Agenda, April 2003    STIP Home Page         STIP Meeting Notes           STIP Archive

DOE STIP Meeting
April 30 - May 1, 2003
  (DOE Site Office)

in Las Vegas, Nevada

Agenda (Links to Presentations, Actions, and Decisions)

Time                   Topic                                                                          Discussion Facilitator


8:00am             Coffee and Refreshments in Meeting Room

8:30                   Welcome                                                                        Janine Ford
8:35                   Opening Remarks                                                         Walt Warnick
9:00                   STI Program:  Metrics & Challenges                          Sharon Jordan
Handouts: flyer & entries 
9:30                   The Institutional Repository Movement                       Jackie Stack

10:15                Break                                                                                     

10:30                STI Products and Usability                                           Karen Spence
11:00                From Originator to the Public:  The STI Process       Kathy Waldrop
Handout:  DOE F 241.1                                                      Rita Hohenbrink

12:00                Lunch on Your Own                           

1:30pm            Software & Intellectual Property                                     Sharon Jordan
Handouts:  Intellectual Property/Copyright Guidance for DOE STI
2:00                 Sandia's Electronic Review and Approval                    Anna Nusbaum
2:30                 Digitized Legacy Collections                                          Rita Hohenbrink
Handouts:  Summary & CENDI Survey

3:00                 Break

3:15                Harvesting:  Panel Discussion                                         Pam Novak
Handouts:  Harvesting Flyer & Harvesting Metadata                  Rita Hohenbrink
                                                                                                                    Isom Harrison
                                                                                                                    Kathy Macal
4:15                Optional Demonstrations:  E-Link, Energy Citations    OSTI
                        Database, etc.


8:00am           Coffee and Refreshments

8:30                 Information on the Web:  A Security Perspective          Ray Holmer
                        (via teleconference)
9:15                Web Document Review Status                                        Kathy Waldrop

9:45                Break

10:00              Renewal of STIP Home Page:  Survey of Needs          Kathy Waldrop
10:30              STIP Strategic Plan - FY03 Edition                                Sharon Jordan
Handouts:  Draft Revised Plan

11:15             Working Lunch

1:15pm          STIP Strategic Plan (continued)                                      Sharon Jordan
2:00               Table Topics                                                                      All
3:00               Summarize Agreements and Adjourn                             All
                       Actions & Decisions



Last page update:  10/31/03