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The Spatial Standard Observer: A human vision model for display inspection. (2006)
Andrew B. Watson, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, Vol. 37, pp. 1312 - 1315.
A standard model for foveal detection of spatial contrast. (2005)
Andrew B. Watson, & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Journal of Vision, 5(9), 717-740.
Toward a standard observer for spatio-chromatic detection. (2002)
S. Wuerger, Andrew B. Watson, and Albert J. Ahumada Jr., SPIE Proc. Vol. 4662, 159-172.
Masking in color images. (2001)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., William K. Krebs, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI, B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol. 4299, 187-194.
A Standard Observer for spatial vision. (2000)
Andrew B. Watson & Cesar V. Ramirez, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 41(4), S713.
Classification Image Weights and Internal Noise Level Estimation. (2000)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr , Journal of Vision, 2(1), 121-131.
Visual detection of spatial contrast patterns: Evaluation of five simple models (2000)
Andrew B. Watson, Optics Express 6(1), 12-33 (link).
Detection in fixed and random noise in foveal and parafoveal vision explained by template learning. (1999)
Bettina L Beard, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., JOSA A, 16(3), 755-763. HTML
Russian Translation
Nonlinear features in vernier acuity. (1999)
Erhardt Barth, Bettina L Beard, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, eds., Proc. Vol. 3644, pp.88-96, SPIE, San Jose, CA.
Transducer model produces facilitation from opposite-sign flanks (1999)
Joshua A. Solomon, Andrew B. Watson, & M.J. Morgan, Vision Res, 39(5), 987-992.
The search for optimal visual stimuli (1998)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 38, 1619-1621.
Technique to extract relevant image features for visual tasks (1998)
Bettina L Beard & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III SPIE Proceedings, 3299, 79-85.
Spatio-temporal discrimination model predicts temporal masking functions (1998)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Bettina L Beard, & Robert Eriksson, B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III SPIE Proceedings, 3299, 120-127.
A simple vision model for inhomogeneous image quality assessment (1998)
Albert J. Ahumada, Jr. & Bettina L Beard, SID Digest of Technical Papers, 29, Paper # 40.1.
Image discrimination models: Detection in fixed and random noise (1997)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Bettina L Beard, Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose CA, Paper #3016-03.
Image discrimination models predict detection in fixed but not random noise (1997)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Bettina L Beard, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14(9), 2471-2476.
Object detection in natural backgrounds predicted by discrimination performance and models (1997)
Ann Marie Rohaly, Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 37, 3225-3235.
A model of visual contrast gain control and pattern masking (1997)
Andrew B. Watson & Joshua A. Solomon. Journal of the Optical Society A, 14, 2379-2391.
Image quality and entropy masking (1997)
Andrew B. Watson Taylor, M. & Borthwick, R., SPIE Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display VIII, San Jose, CA, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 3016, paper 1.
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Visual signal detection in structured backgrounds. II. Effects of contrast gain control, background variations and white noise. (1997)
Miguel P. Eckstein, Albert J. Ahumada Jr.., & Andrew B. Watson, Journal of the Optical Society A, 14(9), 2406-2419.
What is degrading human detection performance in natural medical image backgrounds? (1997)
Eckstein, Miguel P., Albert J. Ahumada Jr. and Andrew B. Watson, Medical Image Perception, ed. H. Kundel, Proceedings, 3016, 50-64, SPIE, Bellingham, WA.
Object detection in a noisy scene (1996)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Bettina L Beard, in B. Rogowitz and J. Allebach, eds., Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display VII, SPIE Proc, 2657 (paper 23), Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
Simplified vision models for image quality assessment. (1996)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, Vol. 27, pp. 397-400, SID, Santa Ana, CA.
Calibration of a visual system with receptor drop-out (1995)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Kathleen Turano, Exploratory Vision: The Active Eye, pp. 157-168, Springer-Verlag, New York.
The optimal motion stimulus (1995)
Andrew B. Watson & Kathleen Turano, Vision Research, 35(3), 325-336.
Motion-contrast sensitivity: Visibility of motion gradients of various spatial frequencies (1994)
Andrew B. Watson & Michael P. Eckert, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11(2), 496-505.
The visual filter mediating letter identification (1994)
Joshua A. Solomon & Denis G. Pelli, Nature, 369, 395-397.
In search of an Optoretinogram (1994)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Vision Science And Its Applications, Tech.Dig. Series, 2, 167-170.
Nonlinear combination rules and the perception of motion transparency (1993)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Vision Research, 33(3), 2021-2030.
Methods for spatiotemporal dithering (1993)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan, SID Int. Symp. Dig. Tech. Papers, 24, 155-158.
Anisotropy in an ambiguous kinetic depth effect (1992)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 9, 521-529.
Learning receptor positions (1992)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Computational Models of Visual Processing, ed. M. Landy and J. A. Movshon, pp.23-34, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Principled methods for color dithering based on models of the human visual system (1992)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., SID Int. Symp. Dig. Tech. Papers, 23, 194-197.
Transfer of contrast sensitivity in linear visual networks (1992)
Andrew B. Watson, Visual Neuroscience, 8, 65-76.
Network compensation for missing sensors (1991)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Jeffrey B. Mulligan , SPIE Proceedings, 1453, 134-146.
Visual sensitivity to spatially sampled modulation in human observers (1991)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & D.I.A. MacLeod, Vision Res., 31, 895-905.
Algotecture of visual cortex (1990)
Andrew B. Watson, in C. B. Blakemore (Ed.), Vision: Coding and efficiency (pp. 391-410). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gain, noise, and contrast sensitivity of linear visual neurons (1990)
Andrew B. Watson, Visual Neuroscience, 4, 147-157.
Learning receptor positions from imperfectly known motions,
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Jeffrey B. Mulligan, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display, ed B.E. Rogowitz and J. Allebach, Proc. Vol. 1249, 124-134, SPIE, Bellingham, WA.

