Netscape Users

This lesson was designed to work within the Netscape web browser like it would in a PowerPoint presentation, with keyboard shortcuts. However, it appears to work only sporadically in Netscape. If you wish to use the following shortcut commands to view the lesson, it would be best to use the Internet Explorer browser if you can:

Move FORWARD one slide in the lesson: N, Enter, or Spacebar
Move BACK one slide in the lesson: P
Move BACK to lesson after following a hyperlink:

To view this lesson full screen within Netscape 7.0: F11 (toggles full screen on/off)

To view this lesson full screen within Netscape 4.7 or 6.2:

» Maximize the window by clicking the middle icon in the top right corner of the screen.
» From the Menu Bar click View, Show, and uncheck each of the following:

» Navigation Toolbar
» Location Toolbar
» Personal Toolbar

» To restore the toolbars after viewing the lesson, reverse the above procedure by checking each toolbar using the same View, Show menu commands.

For more information, see the Instructor's Guide.



F11 - full screen ON/OFF