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Statements and Speeches

» Hoyer Statement on Ethics Committee Announcing Review of Chairman Rangel’s Finances, September 18, 2008
Majority Leader Hoyer released the following statement today after Acting House Ethics Committee Chairman Gene Green announced the committee will meet next Wednesday to consider an investigation of Rangel’s personal finances.
» Hoyer Floor Statement on the ADA Amendments Act, September 17, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the folowing statement in support of the ADA Amendments Act.
» Hoyer Statement on the National Capital Security and Safety Act, September 16, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor today in support of the National Capital Security and Safety Act.
» Hoyer Statement on Comprehensive Energy Package, September 16, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor today in support of the Comprehensive Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act.
» Hoyer Statement on Senate’s Passage of ADA Amendments Act, September 11, 2008
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) delivered the following statement today at a press conference following the Senate’s passage of the ADA Amendments Act.
» Hoyer Delivers Statement at 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony, September 11, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) delivered the following statement at the Congressional Remembrance Ceremony in observance of the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
» Hoyer Delivers Remarks at the Memorial Service of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, September 10, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) delivered the following remarks today at the memorial service honoring the late Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones.
» Hoyer Statement on Republican Failures, September 08, 2008
The dominant political fact of the last eight years has been Republican failure—serial governing malpractice. This month, we will be holding them to account.
» Hoyer Statement on the Paycheck Fairness Act, July 31, 2008
‘Equal pay for equal work.’ When we put the principle as bluntly as that, I doubt that anyone in America would disagree. It is a basic ideal of fairness: The value of work lies in a job well done, not in the gender of the worker.
» Hoyer: Bill Will Control Market Speculation, Help Bring Down Price of Gas, July 30, 2008
Mr. Speaker, this summer, the Democratic Majority in this body has produced bill after bill after bill to address record oil prices that have exploded on this Administration’s watch.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on 10th Anniversary of Capitol Police Deaths, July 24, 2008
Every morning when I go in to work, I pass by a plaque honoring Detective John Gibson and Officer Jacob Chestnut on the spot where they were killed, 10 years ago today.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act, July 23, 2008
When it comes to economics, none of us is an island. Our prosperity is, and always will be, bound up with the prosperity of our neighbors. And nothing has proved that more than the mortgage crisis that is rocking our economy.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on DRILL Act, July 17, 2008
Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands: With Americans being pummeled by $4 a gallon gas, it is high time America did just that. With the passage of the DRILL Act, America will move decisively to increase its domestic oil production—exactly what our friends on the other side of the aisle say we should be doing.
» Hoyer Statement on Medicare Veto Override, July 15, 2008
Last week we watched as Senator Ted Kennedy returned from treatment for his brain cancer to cast his vote in favor of this vital Medicare bill.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Upcoming Energy Legislation, July 10, 2008
Three years ago, the Republican Congress passed and President Bush signed into law this administration’s shortsighted energy policy. And today, we see the result – record high gas prices and a struggling economy.
» Hoyer: Energy Bills Seek to Provide Relief at the Pump, Wean Nation Off Foreign Oil, June 26, 2008
Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank Chairman Oberstar for his hard work and leadership in bringing this important legislation to the Floor.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: ADA Amendments Act Will Open Doors of Equality For All, June 25, 2008
Eighteen years ago next month, the first President Bush signed into law one of the most consequential pieces of civil rights legislation in recent memory.
» Hoyer: FISA Amendments Act Strikes A Sound Balance, June 20, 2008
» Hoyer Statement on Budget Conference Report, June 05, 2008
This is the first budget adopted in an election year since 2000. And, it is a signal accomplishment of this Congress and a demonstration of our ability to govern effectively.
» Hoyer Statement on the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act, May 21, 2008
Mr. Speaker, I first want to commend Chairman Charlie Rangel and all of the Members of the Ways and Means Committee for their hard work on this very important, far-sighted legislation – the ‘Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act.’
» Hoyer Statement on American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act, May 08, 2008
» Hoyer Statement on Resolution Recognizing 60th Anniversary of Founding of Israel, April 22, 2008
Madam Speaker, it is fitting today that Members on both sides of the aisle join to recognize the founding of our nation’s steadfast friend and ally, the State of Israel; to reconfirm the special bond that exists between our two nations; and to reiterate that the support for Israel in this Congress is bipartisan, overwhelming and stronger than ever.
» Majority Leader Hoyer on Global AIDS Bill: U.S. Must Lead Fight Against this Global Challenge, April 02, 2008
Mr. Speaker, five years ago, the United States made an unprecedented commitment to the people of the world who suffer from HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
» Hoyer Statement on 40th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 01, 2008
Mr. Speaker, forty years ago this Friday, Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered. He was an American prophet. He called us to love justice, to love our brothers and sisters of every color. He spoke the truth. But on April 4, 1968, he was taken from us.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on the FISA Amendments Act, March 14, 2008
Mr. Speaker, let me first say that every single Member of this body wants to enable our intelligence community to detect, disrupt and eliminate terrorists who have no compunction about planning and participating in the mass killings of innocent men, women and children.


Displaying Statements and Speeches 1 to 25 of 241
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-241

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