Comment Number: 516296-00005
Received: 6/7/2005 9:24:56 AM
Organization: Kingsville ISD
Commenter: Robert Custer
State: TX
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Rule Review
Docket ID: 3084-AB00
No Attachments


As an educator, I feel that COPPA has unfairly limited student access to educational sites such as Channel 1 News, which is popular in middle and high schools all over the country. Channel 1 News offers opportunities for students to have input through various educational polls, student responses, and various contests; however, COPPA unfairly forces the exclusion of almost all 6th and some 7th grade students from participating in this award winning educational site. I feel that COPPA needs to have an exception or a waiver for appropriate educational sites.