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Burn Scar Near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Burn Scar Near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation Click here to view full image (436 kb)

This Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) image pair shows "before and after" views of the area around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Washington. On June 27, 2000, a fire in the dry sagebrush was sparked by an automobile crash. The flames were fanned by hot summer winds. By the day after the accident, about 100,000 acres had burned, and the fire's spread forced the closure of highways and loss of homes.

These images were obtained by MISR's vertical-viewing (nadir) camera. Compare the area just above and to the right of the line of cumulus clouds in the May 15 image with the same area imaged on August 3. The darkened burn scar measures approximately 35 kilometers across. The Columbia River is seen wending its way around Hanford.

Image courtesy NASA/GSFC/JPL, MISR Science Team

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