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Current List of NRTLs Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratorys (NRTL)
Fee Payment Instructions and Information

Submitting Payment
Fee Schedule [PDF***, 51 KB, 4 pages]
More Details about Payment
Fee Amount Examples
How We Calculate the Fee Amounts

See paragraph (f) of 29 CFR 1910.7 for more information about OSHA requirements on fees.


Must I pay fees?:Organizations applying for recognition and organizations currently recognized as NRTLs must pay fees. The fees first went into effect on October 1, 2000.
What fees must I pay?:There are two main fee categories: (1) application processing fees, which apply to any organization that submits an application (whether for initial recognition, or expansion or renewal of recognition); and (2) audit fees, which apply to any organization recognized.
How much do I pay?:See Fee Schedule [PDF***, 51 KB, 7 pages] and examples below.
When must I pay fees?:You pay a portion of the application processing fees when you submit your application and pay the remainder when OSHA bills you. If recognized, you pay the audit fee after OSHA bills you.
What if I don't pay?:OSHA will not process and may return any application for which it has not received the applicable "up front" fees. OSHA will cancel an application or revoke recognition, as applicable, when fees billed are not paid when due. Also, OSHA will assess a late payment fee for amounts billed but not paid when due.
Can I get a refund?:All fees paid generally are not refundable except as provided in note 8 of the Fee Schedule. [PDF***, 51 KB, 7 pages]


Submit the full amount due for the application or for payment of any invoice received from OSHA. All fees must be paid in U.S. dollars by check or money order that is drawn on a U.S.-based institution and made payable to "DOL-OSHA." Mail check or money order along with any remittance portion of any invoice received to:

Office of Technical Programs and Coordination Activities
Attention: Director
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., N3655
Washington, D.C., 20210.

OSHA will cancel or not process an application or, for audit fees, will proceed with revoking an NRTL's recognition if the issuing institution (drawee) dishonors a check or money order and restitution does not occur within 10 calendar days of the date the item is not honored.

OSHA does not agree to any restrictions or conditions or endorsements put on any check or money order and will cash the check or money order as if these restrictions, conditions, or endorsements do not exist. OSHA does not agree to accept less than the full amount due.


An applicant must pay an application review fee at time of application, i.e., "up front." If you are seeking initial recognition, you must also include the pre-paid assessment fee using the amount in the fee schedule. If already recognized and requesting an expansion or renewal of recognition, you do not pre-pay any assessment fee. OSHA does not process and may return any application for which it has not received the applicable fees.

OSHA bills an applicant the remainder of the application fees at the time we publish the preliminary Federal Register (FR) notice to announce the application. OSHA regulation requires publication of this public notice, which occurs after we have completed any assessment for processing an application (see Application Guidelines and Chapters 2 and 3 of the NRTL Program Directive for more information on the application process). For initial applications, OSHA's bill includes the difference between the pre-paid assessment fee and the "actual fees" of the assessment. These actual fees include actual travel expenses, based on government per diem and travel fares. For expansion and renewal applications, OSHA will just bill the "actual fees" for any assessment that we conducted. For application processing, if we do not receive payment of any invoice by 30 calendar days of the bill date, OSHA sends notification to the applicant requesting immediate payment of the fees and a late payment fee. If OSHA does not receive full payment within 30 days of this late payment notification, OSHA will cancel the application. Cancellation of a renewal application means OSHA will not renew the recognition of the NRTL.

For audits, we bill the NRTL after completion of the audit. Final bill for audits will reflect the "actual fees" for the audit, which include actual travel expenses, based on government per diem and travel fares. If we do not receive payment of any invoice by 30 calendar days of the bill date, OSHA sends notification to the NRTL requesting immediate payment of the fees and a late payment fee. If OSHA does not receive full payment within 30 days of this late payment notification, OSHA will proceed with revocation of recognition.


The costs and fees amounts in the following examples are NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the fees to be paid in a given category but are used only to illustrate how fees are calculated. For each example, we first describe the basis for the fees and show the fee amounts, and then we show how we calculated each amount.

