Pictures "Actual" Attendees List
Final Agenda with Presentation Links
Wednesday, April 26
8:00 a.m. Meet and Greet
8:30 a.m. Welcoming Remarks      Kathy Macal, ANL
8:40 a.m. Introductions and Round Table Topics      Sharon Jordan, OSTI
9:00 a.m. STI & Innovation:  A Mission with a Vision      Dr. Walter Warnick, Director, OSTI
9:45 a.m.

Opening Access to Publicly Funded Research--A Critical Step in Reasserting the Primacy of Dissemination and Access in the Scholarly Communication System                       

     Mary Case, University of Illinois at Chicago
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. STI Program:  A Year in Review, a Look Ahead      Sharon Jordan. OSTI
12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)
1:30 p.m. Group Activity
1:45 p.m. Library of the Future      Isom Harrison, LLNL
2:15 p.m. A Short History of Limited-Distribution Documents      Dave Hamrin, ORNL
2:45 p.m. Progress Report on Metadata Resolution      Kathy Waldrop, OSTI
     Lance Vowell, IIa
3:15 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. Benefit Analysis of DOE Journal Literature      Judy Gilmore, OSTI
4:15 p.m. Wrap-Up
6:30 p.m. Group Dinner at Coco Pazzo Cafe
Thursday, April 27
8:00 a.m. Meet and Greet
8:30 a.m. Geothermal Technologies Legacy Project      Patty Simmons, OSTI
9:00 a.m.

Fermilab’s Automated Technical Publications System

     Jean Reising, Fermilab
(Presented by Heath O'Connell, Fermilab
9:30 a.m.

Ten Steps Towards an Understanding of Export Controlled Information



     Dave Hamrin, ORNL
10:00 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. Digital Document Access      Patty Simmons, OSTI
10:45 Management of Legacy Documents
BNL's Legacy Document Project
     Valerie Kelly, YMP
     Mary Petersen, BNL  
11:30 STI Peer Reviews/Information Assurance      Nancy Doran, PNNL
     Group Discussion
12:15 p.m.

Lunch Session (Optional) - Demo of Ulrich's Serials Analysis System

     Matt Marks, CSA
1:45 p.m. Group Activity
2:00 p.m. Incorporating Special Characters into STI
(with the Power of UTF-8)

Character Set/Encoding:  A Background Tutorial

     Jannean Elliott, OSTI

     Lance Vowell, IIa

3:30 p.m. Break
3:45 p.m.

Open Discussion:                                                        Issues Associated with Large Document Submission    Where Information Release Falls within the Labs

4:14 p.m. Wrap Up      Sharon Jordan, OSTI


2006 Site Host
   Argonne National Laboratory

 Four Points by Sheraton (on the Magnificent Mile)