Optimal displacement in apparent motion and quadrature models of motion sensing (1990)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 30(9), 1389-1393.
The method of constant stimuli is inefficient (1990)
Andrew B. Watson & Fitzhugh, A., Perception & Psychophysics, 47(1), 87-91.
A hexagonal orthogonal-oriented pyramid as a model of image representation in visual cortex (1989)
Andrew B. Watson & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 36(1), 97-106.
Learning by assertion: Two methods for calibrating a linear visual system (1989)
Larry T. Maloney, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Neural Computation 1, 392-401.

Learning in Interpolation Networks for Irregular Sampling: Some Convergence Properties (1989)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., and Jeffrey B. Mulligan, Applied Vision: Optical Society of America Technical Digest Series, vol. 16, pp. 24-27.

Reconstructing irregularly sampled images by neural networks (1989)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., John I. Yellott, Jr. , Conference on Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display, ed B. E. Rogowitz, Proc. Vol. 1077, pp. 228-235, SPIE, Bellingham, WA.
Recursive, in-place algorithm for the hexagonal orthogonal oriented quadrature image pyramid (1989)
Andrew B. Watson, Proceedings of the SPIE, 1099, 194-200.
Reciprocity between luminance and dot density in the perception of brightness (1988)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & D.I.A. MacLeod, Vision Res., 28, 503-519.
Simulation of Early Visual Processes (1988)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., and Andrew B. Watson , Proceedings Summer Computer Simulation Conference, ed. C. C. Barnett and W. M. Holmes, pp. 411-415, Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, California.

Cone Sampling Array Models (1987)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., and Poirson, A. , JOSA A 4, 1493-1502.

