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Central Nervous System Vasculitis (CNSV) is a very rare disorder. There is nothing simple about CNSV. Not the diagnosis nor the treatment.

Vasculits means inflammation.

Central Nervous System Vasculitis is the inflammation of the Central Nervous System; affecting the blood vessels in the brain and or spinal cord.doc-pat-ani.gif

Diagnosing CNSV is a clinical challenge because it is a syndrome, not a specific disease; and can be easily misdiagnosed as Lupus and/or Multiple Sclerosis, or any number of other diseases.

  • Vasculitis can be classified as Primary when there is no other disease or condition present that may cause blood vessels to be damaged.
  • Secondary vasculitis of the central nervous system is more common and can be one part of a variety of systemic illnesses such as Lupus. Secondary CNSV can also be caused by a reaction to drugs such as amphetamines or cocaine and even some over- the-counter cold remedies.
  • Vasculitis can also occur in association with systemic connective tissue diseases, infection, malignancy and organ transplants.

CNSV symptoms vary; they can come on as suddenly as a stroke, or cause a waxing and waning illness where there are numerous neurological signs that develop over weeks and months, continuing indefinitely.

CNSV is a disease that is auto immune in nature, and therefore there is currently no cure.

CNSV patients can have periods of time when there are no symptoms of disease present (remission or periods of time when their disease symptoms are active (flare).

The CNSV Foundation has created this site to educate people about CNSV and provide a community for those who have CNSV or have a loved one who has the condition.

The Central Nervous System Vasculitis Foundation, Inc. is on a journey to become a loud and driving force for Treatment, Education and Research. We hope that by delivering information to doctors, researchers and those newly diagnosed, we can bring this disease to the forefront of the minds of those who need to know more.

View the CNS Vasculitis Patient Education Video by Dr. Leonard Calabrese

You must have Windows Media player to view video Download it here free




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