STIP Managers Teleconference
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
12:00-1:00 pm ET

Attendees: Kathy Macal (ANL), Bea Renteria (Pantex), Jackie Stack (LANL), Diane Quenell (ORD), Nicole Brooks (IDO), Mary Petersen (BNL), Kevin Schmidt (SRS), Cathy Wright (ALRC), Dennis Gound (ORO), Kim Kindrew (JLAB), Dave Hamrin (ORNL), Brian Campbell, Janine Ford (NNSASC), Pat Kreitz (SLAC), Sharon West (SLAC), Don Moody (PNSO), Heath O’Connell (Fermilab), Jessica Shaffer-Gant (SNL), Bob James (ETTP), Jim Webber (HQPR), Dale Claflin (INL), Charlie Lovejoy (INL), Jane Tierney (LBNL), Jose OIivares (LBNL), Jean Wolslegel (LBNL), Jannean Elliott (OSTI), David Bellis (OSTI), Patty Simmons (OSTI), and Kathy Waldrop (OSTI)

STIP Site Visit (Kathy Waldrop) - Sharon Jordan and Kathy Waldrop traveled to Golden, Colorado for STIP Site Visits at the Golden Field Office (GFO) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  Chris Phoebe, Acting Manager, GFO very recently appointed a new Technical Information Officer (TIO), Roselle Drahushak-Crow.  Roselle works in the Management and Administration Office at GFO and in addition to her TIO responsibilities she is responsible for other crosscutting activities.


Sharon, Kathy, and Roselle visited NREL. The NREL participants included the STI Manager, Mary Donahue as well as Judy Hulstrom. Kathy commented that it has proven beneficial to take the time to sit down one-on-one.  This is also a good way for OSTI to reconnect with business practices at the various sites.  When asked what do the STIP visits entail, Kathy responded that the visits are very site-specific, i.e., the site normally shares their STI process from capturing the information to making it available to OSTI.  In addition, others from the site normally participates therefore a broader discussion of issues takes place.


The next planned site visit is scheduled for ORNL.  This will be the last site visit for FY 2005.


2006 STIP Meeting (Kathy Waldrop) – Kathy Macal of the Argonne National Laboratory offered to host the 2006 STIP Meeting.  The meeting location will likely be in downtown Chicago at a University of Chicago conference facility.  The tentative dates are April 25-27, with the 27th being a half day.  When STIP members were asked if they were aware of any conflicts with those dates, several people responded there wasn’t. The tentative location would be near plenty of restaurants, public transportation, etc. lessening the need for rental cars, etc.


Harvesting (Jannean Elliott) – After discovering that records harvested from Fermi had become “stuck” in E-Link, OSTI realized that the SPIRES database that E-Link needed to automatically “pulse” had a “robot killer” that did not recognize OSTI.  When E-Link tried to verify the links to full text that were embedded in the harvested records, SPIRES was blocking the activity.  As a result, E-Link would not pass the Fermi records on to the OSTI databases.  Heath O’Connell coordinated with the appropriate people to get the needed permission for OSTI, and the problem was resolved. 


The slow down in getting INL online was also explained.  The demands on Ellen Faby to finish the work on E-Link and the new 241 forms are impacting her ability to work on harvesting tasks.


Legacy Project (Patty Simmons) - Changes are being made to E-link.  This project has been pushed back a bit owing to shifting priorities.  It will restart soon.  A main goal of this project is to avoid duplication of effort when scanning old reports.  OSTI and the sites don’t want to be doing the same work, since the resources are constrained for this sort of project.  The old reports often need to have a new release review by the site based on the content of the information contained in the report (often termed a “post-9/11” review). (Daphne Parker) - A web evaluation team was formed several months ago, with the goal of determining the best evaluation method to apply to the Web site.  Recently the team agreed that an ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) survey should be utilized.  This survey will be active September 1 and remain in place for six months, three before the launch of 3.0, and three after the launch.  Currently, an implementation team is being formed; this team will primarily focus on creating custom questions for the survey that will provide feedback on the value added features of, such as the alerts service and relevancy ranking.


EnergyFiles (Daphne Parker) - EnergyFiles has been recently been updated with the latest version of Deep Web Technologies’ Distributed Explorit software.  The major enhancement with this update is QuickRank, a formula that filters results, and returns them in the most relevant order.  An announcement has been posted at, and the site help has also been updated to reflect this change.


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