USDA Forest Service

Uinta National Forest


Uinta National Forest
88 West 100 North
PO Box 1428
Provo UT 84601

(801) 342-5100

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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About Us

[Photograph]: A Forest Service employee is helping some  vacationers. Looking to the Future
The unique mix of Land, People and Events have made the Uinta National Forest what it is today and will continue to carry it into the future. From the very first humans to the hikers and picnickers of tomorrow, the Uinta National Forest will continue to provide important resources and opportunities for the American people. As the Uinta National Forest Supervisor, Pete W. Karp, said, "Wise and careful use by us all will ensure that these lands will be available and provide the joy we experience today and well into the next millennium. Each of us has a responsibility to care for the lands and resources of the Uinta National Forest."

The Uinta National Forest, established in 1897, was the first National Forest in Utah. Find out more about the forest's beginnings. More.


The Uinta National Forest has many different programs of work. It is also divided up into districts that are managed by a supervisors office. The Uinta National Forest has three districts that manage the national forest on a smaller level in addition to the many different programs of work.More.


Partnerships increase the Uinta National Forest 's stewardship capacity by connecting people within communities and meeting mutual natural resource goals. Today, collaboration has become essential to fulfilling the Forest Service mission of "Caring for the land and serving people". Communities, private landowners, corporations, non-profit organizations and citizens are critical components. They help develop long-range management plans, carry out conservation and stewardship projects and provide natural resource goods and services.

Partnerships result in benefits to communities and the Forest Service. Recent agency initiatives such as the National Fire Plan and the Healthy Forest Initiative are excellent examples of partnerships in action.

Forest partnerships include;

For more information on partnership opportunities on the Uinta National Forest, contact us with our feedback form or call 801-342-5100.

USDA Forest Service - Uinta National Forest
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USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.