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Governor’s Highway Safety Council

The state Highway Safety Council advises the Governor on matters relating to the programs and activities of the State in the field of highway safety.

Chapter 286-5, HRS, establishes the Hawaii Highway Safety Council. The Director of Transportation is designated to serve as its chairperson.

The following or their designated representatives are members of the Council: the Chief Justice, the Attorney General, the Director of Health, the Superintendent of Education, the President of the University of Hawaii, the chairperson of each of the county highway safety councils established under section 286-6, and not more than twenty other persons who are appointed by the Governor on the basis of their interest in highway safety.

The state Highway Safety Council advises the Governor on matters relating to the programs and activities of the State in the field of highway safety.

The members of the Council serve without pay but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses while attending meetings and while in discharge of their duties.

The Council meets quarterly.

Members of the Council appointed by the Governor and their terms are:

Chair Barry Fukunaga  
Co-Chair Mitchell Roth  
Maui Kelvin Dang  
Hawaii John Kaizuka  
  Mitchell Roth  
Kauai Claire Sasaki-Lundgren (06-30-06)
Members Jeff Goldsmith (06-30-07)
  Leilani Christy Lee (06-30-05)
  Carol McNamee (06-30-07)
  Dr. Sidney Rosen (06-30-07)
  Major Bryan Wauke (06-30-07)
  Marie Weite (06-30-07)
Ex-officio (voting) Michael Trotto (Maui Traffic Safety Council)
  Cheryl Soon (Oahu Traffic Safety Council)
  Les Kiyabu (For Chief Justice)
  Sgt. Robert Lung (HPD)
  Donna Maiava (For Director, Department of Health)
  Wayne Matsuura (For Attorney General)
  Glenn Ohigashi (For President, University of Hawaii)
  Lilian Beaufrere (Hawaii Traffic Safety Council)
  Joanne Swearingen (For Superintendent of Education)

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