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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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  • American Indian Physicians Association
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    AHRQ is a government agency whose mission includes both translating research findings into better patient care and providing policymakers and other health care leaders with information needed to make critical health care decisions. AHRQ also publishes an electronic newsletter.
  • Commonwealth Fund, The
    A private foundation that supports independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy.
  • Health Care Program Information
  • Health Disparities Collaboratives
    A national program designed to improve health outcomes for medically underserved populations.
  • Health Disparities in American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • - Prevention
    Americans say they generally know what will make them healthier, but they are confused about what specific information is credible and accurate. will be that source of credible, accurate information to help Americans choose to live healthier lives. Great link to other resources and information.
  • Improving Chronic Illness Care
    A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program whose mission is to improve care for the chronically ill through quality improvement and research.
  • Indian Health Service Telemedicine and Telehealth Projects - Resources
    The Indian Health Service is moving rapidly in deploying state-of-the-art technology to bring primary care and specialty medicine to remote locations to reduce geographic barriers between remote, smaller communities and health care providers.
  • Indigenous Women's Health Book, Within the Sacred Circle
    A book written by Native women encouraging women to become active participants in their own health care. This web site from the Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center also provides information on reproductive rights, college internships, etc.
  • Kaiser Family Foundation
    A quick reference on racial/ethnic disparities in health, health insurance coverage, and health care access and quality.
  • National Health Care Disparities Report
    Quality of and access to care from AHRQ.
  • The Providers Guide to Quality and Culture
    Designed to assist health care organizations provide high quality, culturally competent services to multi-ethnic populations.
  • Public health Infrastructure Resource Center
    This searchable site is a gateway to information about the infrastructure of public health systems that protect the public's health.
  • Quality Health Care
    A global knowledge environment created to help health care professionals around the world accelerate their progress toward unprecedented levels of performance and improvement.
  • Quality of Care for Underserved Populations
    Policy and research recommendations and an annotated bibliography developed by Physicians for Human Rights.
  • Texas Department of Health
  • Webcast of the release of the Institute of Medicine's "Unequal Treatment, One Year Later: Addressing Healthcare Disparities and Health Communications Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities." The webcast can be viewed at
  • Urban Indian Health Program


    This file last modified: Monday August 25, 2008  4:51 PM