STIP Managers Teleconference
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
12:00-1:00 ET

Attendees: Kathy Macal (ANL), Shannon Savage (ANL), Isom Harrison(LLNL), Allison Easter (AMES), Bea Renteria (Pantex), Jackie Stack (LANL), Diane Quenell (ORD), Annanaomi Sams (PNNL), Nicole Brooks (IDO), Mary Petersen (BNL), Mark Williams (BHI), Kevin Schmidt (SRS), Catherine Witker (SRS), Sharon West (SLAC), Dennis Gound (ORO), Amy Lawless (ORISE), Kim Kindrew (JLAB), Dave Hamrin (ORNL), Betty Robinette (Y-12), Brian Campbell, Janine Ford (NNSASC), Don Moody (PNSO), Jeffrey Guffey (ETTP), Sharon Jordan (OSTI), Jannean Elliott (OSTI), David Bellis (OSTI), Patty Simmons (OSTI), and Kathy Waldrop (OSTI)

Comments on Guide Revision: (Kathy Waldrop) - STIP members were given the opportunity to discuss additional recommended revisions to the DOE G 241.1-1A. The draft Guide was distributed to the TIOs and STI Managers on a pen drive at the April 20-21, STIP Meeting. As a follow-up to the call, the proposed revisions should be submitted to Kathy Waldrop via e-mail no later than May 13.

Changes to 241.1 form: (Kathy Waldrop) - Changes to the final draft DOE F 241.1 were discussed. At the STIP Meeting we discussed adding another OUO access limitation category for FOIA exemption 2 that would likely be used for the post 9/11 items that should receive a new access limitation.Following the meeting a sub-team was formed which included Nicole Brooks (IDO), Dave Hamrin (ORNL), and Dale Claflin (INL). The team determined the new category should be called Security Sensitive Information (SSI). The STIP Community agreed to the recommendation, therefore the category will be added to the DOE F 241.1.

Also related to the DOE F 241.1 was the definition of the Releasing Official. A clarification was needed for journal article and conference citations only (No full-text) items provided to OSTI where the Releasing Officials serve as the POC and not as the individual who has ensured a sensitivity review.

US Dissemination Only: (Kathy Waldrop) - Another action resulting from the STIP Meeting was for sites to notify OSTI by May 20th of their preference for either OSTI to make a global change of their announcement citations marked US Dissemination Only to another access limitation or if they prefer to make changes to the announcement records via the DOE F 241.1 webform or batch submission.  Lists have been distributed to the sites that have records marked US Dissemination Only.

Patent Pending, Protected Data, Etc.: (Kathy Waldrop) - All sites should advise OSTI (Kathy Waldrop or Patty Simmons)by May 30, if they would like to receive lists of their “sunset” items that will receive an access limitation change to UNL (per Intellectual Property policy). Sunset items include records marked “patent pending”, “protected CRADA”, or other limited access categories that have expiration dates that have passed

New STI Definition: (Sharon Jordan) - STIP Managers need to provide comments on the new draft STI definition provided at the STIP Meeting. The new definition is located a couple of places on the STIP website. It is slide 24 of Walt’s presentation and included in the summary of Guide changes presented by Kathy. Comments are due to Sharon Jordan by June 3rd.

OSTI Saving Backup Files: (Sharon Jordan) – At the STIP Meeting Sharon announced that OSTI was considering downloading and saving 'backup' copies of site-hosted STI products. The sites would continue to provide a link to the official version. When sites let OSTI know an STI product is being revised (via webform, DTD, or URL, the backup copy will be replaced with the revised product so that the backup would always be current. The backup would never overwrite the official document hosted by the site, but would be available to the site should a situation arise that would necessitate such an action. Sites should concur by June 3.

Reference Linking: (Sharon Jordan) - STIP members need to provide feedback on the issue of reference linking.  Any site planning to provide its own similar service, notify Sharon by June 10. Please provide any other feedback on this issue by June 10 as well.


Possible Fall STIP Gathering: (Sharon Jordan) - The DOE Library Operations Working Group (LOWG) will be meeting in October in Oak Ridge. The meeting will be hosted by ORNL, but OSTI is working with ORNL to ensure topics of common interest are discussed. Because several STI Managers are also members of LOWG, if there is enough interest we could have a STIP Meeting, a half-day STIP session, before the LOWG meeting begins or after it ends. Another possibility is to have a social get-together. Let Kathy or Sharon know if you are planning to attend the LOWG Meeting and if you are interested in a meeting or social gathering.

Presentations from the STIP Meeting in Berkeley are now on the STIP Web site.

Next STIP Managers Teleconference:  The next teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, July 13, noon ET.