Wednesday, Oct. 1

A fare increase of $0.50 per one way ride has been approved to help offset rising fuel costs and lower-than-expected revenues.

Off Peak - $3
Peak - $4
Peak hours are 6 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Tickets will be available by September 19th.

ADA Paratransit

ADA paratransit service is public transportation for certified riders who are unable to use the regular fixed-route bus due to a disability or health condition.

Rides are provided for any purpose. Whether a rider is traveling to a doctor's appointment, going shopping or meeting friends for dinner, all trips are treated equally.

Rides are shared by multiple passengers, with routes and schedules designed to transport multiple passengers at one time to multiple destinations.

The rides are "first-door-through-first-door" transportation.  Drivers will ensure that riders get safely from the first door at their pickup to the first door at their destination.  Riders who need additional assistance when they reach their destination may bring a personal care attendant with them at no charge.  


Eligibility is determined using federal guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  A person may be eligible for ADA Paratransit Service if any of the following conditions apply:

  • They are physically unable to get to the regular fixed-route bus (OR)
  • They are unable to navigate regular fixed-route ‘bus system’ once they are on board (OR)
  • They are unable to board and exit the bus at some locations.


Applying for service

A completed ADA Paratransit Application Form is needed to determine eligibility for service. The form consists of two parts:

  • an application form designed to assess a person's ability to use the regular fixed route bus service
  • a professional verification form completed by a health care provider.

Both forms must be completed and submitted together to process the application.

Download the two-part Application Form from our Forms page, or call Customer Services, 651-602-1111 to have a form sent to you.

Service Costs

See complete costs for rides on peak and non-peak hours and days.

Service providers & reservation phone numbers

See a complete list of ADA service providers and reservation phone numbers, along with communities and hours of service.

Metro Mobility Service Guide

The Metro Mobility Service Guide provides all the information needed to successfully use ADA Paratransit Service. The Guide includes details on fares, hours of service, how to schedule and cancel a ride, driver assistance, standing orders, paratransit policies, and much more. The Guide is available in pdf format and in text-only format.


If you have more questions about ADA Paratransit Service, please call Customer Services at 651-602-1111 (TTY 651-221-9886) between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Send your e-mail questions or comments to Metro Mobility at Metromobility@metc.state.mn.us

© 2008 Metropolitan Council. All Rights Reserved. · 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101 · Phone: 651-602-1000 · TTY: 651-291-0904