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Aluminum Products
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Energy Consumption
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Energy Consumption
Energy Consumption by Fuel | Fuel Consumption by End Use |
Energy Consumption by Sector | Energy Expenditures | Energy Intensity

The production of primary aluminum relies on an electrolytic process and is electricity-intensive. According to the most recent Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), the U.S. aluminum industry consumed about 1 quadrillion Btu of energy in 1998 including losses associated with the generation and transmition of electricity at utilities. This amount represents slightly more than 1% of domestic energy use and 3.3% of all U.S. manufacturing energy use. According to a study sponsored by DOE, the total energy consumption associated with the production of molten primary aluminum in 1995 was 522 trillion Btu. [DOE 1997]

Aluminum Total Energy Consumption (NAICS 331312)
(Trillion Btu)

Year Total Energy Consumption*
(including electricity losses)
Total Energy Consumption
(no losses)
1985 685 248
1988 727 258
1991 774 297
1994 621 241
1998 660   254**

Source: MECS 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994 and 1998

* Includes electricity losses incurred during the distribution, generation, and transmission of electricity
** NAICS 331312 only

Energy Consumption by Fuel
Nearly 76% of the aluminum industry's energy comes from electricity (including losses)

Fuel Consumption by End Use
The vast majority of the energy is consumed during the electrolytic reduction of
alumina (AI2O3 to aluminum)

Energy Consumption by Sector
Nearly two-thirds of all energy consumed by the industry is for primary aluminum production

Energy Expenditures
One-third of the average cost of aluminum is for the energy required to make it

Energy Intensity
Energy intensity measures the energy consumed per dollar of products shipped

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