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Consultant Selection Information
Here Local Agencies and ODOT staff will find links to forms and documents they will need to conduct the second tier of the two-tier selection and work assignment process.  The two-tiered process applies when Local Agencies choose to use ODOT Contracts or Price Agreements to obtain Architectural, Engineering and related services for Local Agency projects. Marty Andersen is Contract Administrator for the A&E On-Call Price Agreements. ODOT’s Local Agency Liaisons administer the WOCs assigned for local agency projects in their respective Regions.
Instructions:   After you have clicked open one of the links, use the Green Back Arrow key located in the top left-hand corner to return to this web page.  Clicking on the "X" in the top right hand corner will take you out of the website.
These are the forms required for the second tier of the selection process.
Options A & B Cover Sheet - "Option A is no longer approved for use on selection process"
Capacity Summary Requests
Capacity Summary Requests are required for projects with project PE + CE of $250,000 or more (optional if less).  Consultants are required to provide capacity information on key personnel they propose for a pending project assignment (see Key Personnel Lists below.)
Connect Oregon
Region 1 Monthly Report and Invoices
Region 2 Monthly Report and Invoices
Region 3 Monthly Report and Invoices
Region 4 Monthly Report and Invoices
Region 5 Monthly Report and Invoices
Connect Oregon Rail Monthly Report and Invoices
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Key Personnel Lists For Consultant Teams
Option B Mini RFP Forms

Negotiation Guide and Required Forms  (For ODOT use only. This link provides access to negotiation guidance and Record of Negotiation form, Pre-negotiation Plan form and other negotiation related forms required for all WOCs, and Amendments that increase funds)
Profit Worksheet Form     (Required once for PE phase and once for CE phase)
WOC Template
PE Performance Evaluation
Statement of Work Template for CE Phase   (This template is approved by the Construction 
Office. Significant revisions should be approved by Bob Pappe.)
WOC and WOC Amendment Request Forms   (For ODOT use only)
ODOT Procurement Office Intranet Site  (For ODOT use only. This link provides access to additional information, forms, and processes related to contracting).
Labor Rate Schedules for Primes and Subs  
The links below are to share drive folders with a separate Excel Workbook file for each PA. Each file has a schedule of rates for the prime and a separate tab for the rate schedule of each of the prime’s subs. 
The workbooks may include two different types of rate schedules:
  • Escalated Salary Rate schedules (ESRs) are base rates that do not include overhead, FCCM, or profit.
  • Negotiated Billing Rates (NBRs) are fully loaded billing rates that include overhead and profit (used for firms that don’t calculate overhead in their normal accounting practices) NBRs do not include automatic escalations.
Labor rate schedules are at the following links (For ODOT use only):
25315 OBEC
25314 DEA
25315 W&H Pacific
25316 Otak
25317 CH2M Hill
25318 Harper Houf Peterson Righellis
25319 Anderson Perry
25320 Parametrix
A table with overhead rates by firm is available here: Accepted Overhead Rates
ODOT Billing Rate Policy  
Request for Proposal and Generic Price Agreement from Tier 1
ODOT Request for Proposal 22404 with all addenda – from Tier 1
Price Agreement (Generic)
Amendment to Price Agreement   (Generic; includes some changes to Ts&Cs and Exhibits including Exhibit B-Compensation.)
Proposals from Selected Firms - from Tier 1
W&H Pacific
CH2M Hill
Harper Houf Peterson Righellis
Anderson Perry
ODOT Summary of Scores and Rankings of Selected Firms – from Tier 1
RFP 22404 Section 2.2 General Criteria Scores
RFP 22404 Section 2.3 Specific Discipline Scores
Key Oregon Revised Statutes and Administrative Rules
ORS 279C.125
OAR 137-048-00260
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Consultants are required to submit a revised Conflict of Interest disclosure within 10 business days of any changes to the Conflict of Interest form they submitted with their SOP. Click on the following links to learn more about the guidelines and process related to consultants conflict of interest:   
ODOT COI Guidelines
COI Form

Code of Conduct Policy
ODOT's policy on Code of Conduct can be found by clicking on the attached link:  Code of Conduct  

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Page updated: October 09, 2008

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