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Amethysphaerion Martins & Monné, 1975

Species examined.--A. eximium Martins & Napp, 1992 (holotype); A. guarani Martins & Napp, 1992 (holotype); A. nigripes Martins & Monné, 1975 (holotype); A. submetallicum (holotype).

Diagnosis.--Key characters: Extremely large, protuberant, coarsely-faceted eyes (Fig.39b); prosternal process between procoxae slightly expanded apically (Fig. 18); pronotum with impunctate regions; femoral carinae absent; procoxal cavities closed laterally (Fig. 24); femoral apices rounded (Fig. 26); procoxal cavities open posteriorly (Fig. 18); pronotal disc without sculpturing; tibial carinae present (Fig. 22); metafemora gradually enlarged or linear; spine on antennomere three acute (Fig. 45b); antennomere three about two-thirds length of pronotum (Fig. 46b); lateral projections from mesosternum into mesocoxae apparently absent (Fig. 20); body shiny, glabrous, brightly colored in part; sparsely or completely impunctate; antennae distinctly carinate (Fig. 45b). Length: 9-13 mm.

Distribution and Diversity.--Bolivia, Southern Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Trinidad. Seven species.

Discussion.--All seven species of this genus, which strongly resembles Psyrassa, are apparently rare. The four species I have seen were represented by only five specimens. Until more specimens can be obtained to allow for disarticulation, its affinities are not certain. Martins & Napp (1992) provided a key to species, but failed to give any diagnosis or descriptive characters for the genus.

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