NSLS-II Proposal for Approval of Conceptual Design (CD-0)

CD0 cover This proposal is to construct and then operate a new National Synchrotron Light Source, NSLS-II, at Brookhaven National Laboratory. NSLS-II will be an advanced, highly optimized, third generation, medium energy storage ring with full energy injection for top-off mode operation. NSLS-II will replace the current NSLS facility, which is presently 22 years old and will be 30 years old when we propose NSLS-II to become operational. The X-ray brightness and flux of NSLS-II will be world leading, exceeding that of any other synchrotron light source currently existing or under construction. It will be 10,000 times brighter and have 10 times higher flux than the present NSLS. NSLS-II will meet the nation’s need for a high brightness medium energy X-ray source. It will enable structural studies of the smallest crystals in structural biology and provide a wide range of nanometer resolution probes for nanoscience. It will make possible coherent beam scattering studies of the dynamics of condensed matter systems in an otherwise inaccessible regime of low frequencies and short length scales. It will introduce new methods for imaging the structure of disordered materials and of biological systems, and greatly increase the applicability of inelastic X-ray scattering.

NSLS-II will be situated in close proximity to the present NSLS building and the new BNL Center for Functional Nanomaterials, forming a research cluster for materials science, condensed matter, biology, and chemistry. NSLS-II will serve the cutting edge science of the nation, and will have a particularly dramatic impact as a vital resource for the strong academic and industrial research community of the Northeast United States.

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
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