The cortex transform: Rapid computation of simulated neural images (1987)
Andrew B. Watson, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 39(3), 311-327.
Efficiency of an image code based on human vision (1987)
Andrew B. Watson, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 4(12), 2401-2417.
An orthogonal oriented quadrature hexagonal image pyramid (1987)
Andrew B. Watson & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., NASA Technical Memorandum 100054.
Estimation of local spatial scale (1987)
Andrew B. Watson, Journal of the Optical Society A, 4, 1579-1582.
Simulated Annealing in Networks for Computing Possible Arrangements for Red and Green Cones (1987)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks, eds. M. Caudill and C. Butler, , Vol. IV, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, New Jersey, 107-114.
Putting the noise of the visual system back in the picture (1987)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., JOSA A 4, 2372-237.

Window of visibility: Psychophysical theory of fidelity in time-sampled visual motion displays (1986)
Andrew B. Watson , Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Farrell, J., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 3(3), 300-307.
Temporal sensitivity (1986)
Andrew B. Watson, in K. Boff, L. Kaufman, & J. Thomas (Ed.), Handbook of Perception and Human Performance New York: Wiley.
Application of a computable model of human spatial vision to phase discrimination (1985)
Kenneth R. K. Nielsen, Andrew B. Watson, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., JOSA A 2, 1600-1606.

Equivalent noise model for contrast detection and discrimination (1985)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Jr., Andrew B. Watson, JOSA A, 2, 1133-1139.

Model of human visual-motion sensing (1985)
Andrew B. Watson & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2(2), 322-342.
A look at motion in the frequency domain (1983)
Andrew B. Watson & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., NASA Technical Memorandum 84352. Also published in J. K. Tsotsos (Ed.), Motion: Perception and representation (pp. 1-10). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
What does the eye see best? (1983)
Andrew B. Watson, Horace B. Barlow, & John G. Robson, Nature, 302(5907), 419-422.
Detection and recognition of simple spatial forms (1983)
Andrew B. Watson, NASA Technical Memorandum 84353. Also published in O. J. Braddick, & A. C. Sleigh (Ed.), Physical and biological processing of images Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Spatio-temporal interactions in cat retinal ganglion cells showing linear spatial summation (1983)
Christina Enroth-Cugell, J. G. Robson, D.E Schweitzer-Tong & Andrew B. Watson, Journal of Physiology (London), 341, 279-307.
QUEST: A Bayesian adaptive psychometric method (1983)
Andrew B. Watson & Denis G. Pelli, Perception and Psychophysics, 33(2), 113-120.
Summation of grating patches indicates many types of detector at one retinal location (1982)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 22, 17-25 .
Derivation of the impulse response: Comments on the method of Roufs and Blommaert (1982)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 22, 1335-1337.
Discrimination at threshold: Labelled detectors in human vision (1981)
Andrew B. Watson & John G. Robson, Vision Research, 21, 1115-1122.
A single channel model does not predict the visibility of asynchronous gratings (1981)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 21, 1799-1800.
Summation and discrimination of gratings moving in opposite directions (1980)
Andrew B. Watson, Peter G. Thompson, Brian J. Murphy & Jacob Nachmias, Vision Research, 20, 341-347.
Summation of asynchronous gratings (1980)
Andrew B. Watson & Jacob Nachmias, Vision Research, 20, 91-94.
Probability summation over time (1979)
Andrew B. Watson, Vision Research, 19, 515-522.
Patterns of temporal interaction in the detection of gratings (1977)
Andrew B. Watson & Jacob Nachmias, Vision Research, 17, 893-902.

