Comment Number: 516296-00004
Received: 6/7/2005 8:24:09 AM
Organization: Kennedy Home Educational Center
Commenter: Joseph M. Hodges
State: NC
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Rule Review
Docket ID: 3084-AB00
No Attachments


I wholeheartedly support all efforts to restrict access to information regarding adolescents. Dealing with at-risk youth, we see many students who have experienced questionable contacts via internet chat rooms and web sites. My main concern is how enforcement of the rule will be achieved. If the youth falsifies their birth date or understands the mechanics needed to circumvent restrictions, the contact can be made without restriction. Additional input from parents will be required to adequately control these predators and their actions. Without parental support, enforcement will be impossible. The need is for a partnership with concerned parents who are able, and willing, to supervise their child's online activity or correcting the program to insure cookies cannot covertly transmit information to online predators. Most parents do not know cookies can be disabled and the result is our current situation.