The Challenges and Impact of Human Genome Research for Minority Communities

proceedings from a conference presented by
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., National Educational Foundation
July 7-8, 2000, Philadelphia, PA

Zeta Background
Zeta NEF Purpose

Conference Mission
Conference Objectives
Research Plans
Conference Agenda
Conference Summary
Workshop I Summary

Workshop II Summary
Workshop III Summary
What's Next?
Human Genome News article

Dr. Aristides A. Patrinos
Dr. John Quackenbush
Dr. Georgia M. Dunston
Dr. Mary Kay Pelias
Dr. Fatimah Jackson
Dr. Christopher Adams
Dr. Rosalind P. Hale
Dr. Margaret C. Werner-Washburne
Rev. Dr. Deborah P. Wolfe
Dr. Jeroo S. Kotval
Betty K. Mansfield
Issie L. Shelton Jenkins, Esq.
Phyllis Griffin Epps, Esq.
Dr. Kathryn T. Malvern

Contact Information
Board of Managers
National Educational Foundation

Research Plans

Specific Aims / Objectives of the Information Conference on the Human Genome Project (HGP):

    • To present clear and understandable information to the minority communities regarding the Human Genome Project.
    • To explore the ethical, legal and social issues raised by human genome research and the HGP, and their particular relevance for minorities.
    • To review the present status of genetic research findings and the benefits anticipated in promoting better physical and mental health for our communities.
    • To provide information on the present and anticipated positive results and benefits of genetic research and the HGP for minorities, and to examine possible adverse consequences and strategies for lessening any adverse benefits.
    • To facilitate minority communities’ input into the Human Genome Project as it develops, and explore mechanisms for keeping communities informed and updated on developments, and to facilitate the development of community networks to keep individuals and communities informed.
    • To develop and enhance career interest in genetics and related sciences and business development.
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The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.