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Minipsyrassa Martins, 1974

Species examined.--M. bicolor Martins, 1974 (holotype); M. guanabarina Martins & Napp, 1992.

Diagnosis.--Key characters: Ommatidial size coarse (Fig. 39b); prosternal process expanded apically (Fig. 18); mesal antennal spines present (Figs. 8b, 9b); pronotal impunctate regions present; pronotum without longitudinal rugosities or large, evenly-sized confluent punctures; femoral carinae absent; procoxal cavities closed laterally (Fig. 24); femoral apices rounded (Fig. 26); elytra not metallic and without dense pubescence; posterior procoxal cavities open (Fig. 18); transverse ridges on pronotal disc absent; mesotibial carinae absent; shape of spine on antennomere three blunt (Fig. 28); femora clavate (Fig. 37b); elytral apices truncate to slightly spinose laterally; antennae spinose mesally on antennomeres 3 or 3-4 only; pronotum with constrictions anteriorly and posteriorly; elytra bicolored in most specimens, without pale maculations. Length: 4-6 mm.

Distribution and Diversity.--Southeastern Brazil, Bolivia. Two species.

Discussion.--No specimens were available for dissection, disarticulation, and inclusion in the phylogenetic analysis. Based on the characters from specimens examined, it probably is a very close relative, if not congeneric with, Centrocerum.

Minipsyrassa differs from Centrocerum in having anterior and posterior constrictions of the pronotum with the widest portion medially (Centrocerum has no anterior pronotal constriction and is widest antemedially). Minipsyrassa does not have spination beyond the fourth antennomere (Centrocerum has at least 3-5 spinose). Minipsyrassa does not have pale maculations on the elytra, although they are bicolored in most specimens (Centrocerum has pale elytral maculations.) Minipsyrassa differs from Micropsyrassa in having clavate femora (clavate and pedunculate in Micropsyrassa).

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