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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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  • Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
    A diabetes prevention program from Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.
  • Bibliography of Publications for the IHS Diabetes Program
    A list of relevant publications compiled by the IHS Diabetes Program.
  • Diabetes Prevention Center
    Information about the effectiveness of exercise, diet and medication in preventing diabetes.
  • Health Disparities in American Indians and Alaska Natives
    Facts about the epidemic of diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives and disparities in complications and resources.
  • - Nutrition
    Americans say they generally know what will make them healthier, but they are confused about what specific information is credible and accurate. will be that source of credible, accurate information to help Americans choose to live healthier lives. Great link to other resources and information.
  • Improving Chronic Illness Care
    A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program whose mission is to improve care for the chronically ill (including diabetics) through quality improvement and research.
  • Indian Health Service Diabetes Educational Resources
    Pamphlets, books, videotapes, slides and audiotapes available from the Indian Health Service Diabetes Program
  • Indian Health Service National Diabetes Program
    Web site of the Indian Health Service National Diabetes Program. Includes links to national and area diabetes consultants, model diabetes programs, grant application information, nutrition resources, etc.
  • Indian Health Standards of Care
    Indian Health Service Standards of Care for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.
  • Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in American Indians/Alaska Natives
    Powerpoint slides from the Indian Health Service Diabetes Program comparing the prevalence of Diabetes in American Indians/Alaska Natives compared to other racial/ethnic groups.   ::  PDF icon  (1,263 KB)
  • Resources For Diabetes Education
    A list of patient and provider educational materials available from the Indian Health Service Diabetes program, such as "How to Have a Healthy Heart", "Taking Care of Your Kidneys", "Feelings and Diabetes", etc.   ::  PDF icon  (81 KB) (new link)
  • School Health Index (SHI)
    A self assessment and planning tool that helps you evaluate your school's health promotion activities, develop a plan for improving student health, and involve students, teachers, parents and community in the process.


    This file last modified: Monday August 25, 2008  4:51 PM