Initial Applications
Example 1:Applicant requests recognition for 1 site within the continental U.S. and 10 test standards (already recognized for NRTLs), and submits $13,990 at time of application. Two OSHA assessors conduct site assessment over 5 days (3 days at site and 2 days in travel), and actual travel costs for assessment are $2,500*. OSHA bills $10,060 after publication of preliminary FR notice. Total fees: $24,050.
Example 2:Applicant requests recognition for 1 site outside the continental U.S., e.g. in Europe, and 10 test standards, and submits $14,990 at time of application. Two OSHA assessors conduct site assessment over 7 days (3 days at site and 4 days in travel), and actual travel costs for assessment are $5,800**. OSHA bills $14,440 after publication of FR preliminary notice. Total fees: $29,390.
*$2,500 = 2 x $700 airfare + $110 per diem for 5 days (per assessor)
**$5,800 = 2 x $1500 airfare + $200 per diem for 7 days (per assessor)
Expansion Applications
Example 1:NRTL requests recognition for 10 additional test standards (5 have never been recognized for NRTLs), no additional sites, and submits $130 at time of application. OSHA knows NRTL's capability for test standards requested; therefore assessment is not necessary. OSHA bills $2,295 after publication of preliminary notice. Total fees: $2,425.
Example 2:NRTL requests recognition for 1 additional site within the continental U.S. and 10 additional test standards (already recognized for NRTLs). Applicant (i.e., NRTL) submits $1,150 at time of application. One OSHA assessor conducts site assessment over 4 days (2 days at site and 2 days in travel), and actual travel costs for assessment are $1,140*. OSHA bills $7,520 after publication of preliminary notice. Total fees: $8,670.
*$1,140 = $700 airfare + $110 per diem for 4 days (for assessor)
Renewal Applications
Example:NRTL requests renewal of recognition for 1 site within the continental U.S. and submits $130 at time of application. One OSHA assessor conducts site assessment over 4 days (2 days at site and 2 days in travel), and actual travel costs for assessment are $1,140. OSHA bills $7,650 after publication of preliminary notice. Total fees: $7,780.
Renewal Application coupled with Expansion Application
Example:NRTL requests renewal of recognition for 1 site and also requests recognition for 1 additional site both within the continental U.S. Applicant (i.e., NRTL) submits $1,150 at time of application. One OSHA assessor conducts site assessment over 4 days (2 days at site and 2 days in travel) for existing site and over 3 days (2 days at site and 1 day in travel) for proposed site, and actual travel costs for each assessment are $1,140 and $1,030, respectively. OSHA bills $11,230 after publication of preliminary notice. Total fees: $12,380.
Example 1:NRTL has 1 site within the continental U.S. One OSHA auditor conducts audit over 4 days (2 days at site and 2 days in travel), and actual travel costs for audit are $1,140. OSHA bills total fees of $5,350 after audit.
Example 2:NRTL has 1 site outside the continental U.S. One OSHA auditor conducts audit over 6 days (2 days at site and 4 days in travel), and actual travel costs for audit are $2,700**. OSHA bills total fees of $7,930 after audit.
**$2,700 = $1500 airfare + $200 per diem for 6 days (for assessor)


The fee amounts being used are shown in the applicable portion of the current Fee Schedule.

Initial Applications

Example 1:
Submit at time of application:
$13,990 = application review fee + pre-paid assessment fee = $5,100 + (1 site x $8,890 per site).

OSHA bills: $10,060 = actual assessment fee less pre-payment + review & evaluation fee + final report/register notice fee = {2 x ($1,910 + [$510 x 4 days]) + $2,500 - $8,890} + (10 standards x $13 per standard) + $8,420.

Example 2:
Submit at time of application:
$14,990 = application review fee + pre-paid assessment fee + supplemental travel fee = $5,100 + (1 site x $8,890 per site) + (1 site x $1,000 per site).

OSHA bills: $14,400 = actual assessment fee less pre-payment + review & evaluation fee + final report/register notice fee = {2 x ($1,910 + [$510 x 6 days]) + $5,800 - $9,890) + 10 standards x $13 per standard) + $8,420.

Expansion Applications

Example 1:
Submit at time of application:
$130 = application review fee.

OSHA bills: $2,295 = review & evaluation fee + final report/register notice fee = {(5 standards x $13 per standard) + ( 5 standards x $64 per standard) + $1,910.

Example 2:
Submit at time of application:
$1,150 = application review fees = $1,020 + $130.

OSHA bills: $7,520 = actual assessment fee + review & evaluation fee + final report/register notice fee = {1 x ($1,530 + [$510 x 3 days]) + $1,140} + (10 standards x $13 per standard) + $3,190.

Renewal Applications

Submit at time of application:
$130 = application review fee.

OSHA bills: $7,650 = actual assessment fee + final report/register notice fee = {1 x ($1,790 + [$510 x 3 days]) + $1,140} + $3,190.

Renewal Application coupled with Expansion Application

Submit at time of application:
$1,150 = application review fees = $1,020 + $130.

OSHA bills: $11,230 = actual assessment fee (existing site) + actual assessment fee (proposed site) + final report/register notice fee = {1 x ($1,790 + [$510 x 3 days]) + $1,140} + {1 x ($1,530 + [$510 x 2 days]) + $1,030} + $3,190.


Example 1:
OSHA bills after audit for total fees:
$5,350 = {1 x ($2,680 + [$510 x 3 days]) + $1,140}.

Example 2:
OSHA bills after audit for total fees:
$7,930 = {1 x ($2,680 + [$510 x 5 days]) + $2,700}.

Accessibility Assistance: Contact the OSHA Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine at 202-693-2300 for assistance accessing OSHA PDF materials.

***These files are provided for downloading.

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