Lunar Eclipse Computer
Astronomical Applications Dept. Astronomical Applications Dept.
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Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command is consolidating the command's web presence in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) and Navy guidance. The U.S. Naval Oceanography portal will be the single access point for all public facing Meteorology and Oceanography products and services. This publicly-accessible portal is currently online at and is being populated. In the near future, non-DoD users will be redirected to this portal.

DoD customers can access all operational data, products and services via the NIPRnet Naval Oceanography Portal site at (CAC required).

You can obtain the circumstances of recent and upcoming lunar eclipses for any location by following these simple steps:

For general information on eclipse circumstances and visibility, see Upcoming Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

Form A - U.S. Cities or Towns




The place name you enter above must be a city or town in the U.S. The place's location will be retrieved from a file with over 22,000 places listed. Either upper- or lower-case letters or a combination can be used. Spell out place name prefixes, as in "East Orange", "Fort Lauderdale", "Mount Vernon", etc. The only exception is "St.", which is entered as an abbreviation with a period, as in "St. Louis". You need only enter as many characters as will unambiguously identify the place.

Form B - Locations Worldwide



The place name you enter above is merely a label for the table header; you can enter any identifier, or none (avoid using punctuation characters). The data will be calculated for the longitude and latitude you enter below.

Time Zone:    

For locations that require it, the time zone can be entered in hours and a fraction. For example, for locations in India, the time zone may be entered as 5.5 hours east of Greenwich. The time zone field can accommodate up to five characters.

Notes on the Data:

The table of local circumstances gives the local time of each eclipse "event" that is visible from the location. The times are the same as those published in The Astronomical Almanac, adjusted to the specified time zone. The altitude and azimuth of the Moon at each of the events is given as well. The azimuth is reckoned eastward from North. The altitude is corrected for refraction assuming standard atmospheric conditions.

The table also gives the time of moonrise immediately preceding, and the time of moonset immediately following, the eclipse. At high latitudes, either or both of these times may be missing from the table. The accuracy of the rise/set times decreases as the latitude approaches +/- 90 degrees. For information on the definitions of terms used, see Rise, Set, and Twilight Definitions

The times of all events are presented in the standard time of the place requested, using the current time zone of the place (Form A), or the specified zone (Form B). Daylight time is applied to times for places in the U.S. (Form A) when and where appropriate.

If you need to check the times of sunrise and sunset around the time of the eclipse, see Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day.

Need other kinds of astronomical information? Start at our home page.

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