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Training Presentation > Slide 65 Link to Printing InstructionsPrinting Instructions | Text Version
Slides 1-10
Slides 11-20
Slides 21-30
Slides 31-40
Slides 41-50
Slides 51-60
Slide 61
Slide 62
Slide 63
Slide 64
Slide 65
Slide 66
Slide 67
Slide 68
Slide 69
Slide 70
Slides 71-72
Slide 65


    Title: Retention and Updating
    Type: Text Slide

    • Retain forms for 5 years following the year that they cover
    • Update the OSHA Form 300 during that period
    • Need not update the OSHA Form 300A or OSHA Form 301
    • Must retain copies from system in effect prior to Jan. 1, 2005 for 5 years following the year that they cover
    • Do not need to update these old forms
    Speaker Notes:

    The records must be retained for five years.

    During the retention period, the employer must update the 300 form to include any cases that are newly discovered or whose status has changed, but does not have to change the summary or the 301 form.

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