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Criminal Investigations

Each office conducts odometer fraud investigations for criminal prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice. Our investigators also assist State agencies that enforce odometer laws and regulations. OFI
investigations resulted in over 240 criminal convictions in more than 30 States. Prison sentences ranged from one month to eight years, criminal fines totaled more than $2.8 million, and court-ordered restitutions totaled more than $10 million.

Consumer Outreach Program (COP)

This program provides assistance to consumers who suspect that they have been victimized by odometer fraud. COP responds to general inquiries and specific questions related to odometer fraud violations. Consumers are provided with information on odometer laws and odometer disclosure requirements if they
suspect fraudulent odometer tampering. Other resources may be recommended to assist them in their
pursuit. Consumers are strongly advised to consult a private attorney to determine their legal rights and
remedies in the matter. Although we do not have the authority to pursue claims on behalf of consumers, we appreciate any information we receive that may aid our overall law enforcement efforts. To provide information, consumers may call OFI at 202-366-4761 or NHTSA’s Vehicle Safety Hotline at 888-327-4236 (TTY for individuals with hearing impairments: 800-424-9153). Consumers can also e-mail OFI at





Index | PDF version | Our Mission | Criminal Investigations
Consumer Outreach Program | Federal/State Partnership | Public Awareness | More Info