JPEG2000 Encoding with Perceptual Distortion Control. (2006)
Zhen Liu, Lina J. Karam, & Andrew B. Watson, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(7), 1763-1778.
Video quality measures based on the standard spatial observer (2002)
Andrew B. Watson, J Malo, 2002 International Conference on Image Processing. Proceedings. Volume 3,  24-28 June 2002 Page(s):III-41 - III-44 vol.3
Application of M-JPEG compression hardware to dynamic stimulus production (1998)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan, Spatial Vision, 11, 19-32.
Application of temporal error diffusion to motion JPEG (1997)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan,Proc. SPIE, 3016, 288-295.
Image data compression having minimum of perceptual error (1997)
Andrew B. Watson,US Patent Number: 5,629,780.
DCTune perceptual optimization of compressed dental X-Rays (1997)
Andrew B. WatsonProceedings, Medical Imaging, Newport Beach, CA, SPIE.
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Visibility of wavelet quantization noise (1997)
Andrew B. Watson, Gloria Y. Yang, Joshua A Solomon, & John Villasenor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6, 1164-1175.
Perceptual adaptive JPEG coding (1996)
Ruth Rosenholtz & Andrew B. Watson Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1, 901-904.
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Visual thresholds for wavelet quantization error (1996)
Andrew B. Watson, Gloria Y. Yang, Joshua A Solomon, & John Villasenor in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, B. Rogowitz & J. Allebach, Ed. Proceedings of the SPIE, 2657, 382-392.
Quality assessment of coded images using numerical category scaling (1995)
A.M. van Dijk, J.B. Martens, & Andrew B. Watson, SPIE Proceedings, 2451, 90-101.
Image data compression having minimum perceptual error (1995)
Andrew B. Watson, US Patent 5,426,512.
A fast DCT block smoothing algorithm (1995)
Rensheng Horng & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Visual Communication and Image Processing Annual Meeting Proceedings, ed. Lance T. Wu, SPIE, 2501, Paper 5.
Smoothing DCT compression artifacts (1994)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Rensheng Horng, SID Digest, ed. J. Morreale, 25, 708-711.
De-blocking DCT compressed images (1994)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Rensheng Horng, B. Rogowitz and J. Allebach, eds., Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display V, SPIE Proc., 2179, pp. 109-116.
Perceptual optimization of DCT color quantization matrices (1994)
Andrew B. Watson, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, TX, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 100-104.
Visibility of DCT basis functions: Effects of display resolution (1994)
Andrew B. Watson, Joshua A. Solomon & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Proceedings, Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 371-379.
Visibility of DCT basis functions: Effects of contrast masking (1994)
Joshua A. Solomon , Andrew B. Watson & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Proceedings, Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 361-370.
DCT basis function visibility: Effects of viewing distances and contrast masking (1994)
Andrew B. Watson & Joshua A. Solomon, Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV, Bellingham, WA, SPIE, pp. 99-108.
Visibility of DCT quantization noise: Effects of display resolution (1994)
Andrew B. Watson , Alan P. Gale, Joshua A. Solomon & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Proceedings, Society for Information Display, San Jose, CA, Society for Information Display, pp. 697-700.
The visibility of DCT quantization noise (1993)
Heidi A. Peterson, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., & Andrew B. Watson , Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, 24, pp. 942-945.
Image compression using the Discrete Cosine Transform (1993)
Andrew B. Watson, The Mathematica Journal, 4(1), 81-88.
Mathematica document
DCTune: A Technique for visual optimization of DCT quantization matrices for individual images (1993)
Andrew B. Watson, Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers XXIV, 946-949.
Visual optimization of DCT quantization matrices for individual images (1993)
Andrew B. Watson, Proceedings, AIAA Computing in Aerospace 9, San Diego, CA, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 286-291.
DCT quantization matrices visually optimized for individual images (1993)
Andrew B. Watson, Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV, Bellingham, WA, SPIE, pp. 202-216.
An improved detection model for DCT coefficient quantization (1993)
Heidi A. Peterson, Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Andrew B. Watson, SPIE Proceedings, ed. B. Rogowitz and J. Allebach, 1913, 191-201.
Visually optimal DCT quantization matrices for individual images (1993)
Andrew B. Watson, Data Compression Conference, 1993. DCC '93. 30 March-2 April 1993 Page(s):178 – 187
Color motion video coded by perceptual components (1992)
Andrew B. Watson & Carlo Tiana, Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, 23, 314-317.
Luminance-model-based DCT quantization for color image compression (1992)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr. & Heidi A. Peterson, SPIE Proceedings, 1666, 365-374.
Separability of spatiotemporal spectra of image sequences (1992)
M.P Eckert, G. Buchsbaum, A.B. Watson, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume 14,  Issue 12,  Dec. 1992 Page(s):1210 – 1213.

