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Permits (site under construction)
Utility installation and maintenance

 Encroachment Permits
   Utility Permits
   Miscellaneous Permits
   Access Permits
 Other Permits
   Over-Dimensional Permits
   Outdoor Advertising Sign Permits
Permits are required for activities along or for use of a state highway other than for normal transportation purposes. This includes utility companies, developers, businesses, volunteers, nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and others desiring to place facilities or conduct activities along a state highway. These are often known as encroachment permits. Activities that may require a permit include utility installation and maintenance, driveways, approach roads, litter removal, special events (parades, bike races, filming), banners, and other miscellaneous activities. 
Encroachment permits fall into three primary categories:  UtilityMiscellaneous, and Access.  Although not an encroachment, an over-dimensional permit is needed for operating a motor vehicle that is larger than the allowable legal size or weight on a state highway. A permit is also required for certain outdoor advertising signs visible from the state highway.
There are 15 Maintenance Districts across the state. Each District is responsible for the day to day maintenance and operation of the state highways in their geographic area including issuing Utility, Miscellaneous, and Access permits. To find the local District office, see the map and contact information below.
District Map
District Contact Information

Utility Permits
A utility permit is a permit for the installation, maintenance, and operation of utility facilities such as pipe lines, pole lines, buried cable, and conduits.

Miscellaneous Permits
Free Coffee Program
A miscellaneous permit is a permit to conduct an activity, other than a utility installation or operation of a motor vehicle, on state highway right of way. These activities may include: Adopt-A-Highway, Banners, Special Events (such as parades, bike races and filming), Highway Beautification, Tire Chain Installation, etc. Permits are also necessary for other activities along state highways including:
The free coffee program is a service sponsored by non-profit organizations in rest areas where the organization may obtain a permit to give away coffee, other non-alcoholic beverages and cookies. 
To obtain a free coffee permit, complete the form titled, “Free Coffee Program Permit and Application,” Form 734-2081 available from the local District office.
A pedestrian activity is a planned activity that brings together a community or group of people for an expressed purpose, including soliciting contributions, business, or interest from motorists using the highway. To be eligible for a permit the activity can not impede traffic or cause a traffic hazard and must meet the criteria outlined in OAR Chapter 734 Division 58.
To obtain a pedestrian activity permit, complete the form titled, “Application and Permit for Pedestrian Activities on a State Highway, ” Form 734-2708. The application is to be submitted to the appropriate District office at least 30 days but not more than 180 days prior to the date of the desired pedestrian activity. If the activity is to occur on a state highway within city limits, the Applicant must provide confirmation from the city that the pedestrian activity does not violate city ordinances. 
Liability insurance of $1 million is required for this activity. If the Applicant is a public entity, proof of self-insurance will suffice.
Application and Permit for Pedestrian Activities on a State Highway
Permit Application Instructions

Access Permits
A permit from the Department of Transportation is needed for an access or approach road to any state highway. The request for a permit is to be submitted on an “Application for State Highway Approach,” Form 734-2680 .  
For information on the Access Management Program or how to obtain a permit for a road or driveway approach, please visit the Access Management homepage.

Helpful Brochure
A holder of an encroachment permit is responsible to follow federal, state and local regulations including obtaining any permits necessary to comply with those regulations. This brochure, "Before I Use This Truck, I May Need This," may be helpful in identifying those regulations. It gives general information and examples of permit clearance requirements needed for residential, industrial, commercial and public works projects in or near water. Some information is provided for land developments as well.
This brochure was created by state and federal resource agencies to guide individuals to those agencies for verification and coordination regarding the need for any permit or clearances for projects. ODOT is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in the brochure.

Although not an encroachment, permits are also needed for operating a motor vehicle that is larger than the allowable legal size or weight (over-dimensional permit) on a state highway and for certain outdoor advertising signs including billboards visible from the state highway (outdoor advertising sign permit).

Over-Dimensional Permits
Oregon law allows motor vehicles to operate on public roadways provided those vehicles meet specific size (width, height, length) and weight requirements. Vehicles or loads that exceed the allowed size or weight limits may be eligible for a variance permit.  With the exception of house moves these permits are issued by Motor Carrier Division, Over-Dimensional Permits Section. To contact Motor Carrier Division or get more information about over dimensional permits, visit the Motor Carrier Division homepage.
Permits issued for the movement of a house or other structure on a state highway. District offices issue permits for house moves on behalf of Motor Carrier Division. 
To obtain a permit, complete the form titled, “Special Transportation Permit for House Moves,” Form 734-2006 available from the local District office.

Outdoor Advertising Sign Permits (including billboards)
The Department of Transportation regulates signs on private property where the sign is visible to the state highway including temporary signs and signs on bus benches and bus shelters. A sign includes any message, display, etc., designed to attract or inform the public. It does not have to be commercial advertisement.
Permits issued for the placement of outdoor advertising signs are issued by the Outdoor Advertising Sign Permits Unit. For more information on the Outdoor Advertising Sign Program or to get an application for an Outdoor Advertising Sign permit, visit the Outdoor Advertising Sign Program webpage.
Contact Information: ODOT Utility and Miscellaneous Permits Specialist - Tina Juel
Telephone: 503-986-3031
Fax: 503-986-3032

Page updated: August 28, 2008

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