Comment Number: 516296-00006
Received: 6/7/2005 9:58:15 AM
Organization: Abington Junior High School
Commenter: Eileen Fernandez-Parker
State: PA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Rule Review
Docket ID: 3084-AB00
No Attachments


I currently teach computers to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. I would like to comment on two points: 1) Any information that is needed by my students has always been available without giving personal information. Most sites that are not available are due to my district's vigilance in blocking sites with questionable content. Again, they have not faced a problem because of COPPA. 2)There is a degree of danger that exists in allowing students and children in general to disclose their personal information. There is much software in existence that makes information that we think is secure available to information seekers. In the context of a child, I would fear that a pedophile might gain access to age, gender, school, address, etc. thus endangering the child's safety.

I would not, under any circumstances dismiss COPPA. If anything, I believe we must make it more strict or enforce what exists more strictly. There are sites with unhealthy, questionable content that is available at the click of a button. There are many nude pictures of female and male body parts which show up before the question of age or of a credit card are presented as a deterrent. As far as I have observed, the COPPA has too many loopholes that need tightening and the Act in general needs to be more closely enforced for the mental health of our children.