Measurement of visual impairment scales for digital video (2001)
Andrew B. Watson, & Lindsay Kreslake, Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IX, San Jose, CA, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 4299.
Digital video quality metric based on human vision (2001)
Andrew B. Watson, Hu, J., & McGowan, J. F., III. , Journal of Electronic Imaging, 10(1), 20-29.
Detection of Distortion in Small Moving Images Compared to the Predictions of Spatio-Temporal Model (2000)
Kjell Brunnström, Bo M. Schenkman, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, eds. B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, Proc. Vol. 3959, paper 18, SPIE, San Jose, CA.
Design and performance of a digital video quality metric (1999)
Andrew B. Watson, Hu, J., III, J. F. M. & Jeffrey B. Mulligan, Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IX, San Jose, CA, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 3644, pp. 168-174.
Spatio-temporal discrimination model predicting IR target detection (1999)
Kjell Brunnström, Robert Eriksson, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, ed. B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, Proc. Vol. 3644, pp. 403-410, SPIE, San Jose, CA.
A simple vision model for inhomogeneous image quality assessment (1998)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Bettina L Beard, SID Digest of Technical Papers, ed. J. Morreale, vol. 29, Paper 40.1, Santa Ana, CA.
Toward a perceptual video quality metric (1998)
Andrew B. Watson, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, 3299,139-147. Bellingham, WA: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentaion Engineers.
Recovery of motion parameters from distortions in scanned images (1997)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Image Registration Workshop.
Image processing for improved eye tracking accuracy (1997)<>
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Behavior Research Methods, Instrumentation And Computers, (in press)
When are supercomputers worth the bother? (1996)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Behavior Research Methods, Instrumentation And Computers, 28, 239-240.
A comparison of image quality models and metrics predicting object detection (1995)
Ann Marie Rohaly, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., & Andrew B. Watson, in J. Morreale (Ed.), SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (pp. 45-48). Santa Ana, CA: Society for Information Display.
Enhancing displays by blurring (1994)
Carlo Tiana, Misha Pavel & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., in J. Morreale (Ed.), Society for Information Display International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 25, 118-121. Santa Ana, CA.
Computational image quality metrics: A review (1993)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Society for Information Display International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, ed. J. Morreale, 24, 305-308. Santa Ana, CA.
Improving digital halftones by exploiting visual system properties (1993)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , in A. Singh (Ed.), Conference Record, 27TH Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems And Computers, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 961-965.
Color Matrix Display Simulation Based Upon Luminance and Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity of Early Vision (1992)
Martin, R.A., Albert J. Ahumada Jr., and Larimer, J.O., Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display III, ed. B. E. Rogowitz, Proceedings Volume 1666, pp. 336-342, SPIE, Bellingham, WA.

Enhanced/ synthetic vision systems: Human factors research and implications for future systems (1992)
David C. Foyle, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., James Larimer, Barbara T. Sweet, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace 101, 1734-1741.

Principled halftoning based on human vision models (1992)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Proc. SPIE/SPSE Conference 1666 On Human Vision, Visual Processing, And Visual Display III, 109-121.
Principled Methods for Color Dithering Based on Models of the Human Visual System (1992)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan and Albert J. Ahumada Jr., SID Digest of Technical Papers, ed. J. Morreale, pp. 194-197, SID, Playa del Rey, CA.

Sensor Fusion for Synthetic Vision (1992)
Pavel, M., J. Larimer, and Albert J. Ahumada Jr, Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, ed. J. Morreale, pp. 475 - 478, Society of Information Display, Playa Del Rey, CA.

