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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology

Director: Gerardo Heiss, M.D, Ph.D.
Address, phone, e-mail
Co-Director: Wayne D. Rosamond, Ph.D.
Address, phone, e-mail


The goal of the program is to train innovative and effective researchers in the field of cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemiology by providing them with interdisciplinary competencies that incorporate advances in basic sciences, research methodology and technologic applications into epidemiologic research, its clinical applications and public health relevance. Our aim is that those who complete this training be equipped with a solid foundation in the principles and practice of epidemiologic research, have exercised their ability for independent, creative thinking, and have practical experience in novel, interdisciplinary research in CVD epidemiology. Individual training paths are established by the pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainees and their mentors. The program includes a detailed mentorship plan and evaluation diagnostics, career development activities that promote the active involvement of trainees in research, mentored internships, and partnerships with sister institutions to complement the learning opportunities in our environment. Trainee-advisor interaction is collegial and frequent, and trainees are encouraged early on to assume lead responsibility in research.

Areas of Special Emphasis

The program is structured around training in the principles and modern methods of epidemiologic research, and applications in one or more of the following areas of special emphasis:

  • The study of subclinical atherosclerosis in populations
  • Community surveillance of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases
  • Ethnicity, life course socio-economic status and health
  • Familial, genetic and non-genetic determinants of CVD and of their risk factors
  • Disparities in health outcomes and access to care
  • The physical and scial environment and health
  • Infectious and inflammatory components of atherosclerosis and its sequelae
  • Kidney disease, its social, metabolic, and environmental origins
  • Each of these areas is supported by experienced investigators with ongoing research in the topical areas listed. Included are a variety of extramurally-funded projects in the clinical sciences, observational epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, clinical trials and community registries and surveillance, each providing ample material for research projects and opportunities for trainees. Trainees participate in data collection and its quality assurance, in analysis, the presentation of their results at national meetings and their publication ion peer-reviewed journals. As part of career development activities trainees are supported by their mentors in the development of new research proposals submitted for funding.

    Additional detail on the program, its trainees, and the positions available can be found at the URLs listed on top.

    Type of Training: Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral

    Key Faculty Available as Preceptors

    Gerardo Heiss, M.D., Ph.D., Program Co-Director - Epidemiology
    Wayne Rosamond, Ph.D., Program Co-Director - Epidemiology
    James Beck, Ph.D., Dental Ecology, Epidemiology
    Lloyd Chambless, Ph.D., Biostatistics
    Patricia Chang, M.D., M.P.H., Cardiology, Epidemiology
    Diane Catellier, Ph.D., Biostatistics
    David Couper, Ph.D., Biostatistics
    Lori Carter-Edwards, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Glen Elder, Ph.D., Sociology
    Kelly Evenson, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Sara Huston, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Jay Kaufman, Ph.D., Epidemiology, Carolina Population Center
    Duanping Liao, M.D., Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Nobuyo Maeda, Ph.D., Pathology and Laboratory Sciences
    Kari North, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Kathryn Rose, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Ross Simpson, M.D., Ph.D., Cardiology, Epidemiology
    Suma Vupputuri, Ph.D., Epidemiology
    Eric Whitsel, M.D., M.P.H., Epidemiology, Medicine

    Last updated: January, 2007

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