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Oregon Employment Department
Advisory Council Bylaws
Article One Article Seven
Article Two Article Eight
Article Three
Article Four
Article Five
Article Six
Article One
Citizen participation in the development of policies and programs contributes to the effectiveness of the Oregon Employment Department. An advisory council brings citizen talent and interest into the affairs of the Department, keeps the agency innovative and responsive, and works to improve the performance of the Department. Representation of employers, employees and the public contributes to common understanding and acceptance of Oregon Employment Department programs.
The mission of the advisory council is:
  1. To advise the Director in developing or revising program policies and insure impartiality and fairness in the implementation of those policies;
  2. To promote adequate administrative funding and wide use of agency programs;
  3. To assist the Director in developing strategies for the solution of workforce problems within the state;
  4. To assist the Director in developing a legislative agenda and gaining approval by the Legislature;
  5. To promote greater understanding and acceptance of Employment Department programs by the public; and
  6. To promote cooperation with other state agencies and organizations concerned with workforce problems.

Article Two
The Advisory Council shall be composed of six women and men representing equal numbers of employers and employees; and, one member of the public for a total of seven members. The Director of the Employment Department, in consultation with the Chairperson and the Council, shall nominate individuals for consideration for appointment by the Governor. In proposing nominees, the Director shall strive, as much as possible, to assure a balance of representation based on gender and racial or ethnic diversity.
Members are appointed by the Governor for a term of two years as provided in ORS 657.695. Members are entitled to compensation and expenses as provided in ORS 292.495.
The Director of the Employment Department serves as an ex-officio member of the Advisory Council.

Article Three
The Advisory Council shall have two regular meetings annually; these meetings will be “face-to-face”. Special meetings will be scheduled at the “call of the chair”; special meetings may be held telephonically.
Regular teleconferences will be held during the Legislative Session. They will be held at least monthly and more frequently if needed.
Regular attendance at meetings is expected of each council member. A member shall notify the Chairperson or the Council Liaison at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting if the member is unable to attend.
If regular attendance becomes difficult for a member, they may be asked to reconsider their appointment.

Article Four
A Chairperson of the Advisory Council shall be elected annually by a simple majority vote of a quorum of the Council at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the new year. The Chairperson shall have authority to call meetings and to set meeting agendas in consultation with the Director. The Chairperson shall perform other duties as prescribed, from time to time, by the Council.
New offices may be created and filled at any meeting of the Advisory Council. Each officer shall hold office until a successor has been duly elected or appointed. Any officer may be removed by the Council whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Council would be served thereby. A vacancy in any office may be filled by the Advisory Council for the unexpired portion of the term.

Article Five
The authority of the Advisory Council is granted by law to the Council as a whole, not to individual members and shall be exercised only in open meetings. Members will not let personal feelings toward other board members, or agency staff, affect their decisions. Members shall not become involved in the daily administrative functions of agency staff.
Consensus on issues should be reached whenever possible; balloting upon courses of action should be avoided. Every effort shall be made to have full discussion of issues and to reach a group decision. Instances may arise when the Council wishes to vote on the specific action to be recommended to the Director. The Director may request the Chairperson to take a vote of the Council on an issue. The minutes shall record, as accurately as possible, the divergent views of Council members on an issue. The Director is not bound by the recommendations of the Council but the Director shall in all cases report to the Council the actions taken on matters discussed with the Council and shall give reasons when the Council’s advice is not followed.

Article Six
Committees may be appointed by the Chairperson to consider, report upon and recommend action with regard to specific issues or take action as authorized by the full Council. Committees may be temporary to deal with short-term matters or may be in the nature of standing committees with continuing responsibility for subject matter. In consultation with the Director, agency staff may be appointed to participate on committees.

Article Seven
Council Liaison
The Director shall appoint a Council Liaison to the Advisory Council who shall be an employee of the Employment Department. The Council Liaison shall be responsible for providing meeting notices and informational material to Advisory Council members, arranging for meeting rooms, preparing minutes of each meeting of the Council, compensation and reimbursement of expenses to Council members, maintaining an historical record of the Advisory Council and perform such other tasks as directed by the Director in consultation with the Chairperson.
At the direction of the Director, the Council Liaison shall interact with the Governor’s office on appointment and reappointment of Council members.

Article Eight
Amendment to bylaws
These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the Council members present at any regular meeting or special meeting.

Page updated: May 06, 2008

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