Sensor Fusion for Synthetic Vision (1991)
Pavel, M., Larimer, J., and Albert J. Ahumada Jr., AIAA Computing in Aerospace 8: A Collection of Technical Papers, vol. CP9110-1, pp. 164-173, AIAA, Washington, DC.

Perceptual-components architecture for digital video (1990)
Andrew B. Watson, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 7(10), 1943-1954.
Digital halftoning methods for selectively partitioning error into achromatic and chromatic channels (1990)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan , Proc. SPIE/SPSE Conference No. 1249 On Human Vision, Visual Processing and Visual Display, Paper No. 21, Feb 1990.
Halftoning method for the generation of motion stimuli (1989)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & Lee S. Stone, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 9, 1217-1227.
Separable two-dimensional discrete Hartley transform (1986)
Andrew B. Watson , & Poirson, A., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 3(12), 2001-2004.
Ideal shrinking and expansion of discrete sequences (1986)
Andrew B. Watson, NASA Technical Memorandum 88202.
Use of a raster framebuffer in vision research (1986)
Andrew B. Watson, K. R. Nielsen, A.Poirson, A. Fitzhugh, A. Bilson, K. Ngugen, Albert J. Ahumada Jr., Behavioral Research Methods, Instrumentation and Computers 18, 587-594.

Reduction of Display Artifacts by Random Sampling (1983)
Albert J. Ahumada Jr, Nagel, D.C., Andrew B. Watson, and Yellott, Jr., J.I., Proceedings of the SPIE 432, 216-221.

Symbol discriminability models for improved flight displays (2006)
Albert J. Ahumada, Maite Trujillo San-Martin, Jennifer Gille , Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XI, B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, eds., SPIE Proc. 6057, Paper 30.
Using vision modeling to define occupational vision standards (2003)
Bettina L Beard, Talissa A. Frank, Albert J. Ahumada, Jr, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (October 15, Denver, CO).
Contrast measures for predicting text readability(2003)
Lauren F.V. Scharff, A. J. Ahumada, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, eds., SPIE Proc. 5007, 463-472.
A simple tool for predicting the readability of a monitor (2002)
W. K. Krebs, J. Xing, A. J. Ahumada, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, (September, Baltimore MD) 1659-1663.
Predicting the Readability of Transparent Text (2002)
Lauren F.V. Scharff, Albert J. Ahumada, Jr., JOV 2(1), 121-131.
Air traffic control weather radar displays: Validation of a masking metric for prediction of text block identification (2001)
W. K. Krebs, A. J. Ahumada, Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October 2001, Minneapolis MN.
Discriminability measures for predicting readability of text on textured backgrounds (2000)
Lauren V. Scharff, Alyson Hill, and Albert J. Ahumada, Optics Express, 6(4), 81-90.
Discriminability measures for predicting readability (1999)
Lauren F. V. Scharff, Albert J. Ahumada, Jr., Alyson L. Hill , Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, B.E. Rogowitz and T.N. Pappas, eds., Proc. Vol. 3644, pp. 270-277, SPIE, San Jose, CA
Psychophysica: Mathematica notebooks for psychophysical experiments (1996)
Andrew B. Watson & Joshua A. Solomon, Spatial Vision, 10, 447-466.
Eye-movement tracking using compressed video images (1995)
Jeffrey B. Mulligan & Brent Beutter, Vision Science And Its Applications, Optical Society Technical Digest Series, 1, 163-166.
Image quality: A multidimensional problem. (1993)
Albert J. Ahumada, Jr., Cynthia E. Null, Digital Images and Human Vision, pp. 141-148, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Modelling character legibility (1989)
Andrew B. Watson & Andrew E. Fitzhugh, Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, 20, 360-363.

FirstGov logo + NASA Privacy, Security, Notices NASA Curator: Stephen Hays
NASA Official: Andrew B. Watson
Last Updated: 09/15/2005