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NPFC Publications

NPFC has developed several publications to educate other Coast Guard units, government agencies, and private sector organizations involved in oil spill cleanup about the NPFC's mission and requirements.

Please direct requests for materials or questions on the NPFC to Mr. John Baker, (202) 493-6717.

Reference Guide
The NPFC User Reference Guide is designed to be a reference tool during an oil or hazardous materials spill incident for Coast Guard and EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinators. Most NPFC publications that deal with financial management aspects of oil spill response are included in this document.
Claims Forms
& Documents
This page lists all forms and guidance documents available for individuals, businesses (including OSROs), governments, and other organizations considering submitting an oil spill claim.
OSLTF Annual Report
(1.8 MB PDF)
This Annual Report FY02-06 is provided to record the level of funds currently in the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF), provide projections for levels of funds through FY 2014, and report accomplishments of the OSLTF over the past five years (FY 2002 – FY 2006). See NPFC Year in Review Archives for previous editions.
OSLTF Funding for Oil Spills
(300 KB PDF)
This document is designed to help the general public and other readers understand how Federal response to oil spills is funded under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA). It also describes the roles of various parties involved in or affected by an oil spill, including responsible parties and claimants.
Mission Overview
(830 KB PDF)
This document summarizes the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) as it pertains to the National Pollution Fund Center and discusses the structure of the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) and the NPFC's missions of managing its revenue sources and expenses.
Reports to Congress The Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security have recently delivered several reports to Congress on topics relevant to the NPFC, such as the Oil Pollution Act and the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
Press Releases Access any of the NPFC's press releases since 1994.

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Last Modified 8/27/2008