photo - Mark Vaudin
Dr. Mark D. Vaudin

Phone: (301) 975-5799
Department: Ceramics Division (852)
Agency: NIST
Address: 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8523, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Official email:

Current Research Interest

  • Thin film structure and microstructure
  • Crystallographic texture
  • X-ray diffraction
  • Electron backscatter diffraction

Ongoing Research Activities

  • Grain boundary and interface structure
  • Transmission electron microscopy of grain boundaries and interfaces
  • Scanning electron microscopy
  • Compositional analysis (WDS and EDS)

Biographical Information

  • Education
  • B. Sc. from Bristol University, UK, in Physics (1973)
  • M. Sc. from Bristol University, UK, in the Physics of Materials (1976)
  • Ph. D. from Bristol University, UK, in Physics (1979)
  • Employment History
  • 1980 - 1986: Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Research Associate
  • 1986 - 1988: NBS, Guest Worker
  • 1988 - present, NIST, Physicist

Selected Publications

  • "The Structure of Second and Third Order Twin Boundaries in Silicon." M.D. Vaudin, B. Cunningham and D.G. Ast, Scripta Met. 17, 191-198 (1982).
  • "The Structure of a Near Coincidence [001] Twist Boundary in Silicon." Mark Vaudin and Dieter Ast, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 14, 369-373 (1983).
  • "Faceting of Tilt Boundaries in NiO." M.D. Vaudin, M. Ruhle and S.L. Sass, Acta Met. 31, 1109-1116 (1983).
  • "Analysis of the Structure of Grain Boundaries Normal to the Boundary Plane using Diffraction Techniques." M.D. Vaudin, F. Schmuckle, P.A. Lamarre and S.L. Sass, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 41, 221-226 (1985).
  • "Kinematical Diffraction Analysis of the Diffuse Scattering from Grain Boundaries along the Direction Normal to the Interface." M.D. Vaudin, E. Burkel and S.L. Sass, Phil. Mag. A, 54, 1-19 (1986).
  • "Interface Reactions and Phase Stability in the Al-SiC System", C.A. Handwerker, M.D. Vaudin, U.R. Kattner and D.-J. Lee, Acta Metall./Scripta Metall. Conference Proceedings Series 4 (eds. M. Ruhle, A.G. Evans, M.F. Ashby and J.P. Hirth) 129-137 (1989).
  • "Diffusion-Induced Grain Boundary Migration in Ceramics", M.D. Vaudin, J.E. Blendell and C.A. Handwerker, "Structure and Property Relationships for Interfaces", eds. J.L. Walter, A.H. King and K. Tangri, 329-341 (1991).
  • "Studies of Ceramics Using Back Scatter Diffraction Patterns in the Scanning Electron Microscope", M.D. Vaudin and W.C. Carter, Microbeam Analysis - 1991 (ed. D.G. Howitt), 159 (1991).
  • "Texturing and Dielectric Properties of Laser Deposited BaTiO3 Thin Films Grown on Heated Substrates", M.D. Vaudin, L.P. Cook, W. Wong-Ng, P.K. Schenck, P.S. Brody, B.J. Rod and K.W. Bennet, MRS Symposium Proceedings "Ferroelectric Thin Films", 1992.
  • "Texture Measurements of Sintered Alumina Using the March-Dollase Function", James P. Cline, Mark D. Vaudin, John E. Blendell, Carol A. Handwerker, Rodney Jiggets, Keith J. Bowman and Nicholas Medendorp, Advances in X-ray Analysis 37, 473-478 (1994).
  • "Epitaxial Growth of BaTiO3 Thin Films on (100) Mgo Substrates at 600 °C by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition", D.L. Kaiser, M.D. Vaudin, L.D. Rotter, Z.L. Wang, J.P. Cline, C.S. Hwang, R.B. Marinenko and J.G. Gillen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (21), 2801-2803 (1995).
  • "A System for Measuring Surface Facet Orientation from Atomic Force Microscope Data", J.G. Hagedorn, H.E. Rushmeier, J.E. Blendell and M.D. Vaudin, Proc. Visualization '96, 397-400 (1996).
  • "Influence of the Microstructure of Pt/Si Substrates on Textured Growth of Barium Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition", Cheol Seong Hwang, Mark D. Vaudin and Peter K. Schenck, J. Mater. Res. 13, 368-375 (1988).
  • "A Method for Crystallographic Texture Investigations Using Standard X-ray Equipment", Mark D. Vaudin, Martin W. Rupich, Martha Jowett, G.N. Riley and J. F. Bingert, J. Mater. Res. 13, 10, 2910-2919 (1998).
    See also: JMatRes98
  • "A Comparison of Texture Analysis Techniques for Highly Oriented alpha-Al2O3", M. M. Seabaugh, M. D. Vaudin, J. P. Cline and G. L. Messing, submitted to J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.
    See also: Mattpaper
  • "Determination of Texture Function From Individual Grain Orientation Measurements", John Blendell, Mark Vaudin and Edwin Fuller, Jr., J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 82(11) 1999, 3217-20.
    See also: Maximumlikelihood
  • "Measuring Bimodal Crystallographic Texture in Ferroelectric PbZrxTi1-xO3 thin films", Mark D. Vaudin, Glen R. Fox, to be published in "Ferroelectric Thin Films VIII, MRS Proceedings, 2000.
    See also: BimodalTexture
  • "The Influence of Additives on the Room-Temperature Recrystallization of Electrodeposited Copper", G.R. Stafford, M.D. Vaudin, T.P Moffat, N. Armstrong and D.R. Kelley, Third International Symposium on Electrochemical Technology Applications in Electronics, 196 Meet. Electrochem. Soc., Honolulu, Hawaii, October (1999).
  • "Accurate Texture Measurements on Thin Films Using a Powder X-ray Diffractometer", M.D. Vaudin, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Textures of Materials, edited by J.A. Szpunar (NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999), p. 186-191.
    See also: ICOTOM

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