D. J., P. A. Crane, C. Guthrie III, A. R. Marshall, D. M. Van Doornik, W. D. Templin, N. V. Varnavskya, L. W. Seeb. 1999. Comprehensive allozyme database discriminates chinook salmon around the Pacific Rim. NPAFC document Doc. 440, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 25 p.Go to metadata icon

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Pella, J., M. Masuda, C. Guthrie III, C. Kondzela, A. J. Gharrett, A. Moles, G. A. Winans. 1998. Stock composition of some sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, catches in Southeast Alaska, based on incidence of allozyme variants, freshwater ages, and a brain_tissue parasite. NOAA Tech. Report, NMFS 132, 23 p.Go to metadata icon

Urawa, S., Y. Ueno, Y. Ishida, S. Takagi, G. A. Winans, N. Davis. 1998. Genetic stock identification of young chum salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent Seas. NPAFC Doc. 336, National Salmon Resources Center, Fisheries Agency of Japan, Toyohira_ku, Sapporo 062_0922, Japan, 9 p.Go to metadata icon

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Urawa, S., Y. Ishida, Y. Ueno, S. Takagi, G. A. Winans, N. Davis. 1997. Genetic stock identification of chum salmon in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the winter and summer of 1996. NPAFC Doc. 259, National Salmon Conservation Center, Fisheries Agency of Japan, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo 062, Japan, 11 p.Go to metadata icon

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Weitkamp, L. A. 1994. A review of the effects of dams on the Columbia River estuarine environment, with special reference to salmonids. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration and Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ix, 148 p.Go to metadata icon

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Milner, G. B., D. J. Teel. 1985. Genetic variation in steelhead populations of the Snake River. Final Report, NWAFC, CZES, Seattle, WA.Go to metadata icon

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2004 | 1994

Weitkamp, L. A. 2004. Ocean conditions, marine survival, and performance of juvenile chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon in Southeast Alaska. Ph.D. Thesis University of Washington, vii, 223 p.Go to metadata icon

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Ruckelshaus, M. H. 1994. Ecological and genetic factors affecting population structure in the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina L. Ph. D University of Washington, Seattle, WA, v, 207 p.Go to metadata icon

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