The Challenges and Impact of Human Genome Research for Minority Communities

proceedings from a conference presented by
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., National Educational Foundation
July 7-8, 2000, Philadelphia, PA

Zeta Background
Zeta NEF Purpose

Conference Mission
Conference Objectives
Research Plans
Conference Agenda
Conference Summary
Workshop I Summary

Workshop II Summary
Workshop III Summary
What's Next?
Human Genome News article

Dr. Aristides A. Patrinos
Dr. John Quackenbush
Dr. Georgia M. Dunston
Dr. Mary Kay Pelias
Dr. Fatimah Jackson
Dr. Christopher Adams
Dr. Rosalind P. Hale
Dr. Margaret C. Werner-Washburne
Rev. Dr. Deborah P. Wolfe
Dr. Jeroo S. Kotval
Betty K. Mansfield
Issie L. Shelton Jenkins, Esq.
Phyllis Griffin Epps, Esq.
Dr. Kathryn T. Malvern

Contact Information
Board of Managers
National Educational Foundation

Betty Mansfield, Human Genome Management Information System
Bioscience Careers Fueled by Genome Research in the Biology Century

The large, multidisciplinary Human Genome Project (HGP) – the effort to find all human genes and characterize a reference genome—promises to revolutionize the future so profoundly that this has been dubbed the "biology century." Almost everyone will be affected by applications of information and technologies derived from the HGP era of the late 20th century. Entirely new approaches will be implemented in biological research and the practice of medicine and agriculture. Genetic data will provide the foundation for research in many biological subdisciplines, leading to an unprecedented understanding of the inner workings of whole biological systems. The benefits of genomic research are, or soon will be realized in such areas as forensics and identification science, ecology and environmental science, toxic-waste cleanup, creation of new bioenergy sources and more efficient industrial processes, and understanding the mysteries of evolution, anthropology, and human migration.

Among the fields that HGP research will impact are engineering, computer science, mathematics, counseling, sociology, ethics, religion, law, agriculture, education, pharmaceuticals, instrumentation, nuclear medicine, forensics, bioremediation, biofuels, and journalism. Cross-disciplinary students with solid backgrounds in science and in one or more other fields such as journalism, law, and computer science will be needed to tackle the issues and applications arising from the HGP.

Commercialization of numerous applications in genomic science is fueling the burgeoning life sciences economic sector. Legislation and litigation increasingly will be concerned with genetics and the intellectual-property issues pertaining to genetic information and technologies. Educators, the media, students, and the public need a good understanding of the "new genetics" and its implications to communicate, teach, and help others make related career and personal decisions. Democratizing access to genetic science information should help maximize HGP benefits while protecting against misuse of the data. Every effort must be made to ensure that everyone, regardless of race, citizenship, or national origin, enjoys the benefits of genomics research and its subsequent applications, including life improvements and excellent career possibilities. Society simultaneously must be protected from such possible negative impacts as the failure to preserve the privacy of individual genetic information.

People who pursued careers in fields such as business that traditionally did not require life sciences training are increasingly finding that, at the very least, they need a working knowledge of the principles of biology and life science research and development. Presented below are some traditional and new bioscience career possibilities, followed by some educational strategies for pursuing such careers.

Possible Career Areas in Bioscience

Note: The biotechnology industry has doubled in the past six years. In 1999, there were 437,400 U.S. jobs in the field (150,800 direct; 286,600 indirect), and more opportunities are expected in healthcare, food production, and environmental cleanup (Ernst & Young, May 2000, In regard to the burgeoning drug industry based on genomics, the spring 1999 issue of the Consulting Resources Corporation’s newsletter for biotechnology professional said, "We expect the growing family of new genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics technologies to dominate the next decade’s developments in therapeutics by greatly improving the efficiency and speed of the entire drug discovery, testing, and approval process."

  • Medical genetics, genetic counseling, genetic nursing
  • Gene testing, gene therapy
  • Organ transplantation, fertility, and reproduction
  • Public health
  • Pharmaceutical industry and suppliers
    • -Pharmacogenomics
    • -Chemical, vaccine, medicine development and production
    • -Database development, operation, use
    • -Communication, work with regulatory agencies

Agriculture and Wildlife

  • Genetic modification of foods and seeds
  • Biopesticide and neutriceutical development
  • Wildlife management: Identification, protection of endangered species
  • Authentication of consumables, such as, wine, caviar.

Computing and Bioinformatics requires experts in both biology and computing)

  • Databases, analysis, modeling, data transfer
  • Supercomputing
  • Mathematics, statistics, actuarial field

Engineering Disciplines

  • Bioprocessing chamber, vat design and production
  • Toxic-waste cleanup
  • Instrumentation development
  • Creation of new energy source via engineering, life science research
  • Biomedical engineering.


  • Investment in biosciences industry
  • Marketing and sales
  • Banking

Legal and Justice

  • Education
  • Patent specialities
  • Specialties in ethical, legal, and social issues
  • Gene and paternity testing
  • DNA forensics, laboratory and legal

History and Anthropology

  • Use of genetics to study population, migration patterns
  • Study of inheritance over evolutionary time


  • Soldier identification
  • Pathogen identification
  • Biological and chemical warfare protection
  • Radiation-exposure assessment

Space Exploration

  • Research into space effects
  • Search for other life forms, evidence of life

Bench Science

  • Sequencing of many organisms, including human
  • Data analysis, computation
  • Functional genomics
  • Proteomics
  • Human variation in health and disease
  • Microbial genetics
  • Environmental studies
  • Education

Bioscience Communication

Audiences: public, media, judiciary, legal and medical professionals, consumers, Congress, researchers, educators and students

  • Reporting, writing, editing
  • Website development, maintenance
  • Science, ELSI information distribution
  • Public relations
  • Marketing
  • Special events


Preparing for a Career in the Biosciences

  • Gain experience in the biosciences industry through internships, volunteer work, work-study, and co-op programs.
  • Pursue a cross-disciplinary education. Biology problems are too big to be solved by people trained in only one discipline. People need science and technology basics, training in computer use and information technology, and education in bioethics to anticipate and present options for solving prickly social issues. Community and four-year college training is offered in biology and related disciplines, including integrated science and technology programs that incorporate computer science, information technology chemistry, biology, engineering principles, and bioethics. More specialized M.S., Ph.D., and M.D. degrees are not offered.
  • Surf the Internet and use library resources to read newspapers, technical magazines, and trade journals.
  • Contact your state’s biotechnology industry organization or find its careers section on the Web.
  • Talk to professionals from a wide array of disciplines. Don’t be shy; showing your interest will open doors.

More Information on the Web

Human Genome Project Information: Careers in Genetics and the Biosciences

Guide to North American Graduate and Post-Graduate Training Programs in Human Genetics

Solving the Puzzle: Careers in Genetics

Genetics Careers on the Genetic Professionals Website

Biology Careers for the Next Century from Carolina Biological Supply

Careers in Biotechnology from the Access Excellence home page

Functional Genomics Careers from The Scientist

Science Careers from Science Magazine

This work is sponsored by the office of Biological and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 with UT-Battelle, LLC.

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The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.