Colorectal Cancer Screening. Screening Algorithm.

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Source: Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI). Colorectal cancer screening. Bloomington (MN): Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI); 2008 June. 26 p. Colorectal Cancer Screening Screening Algorithm Prescreening education and counseling. A A = Annotation Prevention opportunity per screening method and interval. A Meets screening criteria? A Out of guideline. A Patient and provider choose screening test pathway. A Tests to primarily detect cancer Tests to detect adenomatous polyps and cancer Stool testing *gFOBT (annually). *FIT (annually). *sDNA (interval unknown). A 60 cm flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years with or without stool test for occult blood annually. A Double-contrast barium enema every five years. A CT colonography every five years. A Colonoscopy every 10 years. A Positive findings? A Perform colonoscopy Criteria for routine screening for colorectal cancer. The patient meets the following criteria: *50 years old, or if African American, 45 years old. *No personal history of polyps and/or colorectal cancer. *No personal history of inflammatory bowel disease. *No family history of colorectal cancer in: -  One first-degree relative diagnosed before age 60 or -  Two first-degree relatives diagnosed at any age. *No family history of adenomatous polyps in: - One first-degree relative diagnosed before age 60. All copyrights are reserved by the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Inc.