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Enjoying the fall leaves with an IGlide wheelchair
ATMn* is a nonprofit organization that provides access to life changing equipment for people with disabilities. We create a lifeline to financial assistance, education, information and resources throughout Minnesota. ATMn* helps Minnesotans with disabilities by increasing self-sufficiency at work, home, at school and in the community.

Invitation to Apply for Board of Directors

ATMn invites you to apply to become a member of our the Board of Directors.  We are looking for individuals with disabilities who are users of assistive technology and have prior Board experience. Specifically, we are looking for one person with a business background in accounting and one with financial skill sets.  Contact ATMn at 763-479-8239 or 866-535-8239 for an application form.

Assistive Technology and Modifications Toolkit

The Assistive Technology and Modifications Toolkit is a collection of types of solutions and resources. The toolkit contains products, services and a list of organizations as resources people may use to plan independent lives.

pdf icon View Assistive Technology and Modifications Toolkit (Adobe Acrobat required)

December 2006 ATMn* Success Story
Cassy's Story

Cassy was born with Cerebral Palsy, medical issues and cognitive limitations. She uses assistive technology everyday to help her communicate, get around and interact. Cassy and her mom, Darcee, have experienced a series of difficult times. In order to save money to build a brighter future, two years ago they moved in with Cassy’s grandfather. Last year they contacted ATMn for assistance to buy a special van.

Cassy’s mom explained her financial situation to staff at ATMn. After reviewing all the possible options, Cassy’s grandfather offered to help by applying for and receiving a low-interest loan through the Micro-Loan Program. Using the Micro-Loan Program, Cassy’s family became proud owners of a new van.

Cassy’s mom states "We are so grateful for this program. I remember never wanting to go places with Cassy because it was so much work. Cassy would cry every time we transferred her into the car! Now it is so easy to allow her to be part of the world and to explore things around us. It has given Cassy and me a better quality of life. And now instead of crying, Cassy just beams when we hop into the van. Thanks to ATMn!"

Minnesota State Council on Disability 2006 Award

Carol Fury
Executive Director
Assistive Technology of Minnesota
2006 Recipient MN State Council on Disabilities Technology Award

In 2005, with a grant from the federal government, Ms. Fury developed the Access to Telework-Minnesota a program whose purpose is to provide an alternative to traditional employment for Minnesotans with disabilities. Access to Telework assists individuals with setting up new businesses, expanding self-owned companies and creating “home based” work places. This program has been so successful; it is currently being used to develop a model throughout the nation. Additional details on the Telework-Minnesota Project can be found here.

Volunteers Needed

You can help Minnesotans with disabilities get the equipment they need to improve their lives! We are looking for for volunteers to help with any the following projects: Answer phones, database development, website development, office support and more. Hours are flexible. Please call 763-479-8239 or email