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Last Modified: 12/1/1998  
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Phase II/III Randomized Study of Monoclonal Antibody HuM195 As Maintenance Therapy in Elderly Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Complete Remission Following Chemotherapy (Summary Last Modified 12/98)

Alternate Title
Basic Trial Information
Entry Criteria
Expected Enrollment
Trial Contact Information

Alternate Title

Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in Treating Older Patients With Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Following Chemotherapy

Basic Trial Information

Protocol IDs

Phase III, Phase II



60 and over

Pharmaceutical / Industry

MSKCC-93131, NCI-V94-0469


I.  Evaluate the safety of and tolerance to maintenance therapy with anti-CD33
humanized murine monoclonal antibody M195 (HuM195) vs. no treatment in elderly
patients with recently diagnosed or previously untreated acute myelogenous
leukemia in complete clinical remission after a standardized chemotherapeutic
regimen and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.

II.  Assess disease-free and overall survival in these patients.

Entry Criteria

Disease Characteristics:

Newly diagnosed or previously untreated acute myelogenous leukemia of any FAB
subtype other than M3
  Morphologic and histologic confirmation of diagnosis required

No history of an antecedent hematologic disorder, i.e., myelodysplastic
syndrome (MDS) for more than 3 months
  Patients entered for Induction whose cytogenetic analysis later suggests
  prior existence of MDS are not randomized for further protocol therapy

No leukemia secondary to prior chemotherapy or radiotherapy

Prior/Concurrent Therapy:

No prior therapy

Patient Characteristics:

  60 and over

Performance status:
  Karnofsky 20-100%

  Bilirubin less than 2.0 mg/dL (unless related to AML)

  Creatinine less than 2.0 mg/dL (unless related to AML)

  Left ventricular ejection fraction normal
  No active ischemia on EKG
  No significant cardiovascular disease, e.g.:
     No myocardial infarction within 6 months
     No congestive heart failure
     No arrhythmia
     No angina pectoris
     No uncontrolled hypertension

  No pulmonary dysfunction

  No central or peripheral nervous system impairment
  No uncontrolled or unstable diabetes
  No HIV antibody
  No serious infection uncontrolled by antibiotics
  No active second malignancy
  Effective contraception required in fertile patients during and for 3 months
     after treatment

Expected Enrollment

112 patients will be randomized for maintenance.  An accrual rate of 75 
patients/year is anticipated.


Patients in clinical CR following sequential treatment on Induction 1 and 
Induction 2 are randomized for Maintenance therapy on Arms I and II.

The following acronyms are used:
  ARA-C    Cytarabine, NSC-63878
  DHAD     Mitoxantrone, NSC-301739
  G-CSF    Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Amgen), NSC-614629
  IDA      Idarubicin, NSC-256439
  HuM195   Recombinant anti-CD33 humanized murine monoclonal antibody M195
  VP-16    Etoposide, NSC-141540

Induction 1:  2-Drug Combination Chemotherapy with Hematologic Toxicity 
Attenuation.  ARA-C; IDA or DHAD or daunorubicin; with G-CSF.

Induction 2:  3-Drug Combination Chemotherapy with Hematologic Toxicity 
Attenuation.  DHAD or IDA or daunorubicin; VP-16 (+/-); ARA-C; with G-CSF.


Arm I:  Monoclonal Antibody Therapy.  HuM195.

Arm II:  Observation.

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations

Protein Design Labs, Incorporated

Eric Feldman, MD, Protocol chair
Ph: 914-594-4400

Note: The purpose of most clinical trials listed in this database is to test new cancer treatments, or new methods of diagnosing, screening, or preventing cancer. Because all potentially harmful side effects are not known before a trial is conducted, dose and schedule modifications may be required for participants if they develop side effects from the treatment or test. The therapy or test described in this clinical trial is intended for use by clinical oncologists in carefully structured settings, and may not prove to be more effective than standard treatment. A responsible investigator associated with this clinical trial should be consulted before using this protocol.

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