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The initial meeting of the Scientific and Technical Information Advisory Board (STIAB) was held on March 10, 2005. Opening remarks were made by Dr. Raymond Orbach, Director, Office of Science, and Chair of STIAB. Dr.Orbach challenged the Board to review the Department of Energy's Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program and help form a new STI policy for the Department.

Guest presentations were made by Dr. Christopher Greer, National Science Foundation and Sheldon Kotzin, Chief, Bibliographic Services, National Library of Medicine. Dr. Greer provided an overview of data management issues from the perspective of the National Science Board's Long-Lived Data Collections Task Force, and Mr. Kotzin spoke on the National Institutes of Health's new Public Access Policy. Dr. Walter Warnick, Associate Chair of STIAB, gave a presentation on DOE's existing STI Program and Sharon Jordan addressed the need for a new DOE STI Policy.

Reference copy of Subject Categories

Reference copies of all DOE 241 forms and XML DTD 

DOE Order 241.1A on DOE Directives Web

Reference copy of DOE Order 241.1A

Reference copy of Admin Change to DOE Order 241.1A

Current  version of Guide 241.1-1A
Marked-up copy of proposed new version

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